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a- without, away from
an- without
anti- against
auto- self
brady- slow
de- without
dys- painful, difficult, abnormal
endo- within, inner
epi- upon, over
eu- normal, good
ex- external, outward
extra- outside of
hetero- different
homo- same
hyper- over, above
hypo- under, below
in- not; inward
inter- among, between
intra- within, inside
macro- large
micro- small
neo- new
para- beside, near; abnormal; two like parts of a pair
per- through
peri- around
post- after
pre- before, in front of
pro- before
pseudo- false
re- again
retro- backward, behind
sub- below, under
tachy- rapid, fast
trans- through, across
ultra- beyond, excess
un- not
bi- two
hemi- half
mono- one
multi- many
nulli- none
pan- all
poly- many
quadri- four
semi- partial, half
tetra- four
tri- three
-ac pertaining to
-al pertaining to
-an pertaining to
-ar pertaining to
-ary pertaining to
-atic pertaining to
-eal pertaining to
-iac pertaining to
-ic pertaining to
-ical pertaining to
-ile pertaining to
-ine pertaining to
-ior pertaining to
-nic pertaining to
-ory pertaining to
-ose pertaining to
-ous pertaining to
-tic pertaining to
abdomin/o abdomen
adip/o fat
anter/o front
brachi/o arm
cardi/o heart
caud/o tail
cephal/o head
cervic/o neck
chondr/o cartilage
crani/o skull
crin/o to secrete
crur/o leg
cyt/o cell
dermat/o skin
dist/o away from
dors/o back of body
enter/o small intestine
epitheli/o epithelium
gastr/o stomach
glute/o buttock
gynec/o woman
hemat/o blood
hist/o tissue
immun/o protection
infer/o below
inguin/o groin
laryng/o larynx
later/o side
lumb/o loin
lymph/o lymph
medi/o middle
muscul/o muscles
nephr/o kidney
neur/o nerve
ophthalm/o eye
ot/o ear
orth/o straight, upright
pariet/o cavity wall
ped/o foot
pelv/o pelvis
peritone/o peritoneum
pleur/o pleura
poster/o back
proct/o rectum and anus
proxim/o near to
pub/o genital region
pulmon/o lung
rhin/o nose
spin/o spine
super/o above
thorac/o chest
ur/o urine
urin/o urine
vascul/o blood vessel
ventr/o belly
vertebr/o vertebra
viscer/o internal organ
albin/o white
angin/o vessel
bas/o base
bi/o life
carcin/o cancer
chem/o chemical
cortic/o outer layer
cauter/o to cut
cry/o cold
cutane/o skin
derm/o skin
dermat/o skin
diaphor/o profuse sweating
electr/o electricity
erythr/o red
ethesi/o feeling
hidr/o sweat
ichthy/o scaly, dry
kerat/o hard, horny
leuk/o white
lip/o fat
melan/o black
myc/o fungus
necr/o death
onych/o nail
pedicul/o lice
phot/o light
py/o pus
rhytid/o wrinkle
sarco/o flesh
scler/o hard
septic/o infection
seb/o oil
system/o system
trich/o hair
ungu/o nail
vesic/o bladder
xer/o dry
-derma skin condition
allo- other, different from usual
xeno- foreign
ankyl/o stiff joint
arthr/o joint
articul/o joint
burs/o sac
carp/o wrist
cry/o cold
cervic/o neck
electr/o electricity
chondr/o cartilage
clavicul/o clavicle
coccyg/o coccyx
cortic/o outer portion
cost/o rib
crani/o skull
femor/o femur
fibul/o fibula
humer/o humerus
ili/o ilium
ischi/o ischium
kyph/o hump
lamin/o lamina, part of vertebra
lord/o bent backward
lumb/o low back, loin
mandibul/o mandible
maxill/o maxilla
medull/o inner portion
metacarp/o metacarpals
metatars/o metatarsals
myel/o bone marrow, spinal cord
orth/o straight
oste/o bone
patell/o patella
pector/o chest
ped/o child, foot
pelv/o pelvis
phalang/o phalanges
