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7th grade 2nd 9 wks


cell theory living things are made up of one or more cells, cells come from pre-existing cells, cells are the building block of life
protein long chain of amino acid molecules
theory explanation based on scientific knowledge resulting from several observations and experiments
cell membrane protects the inside of the cell from the environment
cell wall stuff structure outside of the cell membrane
chloroplast uses light energy to make food
cytoplasm fluid inside a cell that contains salts and other molecules
cytoskeleton network of threadlike proteins inside a cell
nuclear envelope surrounds and protects the nucleus
function purpose for which something is used
nucleus directs all cell activities and contains DNA
organelle membrane-bound cell structure with a specialized function
active transport movement of substances through cell membrane using the cells energy
diffusion movement from an area of high concentration to lower concentration
facilitated diffusion when molecules pass through a cell membrane using a transport protein
osmosis diffusion of water molecules only through a membrane
passive transport movement of substances through a cell membrane using energy
cellular respiration series of chemical reactions that convert energy in food molecules into ATP
phoyosynthesis series of chemical reactions that convert light, energy, water, and CO2 into glucose and give off oxygen
cell cycle a series of events that take place in a cell that cause it to divide into two daughter cells
asexual reproduction a type of reproduction in which one parent organism produces offspring without meiosis and fertilization
sexual reproduction type of reproduction in which the genetic material from two different cells - a sperm and egg- combine producing offspring
mitosis a process during which the nucleus and its contents divide
meiosis a process in which one diploid cell divides to make one 4 haploid cells
chromosome a threadlike structure of nucleic acids and protein found in the nucleus of most living cells, carrying genetic information in the form of genes
sister chromatid two identical chromosomes that make up a duplicated chromosome
daughter cells two new cells that result from mitosis and cytokinesis
DNA the abbreviation for deoxyribonucleic acid, an organism's genetic material
cell differentiation the process by which cells become different types of cells
zygote the earliest stage in human development. It occurs between the fusion of male and female gametes upon sexual reproduction
fertilization the process of male and female gametes fusing together, beginning the development of a new organism
cloning the process of generating a genetically identical copy of a cell or organism
egg the female gamete, used for sexual reproduction
Created by: hannah.hornsby
Popular Science sets




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