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AnP1 Final Review

Accumulation of Long Exam questions and answers

One of the roles of cholesterol in the cell membrane is to: stabilize the membrane
This component of the cell membrane allows the body to distinguish “self” from “non-self” particles. carbohydrate
The major lipids in the cell membrane are: phospholipids and cholesterol
In cells that are not actively dividing, DNA is: tangled in a ball of chromatin
Intracellular fluid is also known as: cytosol
A flagellum can only be found on a(n): sperm cell
The small body in the nucleus that assembles ribosome subunits is called the nucleolus
An organelle that produces energy for the cell is called a(n) mitochondrion
Small bodies involved in the manufacture of proteins are ribosomes
A particular cell type specializes in breaking down harmful by-products of metabolism. This cell type would contain very high levels of: peroxisomes
Two separate cells require different amounts of energy. The muscle cell must generate large supplies of ATP. The skin cell requires very little ATP. Based solely on information provided in this question, these two cells would differ in the abundance of: mitochondria
Vesicles move through the cell body on a network of tracks known as: microtubules
Microvilli and cilia are formed from what type of cytoskeletal filament? Microfilaments
Cells die a natural death in the process known as: apoptosis
In DNA replication, two distinct nuclei form during which phase? Telophase
If a cell lacked centrioles, it would not be able to: divide
The correct order of the stages in mitosis is prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase
The phase of mitosis when the chromosomes pull apart is: anaphase
The RNA found in ribosomes is called rRNA
Ribosomes participate in the process of translation
What effect does diffusion usually have on the concentration gradient? no change
Which of the following processes requires ATP? active transport
Which of the following processes moves a substance that can freely pass through the cell membrane? simple diffusion
A cell will shrink if it is dropped into a solution that is: hypertonic
The process by which the cell “takes out the trash” is called: exocytosis
Epithelial tissue that is arranged in layers of boxy cells that allow an organ to stretch is called: stratified cuboidal epithelium
The layer of tissue between the epithelium and the connective tissue beneath it is known as the: basement membrane
Adipocytes are to adipose tissue as osteocyte is to: bone tissue
The secreting cells of the pituitary gland are constructed from: epithelial cells
The main components of atoms are protons, neutrons, and electrons
The atomic number for technetium is 43, its atomic mass is 98. How many neutrons are in one atom of technetium? 55
The atomic number of phosphorus is 15. How many protons does phosphorus have? 15
A substance composed of two or more different elements participating in a chemical bond is a(n) compound
A substance that has a name ending in –ase is most likely a(n): enzyme
Proteins are complex molecules composed of: amino acids
The functional groups that make up protein are joined by an atom of _______ carbon
Which of the following substances is not a potential building block of nucleotides? fatty acid
––CH3 is an example of a: functional group
A positively charged ion is called a(n) cation
The fact that you can blink your eyelids is an example of: Function
A reaction in which simple compounds are assembled into more complex compounds is most accurately described as a(n): Anabolic reaction
The basic units of life are Cells
Arteries, capillaries, veins, and the heart are all parts of the ______ system cardiovascular
The difference between the inside of the refrigerator and the inside of the freezer is called the Temperature gradient
The body's effort to maintain a steady state is termed: Homeostasis
Which of the following is the best example of positive feedback? Going through labor and delivering a baby
A term that means farther from the midline of the body is: Lateral
The layer of membrane tissue that is attached to the organs is called the: visceral layer
