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CI 152

Test #1 Q&A

What allows one to do one thing automatically while thinking of another? multiple coding
Which is true of all behavioral theories of learning? all learning results from trial and error
The teacher asks a question, but the students are distracted by a noise. What is the noise? an effective stimulus
Students learn to become quiet by responding to colored cards the teacher holds up. What is the card? a conditioned stimulus
Manipulating students by saying, "I like the way Adrian is working." relies upon which theory? social learning
Superstitious behavior can be explained how? coincidental reinforcement
According to Kohler, mental restructuring following periods of reflection leads to what? forming a gestalt
Teaching about poetry, then sonnets, then Elizabethan sonnets is consistent with which? the organization of the knowledge structure
According to the principle of frequency, if you correct a student who has consistently made a carrying mistake in a multiplication problem and reinforce the correction, what will occur next time? the student will make another carrying mistake
Whenever students chew gum in class they receive an extra homework assignment. if the student then chews MORE often, the effect the assignment is apparently which? positive reinforcement
If the student who gets more assignments when they chew gum chews LESS often, the effect is which? positive punishment
Social learning allows for the following possibilities, except which? complex learning must involve direct experience
If we take this test in a new classroom, which theory explains why responses are more difficult? contiguity theory
If a teacher's reprimand appears to diminish student's misbehavior, what is the reprimand? a punisher
Which theory argues that the stimulus/response connection is at maximum strength after 1 trial? contiguity theory
Which of the following represents a logical inconsistency in operant conditioning? some voluntary behaviors need no reinforcer in order to be maintained
If my students are conditioned to associate learning theory with a sense of well-being, before the conditioning, how would one describe the learning theory? a previously neutral stimulus
Every time Pam sits next to Susan, Pam smiles at her and says, "Hi!" This makes Susan smile in return. After a few months of this, Susan smiles whenever Pam sits next to her, even if Pam says nothing. The conditioned response in this example is: Pam's sitting next to Susan
Every time Pam sits next to Susan, Pam smiles at her and says, "Hi!" This makes Susan smile in return. After a few months of this, Susan smiles whenever Pam sits next to her, even if Pam says nothing. The UNconditioned response in this example is: Susan's smiling
Every time Pam sits next to Susan, Pam smiles at her and says, "Hi!" This makes Susan smile in return. After a few months of this, Susan smiles whenever Pam sits next to her, even if Pam says nothing. The conditioned response in this example is: Susan's smiling
The concept of the structure of memory is common to Gestalt theory and which of the following? rote v. meaningful learning
The development of a gestalt occurs because of which? mental restructuring
Which theory explains habitual behavior in terms of what occurred last in a prior sequence? instrumental learning
The word "gestalt" is closest in meaning to which? pattern
Recreating a diagram one has observed for 8 or so seconds is a test of which? short term memory
The advance organizer is really nothing more than which? an introduction to structure
Gestalt Psychology places a great deal of emphasis on which of the following? the perception of new relationships
In which is the capacity for storing multiple inputs most limited? long-term memory
Behavioral learning theorists would support which of the following precepts? experience is the key to increased learning
In Classical Conditioning... a response is elicited by a known stimulus
A rat which has learned to press a lever to get food has demonstrated which? operant learning
Which of the following is an example of negative reinforcement? removing an aversive stimulus to strengthen a behavior
Gestalt theory holds which of the following positions? people tend to see uniformity even when events are random
The following EXCEPT WHICH are associated with the use of punishment? it will not alter the misbehavior
Why is a word like "maple" easier to retrieve than a word like "certain"? maple is multiple coded
If a student is distracted from the presentation by a noise, where is the noise first processed? the sensory store
In information processing models of learning, the stimulus provides which? sensory input
Remembering a student's name a few seconds after first hearing it is most likely a test of: short term memory
One of the differences between able and less able readers is reflected in which ability? the tendency to look for the structure of a text passage
When we speak of "multiple coding", that is the same as which of the following? employing multiple senses
The function of executive control is which of the following? to automate repetitive cognitive procedures
Holding data in short term memory for lengthy periods without committing it to LTM describes which? maintenance rehearsal
Remembering the meaning of a word by connecting it to what the word sounds like describes which? key-word
The zoology research on which type of learning is easiest to retrieve suggests which of the following? learning isolated from application is difficult to retrieve
The "memory trace" is best described as which? the connection which allows retrieval
Which theory emphasizes repetition only because it ties in the environment with the learning? contiguity theory
Created by: Neukay
Popular Psychology sets



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