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RTE 2712 Week 4

RTE 2712 Week 4 cardiovascular: Blood

The formed elements of the blood consist of Red, and white blood cells, and platelets
Loose connective tissue and cartilage contain a network of insoluble fibers, whereas plasma, a fluid connective tissue, contains Dissolved proteins
Blood transports dissolved gases, bringing oxygen from the lungs to the tissues and carrying carbon dioxide from the tissues to the lungs
The "patrol agents" in the blood that defend the body against toxins and pathogens are white blood cells and antibodies
The unique composition of whole blood consists of plasma and formed elements
In addition to water and proteins, plasma contains albumins, globulins, and fibrinogen
The three primary classes of plasma proteins are albumins, globulins, and fibrinogen
The primary function(s) of plasma is(are) absorbing and releasing heat as needed by the body, transporting ions, transporting RBC's
The plasma proteins that attack foreign proteins and pathogens are called immunoglobulins
The fluid left after the clotting proteins are removed from plasma is known as serum
Formed elements in the blood are produced by the process of hemopoiesis
The stem cells that produce all the blood cells are called hemocytoblasts
In adults, the only site of RBC and WBC production is the Red bond marrow
The primary function(s) of a mature red blood cell is(are) transport of respiratory gases
Circulating mature red bloods cells lack mitochondria, ribosomes, and nuclei
RBC production is regulated by the hormone erythropoietin
The average lifespan of a red blood cell is 120 days
The function of hemoglobin is to carry oxygen
Aged and damaged erythrocytes are broken down by macrophages in the Spleen, liver, and bone marrow
The important effect(s) on RBCs' functions due to their unusual shape is(are) it enables RBCs to form stacks, it gives each RBC a large surface-area-to-volume ration, and it enables RBCs to bend and flex when entering small capillaries
Red blood cells are called erythrocytes
A person's blood type is determined by the presence or absence of specific antigens on the cell membrane
Individuals with type A blood have B agglutinins in their plasma
Agglutinogens are contained (on,in) the_____, while the agglutinins are found (on,in) the ____. Cell membrane of RBC; plasma
The blood of a person with type O blood contains anti-A and anti-B agglutinins
Rh-negative blood indicates the absence of the Rh antigen
A type O person can donate blood to a type A person because A type O person does not have any antigens to be attacked by the type A blood
When blood types are incompatible, the blood will Clump and agglutinate
The two types of agranular leukocytes found in the blood are monocytes and lymphocytes
Based on their standing characteristics, the types of granular leukocytes found in the blood are neutrophils, eosinophils, and basophils
The number of eosinophils increase dramatically during an allergic reaction or a parasitic infection
The type of leukocyte responsible for the red, swollen condition in inflamed tissue is the basophil
The multilobed white blood cell that typically fights bacteria is the neutrophil
The leukocyte that fuses with another of its kind to create a giant phagocytic cell is the monocyte
The most numerous WBCs in a normal WBC differential are the neutrophils
WBCs that release histamine at the site of an injury are basophils
WBCs other than lymphocytes are regulated by hormones called colony-stimulating factors(CFSs)
In adults, the production of B&T lymphocytes is regulated primarily by exposure to antigens such as Toxins, cells, and foreign proteins
The WBCs that are important in producing antibodies are the lymphocytes
The normal number of WBCs in a healthy person is _____/mm^3 6000-9000
Platelets are formed elements in human blood that visually appear as cell fragments
Platelets are responsible for initiating the clotting process
Platelet production is called thrombocytopoiesis
The average concentration of platelets in each microliter of circulating blood is 350,000/ul
Basophils are specialized WBCs that contain histamine that exaggerates the inflammatory response at the injury site
Hemostasis is a process consisting of three overlapping phases. The correct order of the phases is Vascular phase, Platelet phase, Coagulation phase
The extrinsic pathway in blood clotting involves the release of tissue factor by damaged endothelial cells
The common pathway in blood clotting involves the following events, in correct sequential order prothrombin-thrombin-fibrinogen-fibrin
During the clotting process, platelets function in transporting chemicals important for clotting, contraction after clot formation, initiating the clotting process
A blood clot attached to blood vessel wall is called a(n) thrombus
The process of fibrinolysis dissolves clots
The vitamin needed for the formation of clotting factors is Vitamin K
A drifting blood clot is called a(n) embolus
A clotting protein found in the bloodstream and made liver is fibrinogen
Hemopoiesis blood cell formation
Hematocrit packed cell volume
increased hematocrit dehydration
decreased hematocrit internal bleeding
leukocytosis excessive WBCs
microphages neutrophils, eosinophils
antibodies agglutinins
stem cells hemocytoblasts
surface antigens agglutinogens
diapedesis WBC migration
List the five primary functions of the blood transports dissolved gases, regulates interstitial fluid, restricts fluid losses, defends the body against toxins and pathogens, helps regulate body temp
What are the three primary classes of plasma proteins albumins, globulins, and fibrinogen
List the three kinds of granular leukocytes neutrophils, eosinophils, basophils
List two kinds of agranular WBCs monocytes and lymphocytes
What are the three primary functions of platelets transport of chemicals important to the clotting, formation of a plug in the walls of damaged blood vessels, and active contraction after clot formation
List the events in the clotting response Vascular phase, platelet phase, coagulation phase, clot retraction, and clot destruction
What is an embolus a drifting blood clot
What is an thrombus a blood clot that sticks to the wall of an intact blood vessel
Created by: Joker71
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