pod/o foot
prosthet/o addition
pub/o pubis
radi/o radius, ray (X-ray)
sacr/o sacrum
scapul/o scapula
scoli/o crooked, bent
spin/o spine
spondyl/o vertebrae
stern/o sternum
synov/o synovial membrane
synovi/o synovial membrane
tars/o ankle
thorac/o chest
tibi/o tibia
uln/o ulna
vertebr/o vertebra
-blast immature, embryonic
-clasia to surgically break
-desis stabilize, fuse
-listhesis slipping
-logic pertaining to study of
-porosis porous
duct/o to bring
extens/o to stretch out
fasci/o fibrous band
fibr/o fibers
flex/o to bend
kinesi/o movement
muscul/o muscle
my/o muscle
myocardi/o heart muscle
myos/o muscle
plant/o sole of foot
rotat/o to revolve
ten/o tendon
tend/o tendon
tendin/o tendon
vers/o to turn
-asthenia weakness
-ion action, condition
-kinesia movement
-tonia tone
-trophic pertaining to development
ab- away from
ad- toward
circum- around
e- outward, without
in- inward, without
habilitat/o ability
hydr/o water
necr/o death
physic/o body
therm/o heat
ankyl/o stiff joint
anthr/o joint
burs/o bursa
carp/o carpus
cervic/o neck
chondr/o cartilage
clavicul/o clavicle
cortic/o outer layer
cost/o rib
carni/o skull
cutane/o skin
femor/o femur
fibul/o fibula
humer/o humerus
ili/o ilium
ischi/o ischium
kyph/o hump
lamin/o lamina
lord/o bent backward
lumb/o loin
mandibul/o mandible
medull/o inner region
metacarpo/o metacarpus
metatars/o metatarsus
myel/o bone marrow, spinal cord
orth/o straight
oste/o bone
patell/o patella
path/o disease
ped/o foot; disease
phalang/o phalanges
pod/o foot
prosthet/o addition
pub/o pubis
radi/o radius, x-ray
sacr/o sacrum
sarc/o flesh
scapul/o scapula
scoli/o crooked
spin/o spine
spondyl/o vertebra
stern/o sternum
synov/o synovial membrane
system/o system
tars/o tarsus
thorac/o chest
tibi/o tibia
uln/o ulna
vertebr/o vertebra
angi/o vessel
aort/o aorta
arteri/o artery
ather/o fatty substance
atri/o atrium
cardi/o heart
coron/o heart
corpor/o body
embol/o plug
isch/o to hold back
myocardi/o heart muscle
sphygm/o pulse
steth/o chest
thromb/o clot
valv/o valve
valvul/o valve
varic/o dilated vein
vascul/o blood vessel
vas/o vessel
ven/o vein
ventricul/o ventricle
-cardia heart condition
-manometer instrument to measure pressure
-ole small
-spasm involuntary muscle contraction
-tension pressure
-tonic pertaining to tone
di- two
arteriol/o arteriole
bi/o life
cutane/o skin
duct/o to bring
electr/o electricity
fibrin/o fibers
lip/o fatty substance
my/o muscles
orth/o straight
pector/o chest
peripher/o away from center
phleb/o vein
pulmon/o lung
scler/o hard
sept/o a wall
son/o sound
vas/o vessel
venul/o venule
agglutin/o clumping
bas/o base
chrom/o color
coagul/o clotting
eosin/o rosy red
erythr/o red
fibrin/o fibers, fibrous
fus/o pouring
granul/o granules
hem/o blood
hemat/o blood
morph/o shape
neutr/o neutral
phag/o eat, swallow
sanguin/o blood
septic/o infection
-apheresis removal, carry away
-crit separation of
-cytic pertaining to cells
-cytosis more than the normal number of cells
-emia blood condition
-globin protein
-penia abnormal decrease, too few
-phil attracted to
-philia condition of being attracted to
-philic pertaining to being attracted to
-plastic pertaining to formation
-plastin formation
-poiesis formation
-rrhagic pertaining to abnormal flow
-stasis standing still
adenoid/o adenoids
axill/o axilla, underarm
