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WVSOM -- First Aid Classic Presentations Page 4

Polyuria, acidosis, growth failure, electrolyte imbalances fandoni’s syndrome (proximal tubular reabsorption defect)
Positive Anterior “drawer sign” ACL injury
Ptosis, miosis, anhidrosis Horner’s syndrome (sympathetic chain lesion)
Pupil accommodates but doesn’t’ react Argyll Robertson pupil (neurosyphilis)
Rapidly progressive leg weakness that ascends (following GI/upper respiratory infection) Guillain-Barre Syndrome (autoimmune acute inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy)
Rash on palms and soles 2® Syphillis, rocky Mountain spotted fever
Recurrent colds, unusual eczema, high serum IgE Job’s syndrome (hyper IgE syndrome: neurophil chemotaxis abnormality)
Red “currant jelly” sputum Klebsiella pneumonia
Red, itchy, swollen rash of nipple/areola Paget’s disease of the breast (represents underlying neoplasm)
Red urine in the morning paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria
Renal cell carcinoma, hemangioblastomas, angiomatosis, pheochromocytoma von Hippel-Lindau disease (dominant tumor suppressor gene mutation)
Resting tremor, rigidity, akinesia, postural instability Parkinson’s disease (nigrostriatal dopamine depletion)
Restrictive cardiomyopathy (juvenile form: cardiomegaly), exercise intolerance Pompe’s disease (lysosomal glucosidase deficiency)
Retinal hemorrhages with pale centers Roth’s spots (bacterial endocarditis)
Severe jaundice ni neonate Crigler-najjar syndrome (congenital unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia)
Severe RLQ pain with rebound tenderness McBurney’s sign (appendicitis)
Short stature, ↑ incidence of tumors/leukemia, aplastic anemia Fanconi’s anemia 9genetically inherited
Single palm crease simian crease (Down syndrome)
Situs inversus, chronic sinusitis, bronchiectasis Kartagener’s syndrome (dynein defect affecting cilia)
Skin hyperpigmentation Addison’s Disease (1° adrenocortical insufficiency of autoimmune or infectious etiology)
Slow, progressive muscle weakness in boys Becker’s muscular dystrophy 9X-linked, defective dystrophin
Small irregular red spots on buccal/lingual mucosa with blue-white centers Koplik spots (measles)
Small, nontender, erythematous lesions on palms/soles janeway lesions (infective endocarditits)
Smooth, flat, moist white lesions on gentials condylomata lata (2° syphilis)
Splinter hemorrhages in fingernails bacterial endocarditis
“strawberry tongue” scarlet fever, Kawasaki disease, toxic shock syndrome
Created by: tjamrose
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