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AQA Vocab 3

Mandarin Harris

听音乐 tīng yīn yuè - to listen to music
看电影 kàn diàn yǐng - to watch a film
看京剧 kàn jīng jù - to watch Beijing opera
唱歌 chàng gē - to sing
跳舞 tiào wǔ - to dance
流行歌曲 liú xíng gē qǔ - pop song
交朋友 jiāo péng yǒu - to make friends
qǐng - to invite
参加比赛 cān jiā bǐ sài - to participate in a competition
去电影院 qù diàn yǐng yuàn - to go to the cinema
去购物中心 qù gòu wù zhōng xīn - to go to the shopping center
去网吧 qù wǎng bà - to go to the internet cafe
照相/拍照 zhào xiàng / pāi zhào - to take a photo
购物 gòu wù - to go shopping
赛马 sài mǎ - horse racing
阅读杂志 yuè dú zá zhì - to read magazines
看电视节目 kàn diàn shì jié mù - to watch TV programs
玩电脑游戏 wán diàn nǎo yóu xì - to play computer games
chá - tea
咖啡 kā fēi - coffee
牛奶 niú nǎi - milk
shuǐ - water
汽水 qì shuǐ - fizzy drink
果汁 guǒ zhī - fruit juice
米饭 mǐ fàn - rice
面条 miàn tiáo - noodles
面包 miàn bāo - bread
牛肉 niú ròu - beef
猪肉 zhū ròu - pork
鸡肉 jī roù - chicken
苹果 píng guǒ - apple
桔子 jú zi - orange
蔬菜/青菜 shū cài / qīng cài - vegetables
蛋糕 dàn gāo - cake
水果 shuǐ guǒ - fruit
早饭 zǎo fàn - breakfast
春节/中国新年 cūn jié/ zhōng guó xīn nián - Chinese New Year
饺子 jiǎo zi - dumplings
红包 hóng bāo - red envelopes
舞狮 wǔ shī - lion dance
舞龙 wǔ lóng - dragon dance
圣诞节 shèng dàn jié - Christmas
复活节 fù huó jié - Easter
端午节 duān wǔ jié - Dragon Boat Festival
元宵节 yuán xiāo jié - Lantern Festival
清明节 qīng míng jié - Qingming Festival
国庆节 guó qìng jié - National Day
饭厅 fàn tīng - dining room
客厅 kè tīng - lounge
书房 shū fáng - study room
卧室 wò shì - bedroom
厨房 chú fáng - kitchen
浴室 yù shì - bathroom
桌子 zhuō zi - table
椅子 yǐ zi - chair
chuáng - bed
电视 diàn shì - TV
电话 diàn huà - telephone
mén - door
dēng - light
书架 shū jià - bookcase
电脑 diàn nǎo - computer
冰箱 bīng xiāng - fridge
洗衣机 xǐ yī jī - washing machine
炉子 lú zi - cooker
空调 kōng tiáo - air conditioning
zhōng - clock
银行 yín háng - bank
邮局 yóu jú - post office
超市 chāo shì - supermarket
电影院 diàn yǐng yuàn - cinema
汽车站 qì chān zhàn - bus stop
公园 gōng yuán - park
体育馆 tǐ yù guǎn - sports centre
学校 xué xiào - school
美术馆 měi shù guǎn - art gallery
动物园 dòng wù yuan - zoo
明信片 míng xiàn piàn - postcard
城市 chéng shì - city
海边 hǎi biān - seaside
农村 nóng cūn - countryside
山区 shān qū - mountain area
shù - tree
空气 kōng qì - air
新鲜 xīn xiān - fresh
安静 ān jiìng - quiet
hú - lake
hé - river
商店 shāng diàn - shop
苹果 píng guǒ - apple
桔子 jú zi - orange
衣服 yī fú - clothes
夹克/大衣 jiá kè / dà yī -jacket
衬衣 chèn yī -shirt
裤子 kùzi -trousers
领带 lǐng dài - tie
裙子 qúnzi - skirt
毛衣 máo yī - sweater
皮带 pí dài - belt
袜子 wàzi - socks
鞋子 xiézi - shoes
帽子 mào zi - hat
颜色 yán sè - colour
hēi - black
bái - white
hóng - red
huáng - yellow
lán - blue
绿 lǜ - green
chéng - orange
zǐ - purple
粉红 fěn hóng - pink
huī - grey
zōng - brown
抽烟/吸烟 chōu yān/ xī yān - to smoke
yān - cigarette
pàng - fat
shòu - thin
健康 jiàn kāng - healthy
交朋友 jiāo péng yǒu - make friends
男朋友 nán péng yǒu - boyfriend
女朋友 nǚ péng yǒu - girlfriend
ài - to love
医院 yī yuan - hospital
bìng - illness
yào - medicine
年轻 nián qīng - young
téng - pain
结婚 jié hūn - marry
网上约会 wǎng shàng yuē huì - internet dating
环境 huán jìng - environment
垃圾 lā jī / lè sè - rubbish
浪费 làng fèi - wastage
失业 shī yè - unemployed
qióng - poor
fù - rich
人口 rén kǒu - population
增加 zēng jiā - increase
住房 zhù fáng - housing
小偷 xiǎo tōu - thief
社会 shè huì - society
生活 shēng huó - life
有害的 yǒu hài de - harmful
罪行 zuì xíng - crime
交通 jiāo tōng - traffic
是阴天 shì yīn tiān - overcast
有雾 yǒu wù - foggy
下雪 xià xuě - snow
下大雪 xià dà xuě - heavy snow
下雨 xià yǔ - rain
下小雨 xià xiǎo yǔ - showery
有风 yǒu fēng - windy
有云 yǒu yún - cloudy
凉快 liáng kuài - cool
rè - hot
暖和 nuǎn huo - warm
lěng - cold
是晴天 shì qíng tiān - bright
xīng - star
月亮 yuè liang - moon
气候 qìhòu - climate
天气预报 tiān qì yù bào - weather forecast
Created by: snowfirefly
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