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Nurse 120 ch 46

Care of patient with a Gall bladder, liver, Billiary Tract or Exocrine Pancretic

An accumilation of fluids within the peritoneal cavity. Ascites
This is a chronic, degenerative disease of the liver in which lobes are covered with fibrous tissues. Cirrhosis
Also known as Laennec cirrhosis, most commonly found in the western world and affects men more than women. Also found in patients with chronis ingestion of alcohol Alcohol cirrhosis
This type of cirrhosis is caused by viral hepatitis, exposure to hepatotins or infections, Scar tissue causes destruction of liver lobes and entire lobes. Postnecrotic cirrhosis
This cirrhosis develops from chronic biliary obstruction, bile stasis, and inflammation resulting in severe obstructive jaundice Biliary Cirrhosis
This cirrhosis is associated with sever, right sided congestive HF and results in an enlarged, edematous, congestive liver. The liver becomes anoxic resulting in liver cell necrosis and fibrosis. Cardiac cirrhosis
Portal Hypertension, Ascites, Coagulation defects, Jaundice, Portal systemic encephalopathy and Hepatorenal syndrome are complications of what disease: Cirrhosis
Identify this stage of Cirrhosis: Liver is firm, abdominal pain Early Stage
Identify this stage of Cirrhosis: Dyspepsia, changes in bowel habits, gradual weight loss, ascites and telangiectasis Late Stage
This are small, dialated blood vessels with bright red center points and spider like branches Spider telangiectases
What vitmain can the cirrhotic liver not absorb Vitamin K
This is a yellow discoloration of the skin, mucous membranes and sclera of the cause caused by greater than normal bilirubin Jaundice
This is a procedure in which fluid is abdominal cavityfrom the Paracentesis
A Medical Management of Cirrhosis includes: Treatment for acites and edema is the Laveen continuous peritoneal Jugular Shunt
Nursing assessment of the Laveen continuous peritoneal Jugular Shunt incldes: CHF, Leakage of ascitic fluid, infection at the insertion site and shunt throbosis.
When performing a Paracentesis, what position should the patient be positioned On the side of the bed or High Fowler's positions
Created by: smensah
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