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Medical Terminology_101

Abduction lateral movement of the limbs away from the median plane of the body
Adduction movement of a limb or eye toward the median plane of the body.
Adverse reaction harmful or unintended effect of a medication, diagnostic test, or therapeutic intervention.
Aerobic of or pertaining to the presence of air or oxygen; requiring oxygen for the maintenance of life.
Afebrile without fever.
Alopecia Partial or complete loss of hair; baldness.
Anaerobic absence of oxygen.
Anemia disorder characterized by a decrease in hemoglobin in the blood
Angioedema a condition marked by the development of edematous areas of skin, mucous membranes, or internal organs.
Anorexia condition in which ill or debilitated clients have poor appetites.
Aphasia neurological disorder influencing the production and understanding of language.
Apical impulse point at which the apex of the heart touches the anterior chest wall; best site for auscultation of heart sounds; also called the point of maximal impulse (PMI).
Asepsis absence of germs or microorganisms
Ataxia defective muscular coordination, especially manifested when voluntary muscular movements are manifested.
Atelectasis collapse of alveoli, preventing the normal respiratory exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide.
Atrophy wasting or diminution of size or physiological activity of a part of the body caused by disease or other influences
Autonomy ability or tendency to function independently.
Biopsy removal of a small piece of living tissue from an organ or other part of the body for microscopic examination
Blanching whitening of the skin from pressure, vasoconstriction, or hypotension
Bruit abnormal sound or murmur heard while auscultating an organ, gland, or artery
Buccal of or pertaining to the inside of the cheek or the gum next to the cheek
Cachexia general ill health and malnutrition marked by weakness and emaciation
Cyanosis bluish discoloration of the skin and mucous membranes caused by deoxygenated hemoglobin in the blood or a structural defect in hemoglobin.
Defecation passage of feces from the digestive tract through the rectum
Dehiscence separation of a wound's edges that reveals underlying tissues
Dehydration excessive loss of water from the body tissues, accompanied by a disturbance of body electrolytes.
Diaphoresis secretion of sweat, especially profuse secretion associated with an elevated body temperature, physical exertion, or emotional stress
Diarrhea increase in the number of stools and the passage of liquid, unformed feces
Distal farthest from the center, from a medial line, or from the trunk.
Distention swelling of a body cavity; may be caused by fluid, gas, or a mass
Diuresis increased formation and excretion of urine
Dysphagia difficulty swallowing.
Dysphasia impairment of the speech resulting from a brain lesion or neurodevelopmental disorder
Dyspnea shortness of breath or difficulty in breathing that may be caused by certainheart or lung conditions or strenuous exercise
Dysrhythmia heartbeat that deviates from the normal pattern.
Ecchymosis a bruise, that is, superficial bleeding under the skin or a mucous membrane
Edematous/Edema abnormal accumulation of fluid in interstitial spaces of tissues
Embolus a foreign object, a quantity of air or gas, a bit of tissue or tumor, or a piece of thrombus that circulates in the bloodstream until it becomes lodged in a vessel
Empathy ability to understand and accept another person's reality.
Endoscopy visualization of the interior of body organs and cavities with an endoscope
Epistaxis hemorrhage from the nose; nosebleed.
Erythema redness or inflammation of the skin or mucous membranes that is a result of dilation and congestion of superficial capillaries; sunburn is an example
Eupnea normal respiration that is quiet, effortless, and rhythmic
Evisceration protrusion of visceral organs through a surgical wound
Excoriation injury to the skin's surface caused by abrasion
Extension a movement that brings the members of a limb into or toward a straight line.
Febrile pertaining to or characterized by an elevated body temperature
Fever of Unknown Origin (FUO) refers to a fever whose cause cannot be determined
Flaccid relaxed; flabby; having defective or absent muscle tone.
Flatulence condition characterized by the accumulation of gas within the lumen of the intestines.
Flexion the act of bending or condition of being bent in contrast to extension
Halitosis offensive breath resulting from poor oral hygiene, dental or oral infection, ingestion of certain foods, or systemic disease
Hematemesis vomiting of blood; indicates upper gastrointestinal bleeding
Hematocrit measure of the packed cell volume of red cells, expressed as a percentage of the total blood volume
Hematoma collection of blood trapped in the tissues of the skin or an organ.
Hematuria abnormal presence of blood in the urine
Hemiparesis muscular weakness of one half of the body
Hemiplegia paralysis of one side of the body
Hemoglobin the iron-containing pigment of red blood cells that carries oxygen from the lungs to the tissues.
Hemoptysis coughing of blood from the respiratory tract
Hemorrhage external or internal loss of a large amount of blood in a short period of time.
Hemostasis termination of bleeding by mechanical or chemical means or by the coagulation process of the body.
