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N3 2/4 words

意識 ishiki consciousness
一生 isshou whole life, a lifetime
一種 isshu species, kind
一瞬 isshun instant, moment
一層 issou much more, still more
ita board, plank
痛み itami pain, ache, soreness
痛む itamu to hurt
至る itaru to arrive at, to reach
悪戯 itazura mischief, prank
従兄弟 itoko cousin
一体 ittai what on earth…
いつの間にか itsunomanika before one knows
iwa rock
言わば iwaba so to speak
祝う iwau to congratulate, to celebrate
嫌がる iyagaru to hate, to dislike​
以前 izen ago, since, before
izumi spring, fountain
自動 jidou automatic
自動販売機 jidouhanbaiki vending machine​
自動車 jidousha automobile
事実 jijitsu fact, truth, reality
事情 jijou circumstances
直に jika ni directly, in person
事件 jiken event, affair, accident
時期 jiki time, season, period
実家 jikka one’s parents’ home​
実験 jikken experiment
実行 jikkou execution, practice
時刻 jikoku instant, time, moment
自慢 jiman pride, boast
地面 jimen ground; earth’s surface​
事務 jimu business, office work
事務室 jimushitsu office room​
人物 jinbutsu person, character, figure
人工 jinkou artificial, man-made
人類 jinrui mankind, humanity
jinsei life
人種 jinshu race of people, type of person
時差 jisa time difference​
自殺 jisatsu suicide
自身 jishin by oneself, personally
自信 jishin self-confidence
実際 jissai practical, reality
実施 jisshi enforcement, implementation
実習 jisshuu practice in the field
事態 jitai situation
自宅 jitaku one’s home, one’s house​
実現 jitsugen implementation
実力 jitsuryoku real ability, true strength
実は jitsu wa as a matter of fact
実用 jitsuyou practical use, utility​
徐々 jojo gradually, steadily
女子 joshi woman, girl
助手 joshu helper, assistant
女王 joou queen
丈夫 joubu healthy, robust, strong
冗談 joudan jest, joke
上下 jouge up and down​, top and bottom
上品 jouhin elegant, polished​
情報 jouhou information, news
条件 jouken conditions, terms
上空 joukuu sky, upper air
乗客 joukyaku passenger
上京 joukyou proceeding to the capital Tokyo
状況 joukyou state of affairs
常識 joushiki common sense
状態 joutai condition, situation
上達 joutatsu improvement, advance
上等 joutou superiority, first-class
女優 joyuu actress
受験 juken taking an examination
jun order, turn
順番 junban turn, order of things
順調 junchou favorable, doing well
juu gun, rifle
重大 juudai serious, important
柔道 juudou judo
住民 juumin citizens, inhabitants
重視 juushi importance, stress
渋滞 juutai congestion, stagnation
住宅 juutaku residence, housing
重要 juuyou important, essential
需要 juyou demand, request
kabu stock, share
被る kaburu to put on one’s head
勝ち kachi win, victory
価値 kachi value, worth
替える kaeru to replace, to exchange
kai meeting, assembly
kai counter for occurrences
回復 kaifuku recovery
絵画 kaiga picture, painting
会合 kaigou meeting, assembly
海外 kaigai foreign, abroad
会員 kaiin member
会計 kaikei account, finance
改札 kaisatsu ticket gate, ticket barrier​
解決 kaiketsu settlement, solution
快晴 kaisei clear weather, cloudless weather
会社員 kaishain company employee​
解釈 kaishaku explanation, interpretation
開始 kaishi start, beginning
回収 kaishuu collection, retrieval
回数 kaisuu number of times, frequency
快適 kaiteki pleasant, comfortable
改善 kaizen improvement
化学 kagaku chemistry
輝く kagayaku to shine, to glitter
kage shadow
加減 kagen adjustment, degree, extent
kagi key
限る kagiru to restrict, to limit
kago basket, cage
家具 kagu furniture
家事 kaji housework
抱える kakaeru to hold in the arms
価格 kakaku price, value, cost
かかる to suffer from
関わる kakawaru to be concerned with, to have to do with
欠ける kakeru to be lacking
書き直す kakinaosu to write out, to rewrite
活気 kakki energy, liveliness
過去 kako the past, bygone days
囲む kakomu to surround, to encircle
各地 kakuchi every place, various places​
拡大 kakudai magnification
覚悟 kakugo resolution, readiness
確実 kakujitsu certainty, reliability
確認 kakunin confirmation, verification
隠れる kakureru to hide, to be hidden
隠す kakusu to hide, to conceal
我慢 gaman patience, endurance
構う kamau to mind, to care about
kami God, deity
kami person of high rank, government
kaminari lightning, thunder
髪の毛 kami no ke hair head
科目 kamoku school subject
kan can, tin
kan pipe, tube
kan perception, intuition
看板 kanban signboard, billboard
必ずしも kanarazushimo not always
可也 kanari considerably, fairly
悲しむ kanashimu to be sad, to mourn for