The most inferior medial region of the abdomen is the: hypogastric region
Oxygen makes up about ______ of the air we breathe (ambient air). 20%
Which of the following is NOT a function of the skeleton? sodium storage
Which of these is not a flat bone? talus
Bone growth in children occurs in the ________. epiphyseal plates
The funnel-shaped area at the end of a long bone is called the____. metaphysis
The tissue that covers the ends of long bones is called____. articular cartilage
Osteocytes are____. mature bone cells that maintain bone
Osteoid, a bone collagen, is produced by which type of bone cell? Osteoblasts
Endochondral ossification is____. the grinding together of two bones after the cartilage between them wears away
If you wanted to find chondroblasts in a growing long bone, where would you look? In the epiphyseal plate
Molly, 52, active in menopause w/ a family history of osteoporosis so she wants do what she can to avoid bone fragility. She exercises regularly, takes prescribed estrogen & over-the-counter calcium supplements. What should her doctor suggest for her? Take 400 IU of vitamin D daily, and carry your own suitcases when you travel
Increased parathyroid activity could result in ____. kidney stones
Ballet students spend a great deal of time perfecting their execution of this action: plantar flexion
You're playing baseball Sunday afternoon and a wild pitch hits you right in the mouth, cracking your lower jaw. Which bone is damaged? Your mandible
An air cavity within the skull is called a ____. sinus
What is the importance of the sella turcica? It holds the pituitary gland in the cranium
Before they fuse to become permanent bone, the cranial bones of an infant are separated by soft membranous areas called_____. fontanels
____ is a medical term that refers to cartilage of the ribs. costochondral
Mucus membranes: contain cilia
The glands that become blocked, resulting in blackheads, are called sebaceous glands
Hair and nails are made up of a protein called keratin
The hard keratin that makes up fingernails is synthesized by cells in the stratum corneum
The keratin-filled uppermost layer of the epidermis is called the stratum corneum
New cells grow from the deepest layer of the epidermis, the stratum basale
Most of the cells in the dermis are fibroblasts
Which of the following conditions can be determined by observing a person's skin color? Concentration of hemoglobin in the blood
Dendritic cells in the epidermis seek and destroy bacteria
The layer of skin immediately inferior to the dermis is adipose tissue
Ms J spent a month in Florida, and returned to Ohio with a light tan. The tan reflects an increase in melanin
Which of these is NOT a method or characteristic by which our skin protects us from infection? Antibodies on the outermost layer of the epidermis
The action of blood vessels near the skin constricting to preserve heat is performed by precapillary sphincters
Which of the following is NOT a function of skin? breathing
The maintenance of constant body temperature would be difficult without the actions of the eccrine glands
Electrical synapses convey signals between cells via gap junctions
Nodes of Ranvier are important because they are the naked points on the axon between myelinated spaces where action potentials travel
Graded potentials: can be added together
Evan wants to get his sister Lauren's attention. He taps her shoulder softly at first, and then progressively harder. With each successive hit, action potentials in Lauren's neurons get more frequent
Depolarization would occur if: calcium cations enter the cell
A cell has a very strong electric gradient, with a relative excess of anions inside the cell. The membrane potential of this cell is most likely: -100 mV
Resting membrane potential is -70 mV
If an excess of cations accumulates in the cytosol, the extracellular fluid acquires an excess of anions
Which of the following is true about neurons? Axons are covered in places by myelin
The resting membrane potential is negative because: potassium ions are always leaking out of the cell.
Antagonists frequently: bind the receptor without inducing a cellular response.
