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Suburani Ch 4-7

amīcus, amīcum, m. friend
ancilla, ancillam, f. slave woman, enslaved woman
cibus, cibum, m. food
deus, deum, m. god
diēs, diem, m. day
frāter, fratrem m. brother
homō, hominem, m. person
īnsula, īnsulam, f. island; apartment building
māter, mātrem, f. mother
mīles, mīlitem, m. soldier
nauta, nautam, m. sailor
nēmō, nēminem no one, nobody
nox, noctem, f. night
pars, partem, f. part
pater, patrem m. father
puella, puellam, f. girl
puer, puerum, m. boy
rēs, rem, f. thing, story
rēx, rēgem, m. king
servus, servum, m. slave, enslaved person
urbs, urbem, f. city
via, viam, f. street, road, way
ā, ab + abl. from, away from
ad + acc to, towards; at
cum + abl with
ē, ex + abl. from, out of
in (+ acc // + abl) into // in, on
per + acc through, along
prope + acc. near
ego, me I, me
nōs, nōs we, us
tū, te you (singular)
vōs, vōs you (plural)
ambulō, ambulare I walk
audiō, audīre hear, listen to
capiō, capere take, catch, capture, adopt
cupiō, cupere want, desire
dēbeō, dēbēre owe
dīcō, dicere I say, speak, tell
dō, dare give
dormiō, dormire I sleep
dūcō, ducere I lead, take
faciō, facere make, do
habeō, habēre I have, hold
maneō, manēre remain, stay
nārrō, nārrāre, tell, relate
nōlō, nōlle don’t want, refuse
portō, portāre carry, bear, take
possum, posse can, am able
pugnō, pugnāre fight
respondeō, respondēre reply
rogō, rogāre ask, ask for
sedeō, sedēre sit
sum, esse I am
teneō, tenēre I hold, keep, possess
veniō, venire I come
videō, vidēre I see
vincō, vincere I conquer, I win
vocō, vocare I call
volō, velle want, wish, am willing
Created by: magistramix
Popular Latin sets




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