感動 kandou feeling deeply moved emotionally
考え kangae thinking, thought, view
歓迎 kangei welcome, reception
感激 kangeki deep emotion, impression
患者 kanja patient
感じ kanji feeling, sense
感じる kanjiru to feel, to sense
勘定 kanjou calculation, counting
感情 kanjou emotion, feeling
感覚 kankaku sense, sensation, feeling
間隔 kankaku space, interval​
観光 kankou sightseeing
観光客 kankoukyaku tourist
観客 kankyaku audience, spectator
環境 kankyou environment
可能 kanou potential, possible
管理人 kanrinin administrator, manager
観察 kansatsu observation
感謝 kansha thanks, gratitude
感想 kansou impressions, thoughts
乾燥 kansou drying e.g. clothes, dryness
香り kaori fragrance
kara emptiness, vacuum, blank
彼ら karera they usually male
枯れる kareru to wither of a plant
刈る karu to cut hair, to mow grass
火災 kasai conflagration, fire
重ねる kasaneru to pile up, to heap up
稼ぐ kasegu to earn income
完成 kansei complete, completion
貸出 kashidashi lending, loaning
賢い kashikoi wise, clever, smart
感心 kanshin admiration
関心 kanshin concern, interest
関連 kanren relation, connection
管理 kanri control, management
完了 kanryou completion, conclusion
関する kansuru to concern, to be related
監督 kantoku supervision
歌手 kashu singer
kata model, type
kata shoulder
方々 katagata they people, you plural
片方 katahou one of a pair, one side
固まる katamaru to harden, to solidify​
katana sword, katana
語り合う katariau to talk together
語る kataru to talk about
仮定 katei assumption, hypothesis
katsudou action, activity
活用 katsuyou practical use
勝手 katte one’s own convenience, selfish
飼う kau to keep a pet
kawa skin, pelt
kawa leather
可愛らしい kawairashii lovely, sweet
可哀そう kawaisou poor, pitiable
川沿い kawazoi along the river, riverside
完全 kanzen perfection, completeness
飾り kazari decoration
数える kazoeru to count
kazu number
けち stinginess, cheapskate
経営 keiei management
敬意 keii respect, honor
掲示 keiji notice, bulletin
刑事 keji police detective, criminal matter
掲示板 keijiban bulletin board, notice board
景気 keiki business condition
警告 keikoku warning, advice
傾向 keikou tendency, trend
計算 keisan calculation, reckoning
契約 keiyaku contract, agreement
経由 keiyu through, via
結果 kekka result, consequence
欠陥 kekkan defect, fault
結局 kekkyoku after all, eventually
kemuri smoke, fumes
ken ticket, coupon
ken prefecture of Japan
建築 kenchiku construction, architecture
見学 kengaku inspection, field trip
見解 kenkai opinion, point of view
健康 kenkou health
研究者 kenkyuusha researcher
研究所 kenkyuusho research institute, laboratory​
憲法 kenpou constitution
権利 kenri right, privilege
検査 kensa inspection, examination
建設 kensetsu construction
見当 kentou aim, mark, direction
検討 kentou consideration, examination
欠席 kesseki absence
決心 kesshin determination, resolution
化粧 keshou make-up, cosmetics
決定 kettei decision, determination
欠点 ketten weak point, weakness
血圧 ketsuatsu blood pressure​
血液 ketsueki blood
血液型 ketsuekigata blood type
結論 ketsuron conclusion
気に入る ki ni iru to be pleased with
気の毒 ki no doku pitiful, unfortunate
希望 kibou hope, wish
希望者 kibousha applicant, candidate
きちんと kichinto precisely, accurately
貴重 kichou precious, valuable
寄付 kifu contribution, donation
機嫌 kigen humor, temper, mood
期限 kigen time limit, deadline
企業 kigyou enterprise, undertaking
基本 kihon foundation, basis
生地 kiji cloth, fabric
記事 kiji article, news story
機械 kikai machine, mechanism
期間 kikan period, term
機関 kikan engine, agency, organization
帰国 kikoku return to one’s country​
気候 kikou climate
効く kiku to be effective
決まり kimari rule, settlement
気味 kimi sensation, feeling
kin gold
緊張 kinchou tension, nervousness
近代 kindai present day
禁煙 kin’en no smoking
記念品 kinenhin souvenir, memento​
金額 kingaku amount of money
気になる ki ni naru to bother one, to worry about
気にする ki ni suru to mind, to care about
金庫 kinko safe, vault
筋肉 kinniku muscle
金銭 kinsen money, cash
禁止 kinshi prohibition, ban
金属 kinzoku metal
奇妙 kimyou strange, queer
記念 kinen commemoration
機能 kinou function
記入 kinyuu entry, filling in forms
金融 kin’yuu financing, money circulation
記憶 kioku memory, recollection
気温 kion atmospheric temperature
kiri fog, mist
切れ kire piece, slide
切れる kireru to break, to snap
記録 kiroku record, document
記者 kisha reporter
kishi bank, coast, shore
基礎 kiso foundation, basis​
期待 kitai expectation, hope
帰宅 kitaku returning home
