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335 Exam 2

335 Depressive Disorders

depression alteration in mood that is expressed by feelings of sadness, despair and pessimism
depression age and sex higher in those 45 years or younger, more common in women
socioeconomic factors economic burden, lack of access to resources
major depressive disorder depressed mood or loss of interest or pleasure in usual activities, impaired social and occupational functioning for at least 2 weeks
persistent depressive disorder, dysthymia milder than MDD, sad, down in the dumps; poor appetite or overeating, poor concentration, hopelessness; had their whole life
premenstrual dysphroic disorder markedly depressed mood, excessive anxiety, mood swings, decreased interest in activities the week prior to menses; interferes with person socially
substance induced depressive disorder drug abuse, medication or toxin exposure; clinically significant distress or impairment to functioning, associated with withdrawal or intoxication
psychoanalytic theory painful dejection, cessation of interest in the outside world, loss of the capacity to love, inhibition of all activity, lowering self feelings ; internal depression
learning theory learned helplessness; feels a lack of control over their life
object loss theory result of being abandoned during the first 6 months of life
cognitive theory negative expectations of the environment, self and future
transactional model of stress and adaptation combined effects influence on an individual's susceptibility to depression
childhood depression changes in grades, trouble at school, refusal to go to school
child therapy alleviate symptoms, strengthen coping skills, prevent future problems
adolescence depression feeling of sadness, loneliness, anxiety and hopelessness; inappropriate anger, running away, delinquency, sexual acting out, substance abuse
depression adolescence treatment fluoxetine, escitalopram
semenescence depression among the elderly, hopelessness and helplessness become more intense with age
postpartum depression baby blues, worry and sadness after having a baby; 80% of mothers, loss of appetite, sleep disturbance; symptoms subside within 2 weeks
severe depression total despair, slowdown of entire body, sluggish digestion, no hygiene, no interaction with others
moderate depression gloomy and pessimistic, slumped posture, obsessive thoughts, continually worse mood through day
mild depression denial of feelings, anger, anorexia overeating, preoccupation with loss
transient depression sadness and some crying, tiredness and listlessness
premenstrual dysphoric hormone imbalance estrogen and progesterone
learning theory clients learned helplessness and feel lack of control over his or her life
cognitive therapy client is taught to control thought distortions and identifies dysfunctional patterns of thinking and behavior
intervention for disruptive mood dysregulation disorder strengthening the client's coping and adaptive skills
signs of depression in childhood aggressive behavior, lack of social interaction
antidepressant side effects gastric distress and nausea, dizziness, teach client to take with food
side effects of fluoxetine (SSRI) insomnia, agitation, impotence or sexual dysfunction, anticholinergic effects with decreased sedation and cardiovascular effects
neuroendocrine disorder associated with depression hypothyroidism
maladaptive grieving intervention encourage patient to express anger
MAOI side effect hypertensive crisis, sweating and pallor
MAOI teaching avoid foods high in tyramine; aged cheese, raisins, red wine, chocolate, meat liver, yogurt
Created by: ahommel
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