immun/o protection
inguin/o groin region
lymph/o lymph
lymphaden/o lymph node
lymphangi/o lymph vessel
nucle/o nucleus
splen/o spleen
thym/o thymus gland
tonsill/o tonsils
-edema swelling
-globulin protein
-phage to eat
-toxic pertaining to poison
cyt/o cell
erythr/o red
fibrin/o fibers
leuk/o white
lip/o fat
lymph/o lymp
phleb/o vein
thromb/o clot
-cyte cell
-ia pertaining to
-ion action
-ic pertaining to
-oid resembling
-oma mass
-otomy cutting into
-ous pertaining to
-tic pertaining to
The combining form that means air sac or alveolus is alveol/o
The combining form that means coal is anthrac/o
The combining form that means incomplete is atel/o
A combining form that means bronchus is bronch/o; bronchi/o
The combining form that means bronchiole is bronchiol/o
The combining form that means dust is coni/o
The combining form that means epiglottis is epiglott/o
The combining form that means larynx is laryng/o
The combining form that means lobe is lob/o
A combining form that means nose is nas/o; rhin/o
A combining form that means oxygen is ox/o; ox/i
The combining form that means pharynx is pharyng/o
The combining form that means pleura is pleur/o
A combining form that means lung or air is pneum/o; pneumon/o
The combining form aer/o means air
The combining form that means sinus is sinus/o
The combining form that means breathing is spir/o
The combining form that means trachea is trache/o
The suffix that means carbon dioxide is -capnia
The suffix that means paralysis is -plegia
The suffix that means smell is -osmia
The suffix that means voice is -phonia
The suffix that means breathing is -pnea
The suffix that means spitting is -ptysis
The suffix that means chest is -thorax
A medical term that means instrument to view inside a bronchus is bronchoscope
A medical term that means surgical repair of the voice box is laryngoplasty
A medical term that means instrument to measure oxygen is oximeter
A medical term that means insufficient oxygen is hypoxia
A medical term that means puncture pleura to withdraw fluid is pleurocentesis
A medical term that means inflammation of the pharynx is pharyngitis
A medical term that means pertaining to the lung is pulmonary
A medical term that means pertaining to the pharynx is pharyngeal
A medical term that means pertaining to the larynx is laryngeal
A medical term that means pertaining to the bronchus is bronchial
A medical term that means abnormal condition of nose fungus is rhinomycosis
A medical term that means inflammation of all the sinuses is pansinusitis
A medical term that means pertaining to the chest is thoracic
A medical term that means pertaining to within the trachea is endotracheal
A medical term that means without voice is aphonia
A medical term that means excessive carbon dioxide is hypercapnia
A medical term that means lack of (sense of) smell is anosmia
A medical term that means slow breathing is bradypnea
A medical term that means difficult breathing is dyspnea
A medical term that means pus in the chest is pyothorax
A medical term that means chest pain is thoracalgia
A medical term that means normal breathing is eupnea
A medical term that means surgical repair of the bronchus is bronchoplasty
A medical term that means not breathing is apnea
The tonsils in the throat are considered part of the lymphatic system.