kiwa edge, brink, verge
嫌う kirau to hate, to dislike
kizu wound, injury, cut
器用 kiyou dexterous, skillful
気付く kizuku to notice, to realize
こぼす to spill, to drop, to shed
越える koeru to cross over
koi love
濃い koi thick, dense, strong
恋人 koibito lover, sweetheart
恋しい koishii yearned for, missed
個人 kojin individual, personal
国家 kokka state, country, nation
国会 kokkai National Diet, parliament
国境 kokkyou national border
黒板 kokuban blackboard
国語 kokugo national language
克服 kokufuku conquest, overcoming
国民 kokumin national, citizen
穀物 kokumotsu grain, cereal
故郷 kokyou home town, birthplace
呼吸 kokyuu breathing, respiration
小麦 komugi wheat
今後 kongo from now on
今回 konkai now, this time
kona flour, powder
困難 konnan difficulty, distress
今日 konnichi this day, these days, recently
好み konomi liking, taste
好む konomu to like, to prefer
混乱 konran disorder, chaos
婚約 kon’yaku engagement, betrothal
混雑 konzatsu congestion, jam
koori ice
凍る kooru to freeze
転ぶ korobu to fall down
殺す korosu to kill
koshi lower back, waist
骨折 kossetsu bone fracture
異なる kotonaru to differ, to vary
断る kotowaru to refuse, to reject
kotowaza proverb, maxim
好物 koubutsu favourite food​
行動 koudou action, conduct, behavior
講演 kouen lecture, address, speech
幸福 koufuku happiness
攻撃 kougeki attack, strike
公平 kouhei fairness, justice
候補 kouho candidate
後方 kouhou behind, in the rear
工事 kouji construction work​
効果 kouka effect, effectiveness
硬貨 kouka coin
高価 kouka high price
交換 koukan exchange, interchange
光景 koukei scene, spectacle
貢献 kouken contribution
広告 koukoku advertisement
航空 koukuu aviation, flying
公共 koukyou public, community
購入 kounyuu purchase, buy
考慮 kouryo consideration
交流 kouryuu cultural exchange, networking
交際 kousai association, friendship
構成 kousei organization, composition
高速 kousoku high speed
後者 kousha the latter
交通費 koutsuuhi traveling expenses
幸運 kouun good luck, fortune
小屋 koya hut, cabin, shed
小包 kozutsumi parcel, package
配る kubaru to distribute, to hand out
区別 kubetsu distinction, differentiation
工夫 kufuu solving ingeniously​
kumi set, group
組合 kumiai association, union
組み立てる kumitateru to assemble, to set up
kumori cloudiness, cloudy weather
曇る kumoru to get cloudy
組む kumu to link, to put together
訓練 kunren practice, training
kurai rank, class, grade
暮らし kurashi life, living
暮らす kurasu to live
暮れ kure sunset, sundown
繰り返す kurikaesu to repeat
苦労 kurou troubles, hardships
苦しい kurushii painful, difficult
苦しむ kurushimu to suffer
狂う kuruu to go mad
臭い kusai stinking, smelly
kusari chain
腐る kusaru to rot, to go bad
kuse habit
きつい kutsui intense, severe, hard
苦痛 kutsuu pain, agony
加える kuwaeru to add, to sum up
詳しい kuwashii detailed
加わる kuwawaru to be added to
ku sentence, passage
食う kuu to eat
悔しい kuyashii annoying, frustrating
巨大 kyodai huge, gigantic
許可 kyoka permission, approval
kyoku bureau, department
距離 kyori distance, range​
強調 kyouchou emphasis, highlight
共同 kyoudou doing together, joint
恐怖 kyoufu fear, dread, dismay
競技 kyougi game, match
競合 kyougou competition, rivalry
教授 kyouju professor
教科書 kyoukasho textbook
供給 kyoukyuu supply, provision
協力 kyouryoku cooperation
強力 kyouryoku powerful, strong
教師 kyoushi teacher classroom
共通 kyoutsuu commonness, community
共通点 kyoutsuuten point in common, common feature​
kyuu class school, grade, rank
急に kyuu ni swiftly, rapidly
急激 kyuugeki sudden, radical
休日 kyuujitsu holiday, day off​
救助 kyuujo relief, aid
休暇 kyuuka holiday, day off
休憩 kyuukei rest, break, recess
給料 kyuuryou salary, wages
吸収 kyuushuu absorption
急速 kyuusoku rapid progress
眩しい mabushii dazzling, radiant​
間違い machigai mistake, error, blunder
間違う machigau to make a mistake
窓口 madoguchi ticket window, counter
mago grandchild
迷子 maigo lost child, lost person
任せる makaseru to entrust, to leave to
負け make defeat, loss
maku curtain
mame beans
守る mamoru to protect, to guard
学ぶ manabu to study, to learn
真似 mane imitating, copying
招く maneku to invite, to ask
万一 man’ichi by some chance
満点 manten perfect score, full marks​
満足 manzoku satisfaction, contentment
maru circle
真逆 masaka by no means, never
正に masa ni exactly, surely
増す masu to increase, to grow
回り mawari rotation
回す mawasu to turn, to rotate
Created by: Hykf
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