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Leise Section 4

Political Parties

American Independent Party Political party that nominated George C. Wallace. After the election, continued as a CA statewide party.
Bull Moose Party Progressive party formed by Thoedore Roosevelt.
Caucus An alternative to a state primary in which party followers meet, often for many hours, to select party candidates.
Civil Service Employment in Feederal, state, or provincial legal government agencies.
Coalition Is an alliance among individuals, during ehich they cooperate in joint action, each in his own self-interest.
Congressional Campaign Committee Helps members who are running for Congressional reelection or would-be members running for an open seat or challlenging a candidate from thhe opposition party.
Critical Elections Elections in which political alignments change fundamentally.
Direct Primary A proposal originated by progressive reformers to open up political parties to their membership. It permits a vote of party members to select the party's nominee.
Dixiecrats A former political party in the U.S.; formed 1948 by southern Democrats opposed to the candidacy of Harry S. Truman. States' Rights party.
First Party System The original party structure in which political parties were loose caucuses od political notasbles in various locations. It was replaced around 1824.
Hatch Act 1939 A United States federal law whose main provision is to prohibit federal employees (civil servants) from engaging in partisan political activity.
George Wallace Govenor of Alabama nominated by American Independent Party. Known to support Southern populist pro-segregation attitudes.
Know-Nothings One of two major factions largely within the Republican party who opposed patronage and the party machinery because it only allowed inadequate candidates to rise to the top, was fearful of immigrants and wanted to take unpopular stances on certain issues.
Linkage Institutions Provides a link between both the branches of government and more importantly between the government and the people. Ex. Parties, interest groups, and media.
Loyal Opposition The party not in power but has "loyal opposition" to the party in power.
Mayor Daley Democratic mayor of Chicago who is in the running for longest serving mayor.
McGovern-Frasier Commission Two parts, one that recommends 18 guidelines for state parties and the other recommends steps that are deemed 'desirable' for parties to take. Attempted to bring uniformity to delegate selection and give a greater voice to minorities.
Mugwumps Nickname for progressives.
National Chairman The person responsible for mangaing the day-to-day work of a national political party. The person is given a full-time, paid position and is elected by the national committee.
National Committee Delgates from each state and territory who manage party affairs between national conventions. These exist at the national level for both major political parties.
National Convention A convention held every 4 years by each of the major political parties to nominate a presidential candidate.
New Deal Coalition A coalition amoung blue collar workers, southerners, African Americans, and intellectuals.
Out Party The party not in power.
Patronage Support, encouragement, privilege, or financial aid that an organization or individual bestows to another.
Party Platform A list of priciples which a political party supports in order to appeal to the general public for the purpose of having said party's candidates voted into office.
Plurality System An electoral syytem in which the winner is that person who gets the most votes even if they so not constitute a majority of votes.
Political/Party Machine A political organization that recruits its members by the use of tangible incentives and is characterized by a high degree of leadership control over members' activities.
Political Parties A group that seeks to elect candidates to public office by supplying them with a label by which they are known to the electorate.
Populists Tended to be fundamentalist Protestants.
Progressives (1900s) Opposed to heavy emphaisis on patronage, disliked party machines, fearful of immigrants. Had a liberal directino for social policies.
Progrssives (Now) Want progress or change.
Proportional Representation A Category of electoral formula aiming at a close match between the percentage of votes that groups of candidates obtain in elections and the percentage of seats they recieve.
Realignment The coming to power of a new coalition. National elections in which there are sharp changes in issues and party leaders.
Ross Perot Best known as an outsider presidential candidate in 1992 and 96. Founded reform party and won nomination for 96 election. Had to run as an independent because of ballot access laws.
Second Party System Emerged when Andrew Jackson first ran for the presidency in 1824. The system was buitl from the bottom up as political participation became a mass phenomenon.
Soft Money Money given to state parties for party building activities.
Solidary Groups A political organization based on gregarious or game-loving instincts.
Split-level Party Power in national and state governments.
Spoils System Patronage.
Strom Thurmond South Carolina politician. Dixicrat; Pro-segragation. Oldest-serving and longest serving senator.
Super-Delegates Elected officals and party leaders represented at the national convention of the Democrats.
Tammany Hall Democratic party political machine played a major role in controlling NYC politics and helping immigrants rise up in American politics from 1790 to 1960s.
William Jennings Bryan Democratic politician who was a silverite, prohibitionist, against Darwinism, was for populism and gave the cross of gold speech.
Winner-Take-All System The winner of the primary or electoral college vote takes all of the state's convention or electoral college delegates.
Created by: jmarient
Popular AP Comparative Gov. sets




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