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Lab Bio Final

9th grade biology final

Isotonic Environment solute concentration outside cell is same as inside the cytoplasm
effect of isotonic environment on plant cell stays the same
effect of isotonic environment on animal cell stays the same
Hypertonic Environment solute concentration outside cell is less than concentration inside the cell
effect of hypertonic environment on animal cell swells and explodes
effect of hypertonic environment on plant cell swells but cell wall prevents from explodin
food chain in NJ pond plants, dragonfly, frogs, bass, kingfisher
Main source of energy in any food chain? the sun
chloroplast site of photosyntheses where energy is converted from sunlight to glucose
ER moves materials through cells
mitochondria site of cellular respiration, where food is converted to energy
lysosomes breaks down worn out cell parts into building blocks which are reused to build new organelle
ribosomes site of protein sunthesis
vacuoles water storage
primary structure of protein order or sequence of 20 different amino acids in a protein
secondary structure of protein as the protein gets longer it starts to talk on a shape
tertiary structure the alpha helix or beta pleated sheets fold back on themselves
quaternary structure 2 or more proteins join together to make 1 large protein
What determines the function of a protein its shape
what determines the 3D shape of the protein the R group
What determines the primary structure of a protein the order of amino acids
What is a gamete? a sex cell
What are examples of sex cells sperm and egg
what are the funtions of gametes? to reproduce
What color would be least helpful to plant growth? green, because it is green
What is a communicable disease? you can catch it
What is a genetic gene? it is in your genes
What is a test cross? used to determine genotype of dominant phenotype
Purpose of photosynthesis makes glucose from co2 and water
sunlight + 6CO2 + 6H2O = C6H12O6 + 6O2 chemical reaction of photosynthesis
light independent reactions use chemical energy trapped in light reaction to build glucose
light dependent reaction use sunlight energy and convert it to chemical energy
Mitosis? division of nulcues, orderly series where daughter cells get their set of chromosomes
purpose of meiosis? make gametes
Example of Prokaryotic cell bacteria
What is a eukaryotic cell? cell with nucleus and organelles
Natural Selection survival of the fittest; when nature decides which organisms will live or die based oin how suited they are.
example of natural selection peppered moths
food web overlapping food chains
ecological succession orderly change in the makeup of a community
cause of ecological succession the growth of 1 population
passive transport uses energy provided by environment, (heat)
active transports cell energy to move molecules around membrane
diffusion movement of molecules
osmosis movement of water
replication where DNA serves as model or template to make exact copy of DNA for mitosis
trancription DNA serves as model for complmentary RNA copy
translation RNA is made into proteinss using the proper amino acids
Created by: bug9518
Popular Biology sets




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