The opening through the vocal cords is called the glottis
Which organ of the respiratory system is used by both the respiratory and digestive systems? pharynx
The small hairs that line the opening to the nose and the airways are called cilia
Air is carried between the pharynx and bronchial tubes in the trachea
The pulmonary capillaries tightly encase the alveoli
The suffix that means protection is -phylaxis
The combining form that means blue is cyan/o
The combining form that means sac is cyst/o
The combining form that means diaphragm is diaphragmat/o
The combining form that means 'to breathe' is hal/o
The combining form that means 'mucus' is muc/o
Combining forms that means 'lung' pulmon/o, pneum/o, pneumon/o
The combining form that means 'wall' is sept/o
The combining form somn/o means sleep
The combining form tuss/o means cough
The combining form that means anus is an/o
A combining form that means appendix is append/o; appendic/o
The combining form that means cheek is bucc/o
The combining form that means cecum is cec/o
The combining form that means gallbladder is cholecyst/o
The combining form that means common bile duct is choledoch/o
A combining form that means colon is col/o; colon/o
A combining form that means tooth is dent/o; odont/o
The combining form that means duodenum is duoden/o
The combining form that means small intestine is enter/o
The combining form that means esophagus is esophag/o
The combining form that means stomach is gastr/o
The combining form that means gums is gingiv/o
A combining form that means tongue is gloss/o; lingu/o
The combining form that means liver is hepat/o
The combining form that means lip is labi/o
The combining form that means abdomen is lapar/o
The combining form that means mouth is or/o
The combining form that means pancreas is pancreat/o
The combining form that means anus and rectum is proct/o
The combining form that means pylorus is pylor/o
The combining form that means rectum is rect/o
The combining form that means salivary gland is sialaden/o
The combining form that means sigmoid colon is sigmoid/o
The suffix that means vomit is -emesis
The suffix that means condition of stones is -lithiasis
The suffix that means appetite is -orexia
The suffix that means digestion is -pepsia
The suffix that means pertaining to a meal is -prandial
The suffix that means surgical crushing is -tripsy
The combining form that means weight is bar/o
The combining form that means bile duct is cholangi/o
The combining form that means bile, gall is chol/e
The combining form that means gallbladdder is cholecyst/o
The combining form that means yellow is cirrh/o
The combining form that means ileum is ile/o
The combining form that means jejunumis jejun/o
The combining form that means stone is lith/o
The combining form that means tooth is odont/o
The combining form that means mouth is or/o
The combining form that means palate is palat/o
The combining form that means phayrnx is pharyng/o
The combining form that means polyp is polyp/o
The combining form that means fire is pyr/o
The suffix that means pertaining to vomiting is -emetic
The suffix that means pertaining to medical treatment is -iatric
The suffix that means appetite is -orexia
The suffix that means eat, swallow is -phagia
The combining form that means nitrogenous waste is azot/o
The combining form that means bacteria is bacteri/o
The combining form that means urinary bladder is cyst/o
The combining form that means glomerulus is glomerul/o
A combining form that means sugar or glucose is glycos/o
The combining form that means ketones is keton/o
The combining form that means stone is lith/o
The combining form that means meatus is meat/o
A combining form that means kidney is nephr/o; ren/o
The combining form that means night is noct/i
The combining form that means scanty is olig/o
The combining form that means renal pelvis is pyel/o
A combining form that means urine is ur/o; urin/o
The combining form that means ureter is ureter/o
The combining form that means urethra is urethr/o
The suffix that means stone is -lith
The suffix that means condition of stones is -lithiasis
The suffix that means drooping is -ptosis
The suffix that means surgical crushing is -tripsy
The suffix that means urine condition is -uria
A medical term that means bladder pain is cystalgia
A medical term that means surgical removal of the bladder is cystectomy
A medical term that means bladder inflammation is cystitis
A medical term that means surgically create an opening into the bladder is cystostomy
A medical term that means surgical repair of the bladder is cystoplasty
A medical term that means surgical crushing of a stone is lithotripsy
A medical term that means X-ray record of the kidney is nephrogram
A medical term that means an abnormally soft kidney is nephromalacia
A medical term that means drooping kidney is nephroptosis
A medical term that means cutting into a kidney is nephrotomy
A medical term that means kidney disease is nephropathy
A medical term that means surgical fixation of the kidney is nephropexy
A medical term that means condition of kidney stones is nephrolithiasis
A medical term that means X-ray record of the renal pelvis is pyelogram
A medical term that means surgical repair of the renal pelvis is pyeloplasty
A medical term that means pertaining to the kidney is renal
