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Ch.10. vocab

exam 3

social reproduction the process by which society maintains an enduring character from generation to generation
power elite a relatively small group of interconnected people who occupy top positions in important social institutions
pluralist theory of power the idea that U.S. politics is characterized by competing groups that work together to achieve their goals
elite theory of power the idea that a small group of networked individuals controls the most powerful positions in our social institutions
social capital the number of people we know and the resources they can offer us
social closure a process by which advantaged groups preserve opportunities for themselves while restricting them for others
cultural capital symbolic resources that communicate one's social status
fit the feeling that our particular mix of cultural capital matches our social context
ethnography a research method that involves careful observation of naturally occurring social interaction, often as a participant
field the place or places where ethnographers conduct participant observation
field notes descriptive accounts of what occurred in the field, alongside tentative sociological observations
cultural hegemony power maintained primarily by persuasion
hegemonic ideologies shared ideas about how human life should be organized that are used to manufacture our consent to existing social conditions
individualism the idea that people are independent actors responsible primarily for themselves
collectivism the idea that people are interdependent actors with responsibilities primarily to the group
xenophobia prejudice against people defined as foreign
Created by: msohniaa
Popular Science sets




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