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A away from, negative, not, without
Algia pain, suffering
Appendo/o appendix
Arteri/o artery
Arthr/o joint
Carcin/o cancerous
Cardio/o heart
Centesis surgical puncture to remove fluid
Col/o colon, large intestine
Ectomy surgical removal, cuttin out, incision
Emia Blood, blood condition
Endo Within, in, inside
Gastro/o stomach, belly
Graphy writing, process of recording
Hem/o blood, relating to blood
Hepat/o liver
Hyster/o uterus, womb
Itis inflammation
Laryng/o voice box, larynx
Lymph/o lymphatic tissue
Malacia softening
Myel/o spinal cord, bone marrow
My/o muscle
Nephr/o kidney
neur/o nerve, pertaining to nerves
Ology science or study of
Oma tumor, mass
Osis abnormal condition
Oste/o bone
Ostomy to furnish with a mouth, outlet or cutting incision
Ot/o ear, hearing
Otomy cutting, incision
Pathy disease suffering feeling emotion
Peri around, surrounding
Plasty surgical repair
Psycho/o mind
Rrhage bursting forth
Rrhapgy suture, stitch
Rrhea to flow, discharge
Sclerosis hardening
Scopy to see, visual examination
Spasm sudden contraction or muscles
Stasis stopping, controlling
Tonsill/o inflammation of tonsils, mass of lymphatic tissue
ABGs arterial blood gases
ABO blood group system
BUN blood urea nitrogen
CBC complete blood count
Co2 carbon dioxide
crit hematocrit
diff differencial count of white blood cells
Hb, Hgb hemoglobin
Hct Hematocrit
HIV human immunodefiecency virus
K+ potassium
Mg++ magnesium
Na+ Sodium
NPO nothing by mouth
O2 Oxygen
Pt prothrombin time/ pro-time
PTT partial thromboplastin time
Pt patient
RBC red blood cells, red blood count
Sed rate erythrocyte sedimentation rate (esr)
STAT immediately
T & C type and crossmatch
UA, ua urinalysis
UTI urinary tract infection
WBC white blood cells
AIDS acquired immune defiency syndrome
ASAP as soon as possible
BBT Basal body temperature
BC blood culture
Bio life
BM bowel movement
B/P blood pressure
BS blood sugar
C carbon
C & S culture and sensitivity
CAT computerized axial tomography scan
CCU coronary care unit
CDC centers for disease control
ABR absolute bedrest
Aer/o air (aerobic)
ATP adenosine triphosphate
Created by: nicki8586
Popular Science sets




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