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137 nursing skill as

eupnea normal breathing
dyspnea difficulty breathing
tachypnea fast breathing
cheyne stokes apnea with rapid respiration
apnea absence of breathing
kussmaul's fast deep respirations (normally with diabetic acidosis
biots increased intercranial presure; short breaths with rapid respiration
crackles fine, coarse sounds. Similar to sound produced by rubbing hairs between the fingers close to ear
ronchi coarse, low pitched, sonorous, rattling sounds caused by secretions in the larger air passages
pleural friction rub grating or scratchy sound similar to creaking shoe leather or opening a squeky door.
stridor croaking sound heard when there is partial obstruction of the upper air passages
wheezes whistling, musical, high pitched sound produced by air being forced through a narrow pathway
subjective what the patient tells you
objective observation
ascites abnormal accumulation of serous fluid within the peritoneal cavity
bruit abnormal sound heard on auscultation, a kind of swishing sound
ecchymosis blue or purplish patch on the skin or mucouse membrane that is not elevated; bruising
cyanosis a bluish tinge to the skin, nail beds, or mucous membranes, indicating a significant decrease in oxygenation
erythema redness of the skin caused by congestion of the capillaries in the lower layers of the skin that occurs with any skin injury, infection or inflammation
extension posture arms are stiffly extended, adducted, and hyperpronated with hyperextension of the legs and plantar flexion of the feet; indicates disruption of the motor fibers in the midbrain and brainstem
fissure a narrow slit
flexion posture internal rotation and adduction of the arms with flexion of the elbows, wrists and fingers, resulting from neurologic injury and interruption of voluntary motor tracts; extension of the legs may also be seen
guaiac test for blood in the stool
gurgles wet sounds heard when auscultating the lungs; new term for rhonchi; it also occurs in the bowel
patent freely open
petechiae pinpoint, round, purplish red spots that are not raised, caused by intradermal or submucosal hemorrhage
rinne test a test to compare bone and air conduction of sound, preformed with a tuning fork
sanguineous body
Created by: jekjes
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