A medical term that means study of the urinary system is urology
A medical term that means pertaining to the ureter is ureteral
A medical term that means ureter dilation is ureterectasis
A medical term that means narrowing of a ureter is ureterostenosis
A medical term that means pertaining to the urethra is urethral
A medical term that means urethral pain is urethralgia
A medical term that means instrument to visually examine the urethra is urethroscope
A medical term that means narrowing of the urethra is urethrostenosis
A medical term that means pertaining to urine is urinary
A medical term that means condition of no urine is anuria
A medical term that means condition of difficult or painful urination is dysuria
A medical term that means condition of blood in the urine is hematuria
A medical term that means condition of scanty amount of urine is oliguria
A medical term that means condition of pus in the urine is pyuria
The presence of ketones in the urine may indicate diabetes
A patient with nephrolithiasis is suffering from stones
The combining form that means body is corpor/o
The combining form that means genitals is genit/o
The combining form that means sameness is home/o
The combining form that means water is hydr/o
The combining form that means physician, medical, treatment is iatr/o
The combining form that means distinctive is idi/o
The combining form that means protein is protein/o
The combining form that means poison is tox/o
The combining form that means urethra is urethr/o
The suffix that means to destroy is -lysis
The suffix that means urine condition is -uria
The combining form that means sugar is gylcos/o
The combining form that means amnion is amni/o
The combining form that means cervix is cervic/o
The combining form that means chorion is chori/o
A combining form that means vagina is colp/o; vagin/o
The combining form that means cul-de-sac is culd/o
The combining form that means embryo is embry/o
A combining form that means vulva is episi/o; vulv/o
The combining form that means fetus is fet/o
A combining form that means female is estr/o; gynec/o
The combining form that means hymen is hymen/o
A combining form that means uterus is uter/o; hyster/o; metr/o
The combining form that means milk is lact/o
A combining form that means breast is mamm/o; mast/o
The combining form that means menses is men/o
The combining form that means birth is nat/o
A combining form that means ovary is oophor/o; ovari/o
The combining form that means egg is o/o
The combining form that means perineum is perine/o
The combining form that means male is andr/o
The combining form that means glans penis is balan/o
The combining form that means hidden is crypt/o
The combining form that means epididymis is epididym/o
A combining form that means testes is orch/o; orchi/o; orchid/o; testicul/o
The combining form that means prostate is prostat/o
The combining form that means sperm is spermat/o
The combining form that means penis is pen/o
The combining form that means vas deferens is vas/o
The combining form that means seminal vesicle is vesicul/o
The suffix that means condition of sperm is -spermia
The suffix that means state of pregnancy is -cyesis
The suffix that means pregnant woman is -gravida
The suffix that means to bear (offspring) is -para
The suffix that means resembling is -oid
The suffix that means uterine tube is -salpinx
A suffix that means childbirth is -partum; -tocia
The female external genitalia are collectively referred to as the vulva
Uterine tubes connect the ovaries and uterus.
The first menstrual period is called menarche
The middle layer of the uterus is called the myometrium
Until the end of the eighth week of gestation, the infant is called a(n) embryo
The umbilical cord connects the fetus to the placenta
The inner membranous sac surrounding the fetus amnion
The first stage of labor and delivery is called the dilation stage
The male reproductive system and the urinary system share which organ? urethra
The tip of the penis is called the glans penis
An intrauterine device is used to prevent pregnancy
The combining form that means to widen is dilat/o
The combining form that means ovary is oophor/o
The combining form that means ovum is ov/o, ov/i
The combining form that means ovary is ovari/o
The combining form that means sexual intercourse is pareun/o
The combining form that means root is radic/o
The combining form that means uterine (fallopian) tubes is salping/o
The combining form that means prostate gland is prostat/o
The combining form that means sperm is spermat/o
The suffix that means beginning is -arche
The suffix that means produces is -genesis
The suffix that means to kill is -cide
The suffix that means formation of cells is -plasia
The prefix that means before, in front of is ante-
The prefix that means against is contra-
The suffix that means first is primi-
The combining form that means extremities is acr/o
A combining form that means adrenal glands is adren/o; adrenal/o
The combining form that means body is somat/o
The combining form that means calcium is calc/o
The combining form that means to secrete is crin/o
A combining form that means female (besides gynec/o) is estr/o
A combining form that means sugar is glyc/o; glycos/o
The combining form that means sex glands is gonad/o