c-AMP (cyclic AMP) is a second messenger associated with which of the following? G-protein–coupled receptors
Enzyme-linked receptors: generate active proteins within the cytosol to effect a functional change in the cell
Proteins that change a cell's activity when bound by a chemical signal are called: receptors
A general term describing and chemical that binds a receptor is: ligand
Neurotransmitters enter the synaptic cleft from the axon terminal. True
Sodium can pass through the cell membrane only by means of the sodium/potassium pump False
In living human cells, there is a higher concentration of potassium in intracellular fluid than in extracellular fluid. True
Which of the following senses is a special sense? Taste
Which of the following senses is a general sense? Proprioception
You are eating a taco as your plane descends. Which of the following would not be detected by the somatic senses? Rising heat, your lips burning, a change in air pressure, the cilantro flavor in the taco sauce The cilantro flavor in the taco sauce
An analgesic is used to treat ____. Pain
If you hold your arm motionless in the air, which receptors are most important in informing you of your hand position? Proprioceptors
Your biceps are contracted. Which bodies inform you about the amount of muscle tension? Golgi and tendons
What cranial nerve(s) are involved in conveying taste signals to the brain? CN VII (facial), CN IX (glossopharyngeal), CN X (vagus)
Olfactory epithelium is involved in the sense of ____. Smell
In what sensory modality are axon dendrites suspended in a mucus layer? Taste
The medical term for eardrum is ____. Tympanic Membrane
The ossicle of the ear that is in contact with the tympanic membrane is the ____. Malleus
Cerumen is _____. The waxy secretion of glands in the auditory canal
What is the medical name for the organ of hearing on either side of your head? Pinna
The 8th cranial nerve is the ____. Vestibulocochlear nerve
If you had to find a crista ampullaris, where would you look? The semicircular canals
While at the beach, a huge wave knocks you over and you get pushed under water. You're struggling to regain your balance. What receptors are trying to help you determine "which way is up" and out of danger? Maculae
The semicircular canals detect ____. Spinning movements
You are descending in an elevator, but otherwise motionless. Which sensory receptors will be activated? Maculae
The middle, pigmented layer of the eye is ____. Choroid
The eye muscle that circles the bottom part of the eyeball is the ____. Inferior oblique
The "blind spot" is also called the ____. Optic Disc
The iris is part of the ____. Vascular tunic
Tears are produced in the _____. Lacrimal gland
Which of the following muscles is not one of the eye muscles? Lateral oblique, inferior rectus, superior oblique, medial rectus Lateral oblique
Which tunic forms the cornea? Fibrous tunic
Tightening of the suspensory ligaments of the eye causes ____. The lens to flatten
A ray of light hitting the eye follows which of the following pathways? Cornea > aqueous humor > iris > lens > vitreous humor > retina
Which of the following does NOT play a role in light refraction? Aqueous humor, iris, lens, cornea Iris
The receptors for vision are the ____. Rods and cones
Rhodopsin is the pigment found in the ____. Rods
Ocular cones are concentrated in what part of the eye? Fovea Centralis
What part of the diencephalon is responsible for "jet lag"? Pineal gland
Nuclei in the ____ regulate heartbeat and respiration rates. Medulla Oblongata
The ____ nerve is th3e main sensory nerve of the face and head. Trigeminal
The brachial plexus supplies motor impulses to the muscles of the ____. Shoulder
How many coccygeal nerves are there? 1
In the autonomic nervous system, sensory and motor neurons carry signals to and away from the ____. Hypothalamus
Norepinephrine is the neurotransmitter used in synapses between ____. A sympathetic motor neuron and a cell lining the small intestine
What are the actions of the sympathetic nervous system? Changes in BP, dilation of pupils, stimulation of adrenal gland
The parasympathetic ganglia are called ____. Terminal Ganglia
The muscle that closes the lips is the ____. Orbicularis Oris
Which of the following is not NOT a muscle of the head? Sacrospinalis, buccinator, masseter, temporal Sacrospinalis
What muscle allows you to exhale? Internal intercostal
What does trumpeter Wynton Marsalis have most in common with the great 20th century jazz trumpeter Louis Armstong? Well-developed buccinator muscle
What is the prime mover when you smile? Zygomaticus
An important characteristic of smooth muscle is that ____. The major source of calcium is the extracellular fluid
What is try about smooth muscle? Myosin heads appear along the entire length of thick filaments
Your neighbor just returned home after a month long hospital stay after abdominal surgery. He is a construction worker and wants to get back to work ASAP, but must be strong enough. What do you recommend? Do leg squats holding 10lb weights, increasing 2lbs every other day
The compound that stores oxygen in muscle cells is ____. Myoglobin
The enzyme that catalyzes glycogenolysis is _____. Glycogen Phosphorylase
Created by: _alykat_
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