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ATAL Caint Raidió

Agus roinnt seanfhocail

Listeners, it is a privilege to get the chance to speak to you on the subject of A lucht éisteachta, is mór an phríbhléid deis a fháil labhairt libh ar an ábhar seo.
I have to say that a few ideas came to me when I was asked to give a talk on this subject Caithfidh mé a rá gur bhuail cupla smaoineamh mé láithreach nuair a iarradh orm píosa cainte a thabhairt ar an ábhar seo.
Friends, that is the end of my speech today A chairde, sin deireadh le mo chuid cainte inniu.
I hope you both enjoyed and benefited from what I had to say today Tá súil agam gur bhain sibh taitneamh agus tairbhe as an méid a bhí le rá agam inniu.
Until the next time, goodbye and thanks Go dtí an chéad uair eile, slán agus go raibh maith agaibh.
Ladies and gentlemen, every one of us in this room understands that that much is true A dhaoine uaisle, tuigeann gach éinne againn sa seomra seo go bhfuil an méid sin fíor.
As I have said before, friends Mar a dúirt mé cheana, a chairde.
From what I have said above, you will understand that Ón méid atá ráite agam thuas, a dhaoine uaisle, tuigfidh sibh go/gur/nach/nár.
Time will tell Is maith an scéalaí an aimsir.
Rome wasn’t built in a day De réir a chéile a thógtar na caisleáin.
Created by: ranganna
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