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Lifespan Final

Lifespan Final Mod 4

Myocardial Infarction - Death of Heart Muscle - Non STEMI (Partial Block) - STEMI (Complete Block)
Myocardial Infarction S&S - Crushing Pain radiates through arm, shoulder, neck, jaw - Diaphoresis (Sweating) - Dizziness / Fainting - Dyspnea - Nausea - Restlessness - Wheezes / Crackles
MI Diagnosis - ECG - Troponin I & T - Myoglobin - CKMB - CRP - Magnesium / Potassium
MI Interventions - Oxygen - Nitroglycerin (Chest Pain) - Morphine / Aspirin - Thrombolytics - Vasodilators - Nitrates - Beta Blockers - Antiarrhythmics
Screening Test for Heart Failure Serum B - Type Natriuretic Peptide (BNP)
Stable Angina - Predictable - Chest Pain - Stops w/ Rest - Only during stress or strenuous activities
Unstable Angina - Unpredictable - Pre Medicate before any activities - Can occur at rest or when sleeping - Causes blood clots
Hyperkalemia Too much potassium in the blood (> 5.5 mEq/L)
Hyperkalemia S & S - None until severe - Muscle Pain / Weakness / Numbness - Anxiety / Palpitations - Dysrhythmias - Decreased BP - Decreased Urine Output
BUN 8–21 mg/dL
CR 0.6–1.21 mg/dL
Potassium 3.5–5.0 mEq/L
Magnesium 1.6–2.6 mg/dL
Troponin I <0.05
Troponin T <0.01
INR (not receiving treatment) 0.9 - 1.1
INR (receiving treatment) 2 - 3
WBC 4.5–11.1
ANC (Absolute Neutrophil Count) 2.7 - 6.5
Digoxin 0.5–2 ng/mL
Hypertension S & S - Silent Killer - Headache - Bloody Nose - Severe Anxiety - Shortness of Breath
Hypertension Tx - Lifestyle Modifications - Medications
Chlorothiazide - Increases urine output - Antihypertensive - Diuretic - Treats Hypertension / Heart Failure
Aspirin - NSAID - Anti-inflammatory - Reduces pain, fever and inflammation - inhibit platelet activation
Epogen - Stimulates proliferation of stem cells into red blood cells. - Black box warning for heart disease risk. Monitor blood pressure and hematocrit.
Lisinopril (Zestril) - ACE Inhibitor - Block production of angiotensin II, a potent vasoconstrictor - Reduces peripheral arterial resistance and BP.
rosuvastatin (Crestor) - Statin - First-line drugs to reduce low-density lipoprotein (LDL) by reducing cholesterol synthesis.
Doxorubicin (adramycin) - Antitumor Antibiotics - Damage cells’ deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and the ability to make DNA and ribonucleic acid (RNA). - Should be given through a running intravenous (IV) or a central line if it is a continuous infusion. It turns urine red.
Digoxin Used to treat heart failure and irregular heartbeats.
CAD Risk Factors - Smoking - Obesity - Alcohol - Unhealthy Diet
Chronic Venous Insufficiency - Damaged or aging valves within the veins interfere with blood return to the heart, causing pooling of blood in the lower extremities. - Venous stasis ulcers are the end result
DVT - Deep Vein Thrombosis - Most serious form because pulmonary emboli can result if the thrombus detaches
Osteomyelitis Infection of bone
Osteoporosis - Low bone mass - Prone to fracture - Most Common: Spine, Wrist, Hip - All Bones Affected - Women at greatest risk
Osteoporosis S&S - Back pain - Height decrease - Fracture - Kyphosis
Osteoporosis Diagnostic Tests - Dual Energy X Ray Absorptiometry (DEXA) - Serum Calcium, Vitamin D Decreased - Serum Phosphorus - Serum Alkaline phosphate increased
Osteoporosis Interventions - Reduce risk factors - Calcium Supplements - Vitamin D Supplements - Medications
Compartment Syndrome A painful and dangerous condition caused by pressure buildup from internal bleeding or swelling of tissues.
