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Inventions and inventors

InventionInventorYear Invented
Harmonica Christian Friedrich Ludwig 1821
Phonograph Thomas Alva Edison 1877
World Wide Web Tim Berners-Lee 1989
Artificial Heart Dr. Robert K. Jarvik 1982
Water Thermometer Galileo 1593
Lightning Rod Benjamin Franklin 1752
Bifocals Benjamin Franklin 1783
Parachute Blanchard 1785
Cotton Gin Eli Whitney 1793
Electric Battery Volta 1800
Stethoscope Lanec 1819
Typewriter Charles Thurber 1843
Telegraph Samuel F. B. Morse 1844
Telephone Alexander Graham Bell 1876
Electric Stove William S. Hadaway 1896
Airplane Wilbur and Orville Wright 1903
Helicopter Igor Sikorsky 1939
Adding Machine Blaise Pascal 1642
Stock Ticker Thomas Alva Edison 1869
Mercury Thermometer Gabriel Fahrenheit 1714
Piano Bartolomeo Cristofori 1688
StudyStack John Weidner 2002
Created by: PRO Teacher JohnW
Popular Science sets



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