Hirsutism excessive body hair in a masculine distribution caused by heredity, hormonal dysfunction, or medication
Hyperglycemia abnormally high blood sugar levels, as are found in people with diabetes mellitus or people treated with some drugs such as steroids
Hyperthermia situation in which body temperature exceeds the set point; fever
Hypoglycemia an abnormally low level of glucose in the blood, often associated with neurological side effects and arousal of the sympathetic nervous system.
Hypothermia abnormal lowering of body temperature below 95° F (35° C),usually caused by prolonged exposure to cold
Hypovolemia decreased circulatory blood volume resulting from extracellular fluid losses
Hypoxemia abnormal deficiency of oxygen in arterial blood
Ideal Body Weight (IBW) estimate of what a person should weigh
Incontinence inability to control urination
Indurated hardened tissue, particularly skin, due to edema, inflammation, or infiltration by a tumor.
Inferior beneath; lower
Intake that which is taken in, especially food and liquids
Ischemia a temporary deficiency of blood flow to an organ or tissue
-itis suffix meaning inflammation of
Jaundice yellow discoloration of the skin, mucous membranes, and sclera, caused by greater than normal amounts of bilirubin in the blood
Kyphosis exaggeration of the posterior curvature of the thoracic spine.
Leukocytosis abnormal increase in the number of circulating white blood cells
Lordosis increased lumbar curvature
Malaise a subjective sense of discomfort, weakness, fatigue, or feeling rundown that may occur alone or accompany other symptoms and illnesses
Meatus opening through any part of the body (e.g., the urethral meatus).
Metastasize to spread.
Necrotic of or pertaining to the death of tissue in response to disease or injury
Neuropathy abnormal condition characterized by inflammation and degeneration of peripheral nerves that alter sensory or motor function
Nocturia urination at night; can be a symptom of renal disease or may occur in persons who drink excessive amounts of fluids before bedtime
Nystagmus involuntary rhythmic movements of the eyes; the oscillations may be horizontal, vertical, rotary, or mixed
Occlusion blockage in a canal, vessel, or passage of the body.
Oliguria diminished capacity to form and pass urine.
Orthopnea abnormal respiratory symptom in which a person must sit or stand to breathe deeply or comfortably.
Orthostatic Hypotension drop in systolic blood pressure of 15 mm Hg or more when a person rises from a recumbent position to a sitting or standing position
Output end product of a system.
Palliative Care the prevention, relief, reduction, or soothing of symptoms of disease or disorders without effecting a cure
Pancytopenia a reduction in all cellular elements of the blood
Perfusion passage of a fluid, such as blood, through a specific organ or an area of the body.
Peristalsis coordinated, rhythmic, serial contractions of smooth muscle that force food through the digestive tract.
Petechiae tiny purple or red spots that appear on the skin as minute hemorrhages within dermal layers.
Phlebitis inflammation of a vein.
Pneumothorax collection of air or gas in the pleural space
Polyps small tumorlike growths that projects from a mucous membrane surface
Polyuria excretion of an abnormally large volume of urine
Prone horizontal with the face downward
Proximal nearest the point of attachment, center of the body, or point of reference
Pruritis symptom of itching
Purulent producing or containing pus.
Sanguineous fluid containing red blood cells
Scoliosis lateral spinal curvature
Sepsis a systemic inflammatory response to infection, in which there is fever or hypothermia, tachycardia, tachypnea, and evidence of inadequate blood flow to internal organs
Serosanguineous containing both serum and blood
Serous a clear (like plasma) fluid that forms an exudate at the site of an inflammation.
Sloughing shedding off of dead tissue cells
Stoma artificially created opening between a body cavity and the body's surface (e.g., a colostomy) formed from a portion of the colon pulled through the abdominal wall.
Strabismus abnormal ocular condition in which the eyes are crossed
Stria streak or linear scar that results from rapidly developing tension in the skin, commonly seen on the abdomen after pregnancy
Sublingual route of medication administration in which the medication is placed underneath the client's tongue
Superior higher than; situated above something else
Supine lying on the back with the face upward
Syncope transient (and usually sudden) loss of consciousness, accompanied by an inability to maintain an upright posture
Thrombocytopenia an abnormal decrease in the number of platelets
Thrombus accumulation of platelets, fibrin, clotting factors, and the cellular elements of the blood attached to the interior wall of a vein or artery, sometimes occluding the lumen of the vessel.
Turgor normal resiliency of the skin caused by the outward pressure of the cells and interstitial fluid.
Urticaria multiple swollen raised areas on the skin that are intensely itchy and last up to 24 hr; they may appear primarily on the chest, back, extremities, face, or scalp
Urosepsis condition caused by bacteria in the urine that may lead to the spread of organisms into the bloodstream or kidneys.
Vertigo the sensation of moving around in space or of having objects move about the person
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