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Legal System - Jury


Requirments for a juror 18-75, on Electoral register, resident in UK > 5 years since 13th BD
How may you be permanently disqualified from being a juror? Sentence > 5 years
How may you be disqualifed for 10 years from being a juror? Sentence < 5 years
What act says that jurors must be sure of the defendan'ts guilt to decide a guilty verdict? Juries Act 1974 as amended by the Criminal Justice and Courts Act 2015
Why may a juror be excused from their service? Illness, Booked holiday, Business commitments, Armed forces commitments, Mental disorder/physical disability
Challenges to jurors can be to what two things to an individual (polls) or to the whole jury (array)
R v Kray Attempted a challenge to the array, but failed
What is the role of a jury Listen to evidence, retire to jury room, return a verdict upon facts not law
Mckenna Judges cannot rush a jury
Owen Perverse verdict - revenge for dead son killed by drunk driver
Bushells case Jury decision can't be questioned
Wang Judges may not direct a jury to convict
DPP v Stonehouse Judges may direct a jury to acquit
Byrant Grumpy judge - legal system has to be seen to be fair
Joanne Fraille Facebook Juror - held in contempt of court (given 8 months)
Young Events outside jury room may be investigated (ouija board)
Birmingham Magistrates ex parte Ahmed law doesn't only have to be fair but also look fair
Blythe perverse verdict (marijuana for wife with illness)
Ponting Perverse verdict (disclosed information about falclans war)
Vicky Price Trial Jury asked numerous questions including 'can a jury come to a verdict based off evidence not presented in court'
Advantages of using juries in the criminal justice system lay (perverse verdicts & facts not law), 12 (lower bias), trial by peers (empathy)
Disadvantages of using juries in the criminal justice system lay (incompetent), 12 (thorough - expensive/slow), Mandatory service (disinterest/ignore), not case hardened (acquit, trauma)
Created by: Oscar.G
Popular Law sets




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