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Korean 6
Term | Definition |
신발 | Shoes |
남방 | Shirt |
질문 | Question |
문제 | Problem, question |
나이 | Age (informal) |
화장실 | Bathroom, restroom |
부장님 | Boss, manager |
분위기 | The atmosphere of something |
차 | Tea, car |
바지 | Pants |
교실 | Classroom |
급식 | Food at school |
교감선생님 | Vice principal |
교장선생님 | Principal |
풀 | Glue |
수도 | The capital city, e.g. Seoul, of a country |
병 | Bottle (counter for bottles), disease |
생선 | Fish |
야채 | Vegetable |
언덕 | Slope, hill |
선물 | Present, gift |
기타 | Guitar |
종이 | Paper, sheet of paper |
우유 | Milk |
손목 | Wrist |
시계 | Watch, clock |
손목시계 | Wristwatch |
영화 | Movie, film |
노력하다 | To make an effort, to try hard |
앉다 | To sit |
만지다 | To touch, to feel, to handle |
자다 | To sleep |
보다 | To watch, to see |
기다리다 | To wait for |
청소하다 | To clean |
약속하다 | To make an appointment, to promise |
듣다 | To hear |
들어보다 | To listen |
그만하다 | To stop |
운동하다 | To exercise, to work out |
놀라다 | To be surprised |
빠르다 | To be fast |
느리다 | To be slow |
착하다 | To be good-natured, to be kind-hearted |
곧 | Soon, right away |
항상 | Always, all the time |
주 | Week |
가다 + ~아/어 = 가 (가 + 아) | Informal low respect. Used when talking to your friends, people you are close with, people younger than you and your family. (~어/아. When adding ~~어/아 to the stem of a word. |
오다 + ~아/어 = 와 (오 + 아) | Informal low respect. Used when talking to your friends, people you are close with, people younger than you and your family. (~어/아. When adding ~~어/아 to the stem of a word. |
배우다 + ~아/어 = 배워 (배우 + 어) | Informal low respect. Used when talking to your friends, people you are close with, people younger than you and your family. (~어/아. When adding ~~어/아 to the stem of a word. |
끼다 + ~아/어 = 껴 (끼 + 어) | Informal low respect. Used when talking to your friends, people you are close with, people younger than you and your family. (~어/아. When adding ~~어/아 to the stem of a word. |
나서다 + ~아/어 = 나서 (나서 + 어) | Informal low respect. Used when talking to your friends, people you are close with, people younger than you and your family. (~어/아. When adding ~~어/아 to the stem of a word. |
켜다 + ~아/어 = 켜 (켜 + 어) | Informal low respect. Used when talking to your friends, people you are close with, people younger than you and your family. (~어/아. When adding ~~어/아 to the stem of a word. |
하다 + ~아/어 = 해 (하 + 여) | Informal low respect. Used when talking to your friends, people you are close with, people younger than you and your family. (~어/아. When adding ~~어/아 to the stem of a word. |
먹다 + ~아/어 = 먹어 (먹 + 어) | Informal low respect. Used when talking to your friends, people you are close with, people younger than you and your family. (~어/아. When adding ~~어/아 to the stem of a word. |
앉다 + ~아/어 = 앉아 (앉 + 아) | Informal low respect. Used when talking to your friends, people you are close with, people younger than you and your family. (~어/아. When adding ~~어/아 to the stem of a word. |
었다/았다/였다 | Informal low respect. Instead of adding 었다/았다/였다 to a stem, remove 다 and add 어 after 었/았/였: |
(먹 + 었어) | I ate (informal) |
(들어보 + 았어) | I listened (informal) |
(운동하 + 였어) | I exercised (informal) |
요 | Informal high respect. Just add 요 to the end of the Informal low respect conjugations |
(먹 + 었어요) | I ate (casual formal) |
(들어보 + 았어요) | I listened (casual formal) |
(운동하 + 였어요) | I exercised (casual formal) |
습니다 | Formal high respect. After adding 었/았/였 instead of adding 다 add 습니다: |
(먹 + 었습니다) | I ate (super formal) |
(들어보 + 았습니다) | I listened (super formal) |
(운동하 + 였습니다) | I exercised (super formal) |
겠 | Future tense, same rules apply |
(먹 + 겠어) | I will eat (informal) |
(먹 + 겠어요) | I will eat (casual formal) |
(먹 + 겠습니다) | I will eat (super formal) |