Fat Embolism - Serious complication of fractures - Small fat droplets are released from yellow bone marrow into the bloodstream
Fat Embolism S & S - Gradual onset w/ tachycardia, dyspnea, & cyanosis - Confusion & Drowsiness - Petechial (red, measle-like) rash on the chest, neck, axilla, and conjunctiva
Traction w/ Hip Fracture - Buck traction is skin traction, with 5- to 10-pound (2.2- to 4.5-kg) weights; - Used for patients with hip fractures to relieve muscle spasms.
Superior Vena Cava Syndrome - Oncological Emergency - SVC syndrome happens when blood flow through the superior vena cava is blocked. - SVC is an oncological emergency, which is a serious health problem caused by cancer itself or treatment.
TURP Post Op - Irrigation solution generally flows continuously - Manual irrigation may be done for the first 24 hours to help remove clots and chips, and to maintain catheter patency. - The Foley catheter is removed after the danger of hemorrhage has passed.
Testicular Cancer S&S - Small, usually painless lump on the testicle. - Scrotum is swollen and feels heavy - Some tumors produce hormones that cause breast enlargement and tenderness
Testicular Cancer Self Exams - Gently roll the testicles to feel for abnormalities - Assess veins - Assess skin - Typically occurs between 15-40
PSA Levels < 4 ng/mL
Peripheral Vascular Disease (PVD) - Narrow Veins - Elevate Legs V: Voluptuous pulses (warm legs) E: Edema (blood pooling) I: Irregular Shaped Sores N: No sharp or dull pain Y: Yellow & Brown ankles
Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD) - Narrow Artery - Allows legs to hang A: Absent pulses (cool legs) R: Round, red sores T: Toes/Feet pale, "Eschar" S: Sharp calf pain (Intermittent claudication)
Contact Dermatitis - Acute/ Chronic - Caused by contact w/ irritant or allergen - Itchy - Not contagious - Shows up within days of exposure
Stage 1 Pressure Ulcer - Skin intact - Red - Does not blanch
Stage 2 Pressure Ulcer - Partial thickness skin loss - Exposed Dermis
Stage 3 Pressure Ulcer - Full thickness skin loss - May have eschar
Stage 4 Pressure Ulcer - Full thickness skin loss - Tissue loss - Damage to muscle, bone, or support structure
Prostate Cancer S & S - Decrease in size/force of stream - Difficulty in starting stream, dribbling, interrupted stream - Urinary retention, overflow incontinence - Nocturia, dysuria, urgency
Pulmonary Edema S & S - Pink, Frothy sputum - Rapid respirations/ crackles/ wheezes - Severe dyspnea, orthopnea (cant lie down) - Anxiety - Cool, clammy skin
Orthostatic Hypotension A form of low blood pressure that happens when standing, after sitting or lying down.
Chain of Infection - Infectious Agent - Reservoir - Portal of exit - Mode of transmission - Portal of entry - Susceptible Host
Purpose of blood cultures - What type of organism - What type of antibiotic most effective - 15 min before giving antibiotic
Localized Infections S & S - Cellulitis - Warm - Red - Raised - Possible fever
Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) - Autoimmune disease, immune system attacks itself. - Widespread inflammation & tissue damage - Can affect joints, skin, brain, lungs, kidneys, blood vessels - No cure; Young Women; African American/Hispanic - Butterfly rash
Opportunistic Infections - Candida Albicans (yeast, thrush) - Cytomegalovirus - Pneumocystis Pneumonia - TB - Kaposi sarcoma
Syphilis Test VDRL
Syphilis S & S - Flu-like symptoms - Rashes - Condylomatous growths
Syphilis Treatment Penicillin
Herpes Simplex Test Culture, Western blot
HPV Stages Stage 1: Noncancerous, Warts Stage 2: Cancerous
Universal Donor O-
Universal Recipient AB +
Trichomoniasis - Genital redness, swelling, itching, burning, foul discharge - In men, urethritis, prostatitis - In women, “strawberry cervix”
Burns % - Entire Head/Neck = 9% - Front/Back = 18% - Arms = 9% - Genitals = 1% - Legs = 18%
Created by: Cgannon12
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