The combining form that means sameness is home/o
The combining form that means potassium is kal/i
The combining form that means sodium is natr/o
A combining form that means eye (besides ocul/o, opt/o, and optic/o) is ophthalm/o
The combining form that means pancreas is pancreat/o
The combining form that means parathyroid gland is parathyroid/o
The combining form that means pineal gland is pineal/o
The combining form that means pituitary gland is pituitar/o; pituit/o
A medical term that means state of excessive thyroid (hormones) is hyperthyroidism
The combining form that means thymus gland is thym/o
A combining form that means thyroid gland is thyr/o; thyroid/o
A combining form that means poison is toxic/o
The suffix that means blood condition is -emia
The suffix that means thirst is -dipsia
The suffix that means pertaining to a meal is -prandial
The suffix that means to stimulate is -tropin
A medical term that means many (excessive) thirst is polydipsia
A medical term that means condition of (too) much urine is polyuria
A medical term that means sugar in the urine is glycosuria
A medical term that means surgical removal of adrenal gland is adrenalectomy
A medical term that means enlarged adrenal gland is adrenomegaly
A medical term that means study of the endocrine system is endocrinology
A medical term that means state of insufficient pituitary (hormones) is hypopituitarism
A medical term that means surgical removal of thymus is thymectomy
A medical term that means endocrine system disease is endocrinopathy
A medical term that means surgical removal of parathyroid gland is parathyroidectomy
A medical term that means thymus inflammation is thymitis
A medical term that means thymus tumor is thymoma
A constructed term that means enlarged thyroid is thyromegaly
A medical term that means surgical removal of the thyroid is thyroidectomy
A medical term that means enlarged extremities is acromegaly
A medical term that means abnormal condition of thyroid poisoning is thyrotoxicosis
A medical term that means relating to after a meal is postprandial
A medical term that means retina disease is retinopathy
A medical term that means adrenal gland disease is adrenopathy
Addison's disease is caused by hyposecretion of the adrenal cortex
Cushing's syndrome is caused by hypersecretion of the adrenal cortex.
An enlargement of the thyroid gland is called goiter
A combining form that means gland is aden/o
A combining form that means male is andr/o
A combining form that means iodine is iod/o
A combining form that means ketones is ket/o
A combining form that means minerals or electrolytes is mineral/o
A combining form that means ovary is ovari/o
A combining form that means ray is radi/o
A combining form that means testes is testicul/o
A suffix that means 'pertaining to a blood condition' is -emic
A suffix that means 'pertaining to stimulating' is -tropic
A combining form that means extremities is acr/o
A combining form that means glucose is gluc/o
The combining form that means head is cephal/o
The combining form that means cerebrum is cerebr/o
The combining form that means cerebellum is cerebell/o
The combining form that means brain is encephal/o
The combining form that means glue is gli/o
The combining form that means medulla oblongata is medull/o
A combining form that means meninges is mening/o; meningi/o
The combining form that means spinal cord is myel/o
A combining form that means nerve is neur/o
The combining form that means star is astr/o
The combining form that means gray matter is poli/o
The combining form that means pons is pont/o
The combining form that means nerve root is radicul/o
The combining form that means thalamus is thalam/o
The combining form that means sheath (meninges) is thec/o
The combining form that means ventricle is ventricul/o
The combining form that means sense of pain is alges/o
The combining form that means feeling or sensation is esthesi/o
The suffix that means weakness is -paresis
The suffix that means speech is -phasia
The suffix that means paralysis is -plegia
The suffix that means muscle coordination is -taxia
The combining form that means fear or worry is anxi/o
A combining form that means mind is ment/o; phren/o; psych/o
The combining form that means split is schiz/o
The combining form that means body is somat/o
The combining form that means sleep is somn/o
A suffix that means treatment is -therapy
The suffix that means physician is -iatrist
The suffix that means frenzy is -mania
The suffix that means pertaining to being attracted to is -philic
The combining form that means center is centr/o
The combining form that means rapid contracting and relaxing is clon/o
The combining form that means to shake violently is concuss/o
The combining form that means sensation, feeling is esthesi/o
The combining form that means mind is ment/o
The combining form that means nerve is neur/o
The combining form that means away from center is peripher/o
The combining form that means to cut is tom/o
The combining form that means tone is ton/o
The combining form that means forgetfulness is amnes/o
The combining form that means drive;compel is compuls/o
The combining form that means false belief is delus/o
The combining form that means to press down is depress/o
The combining form that means imagined perception is hallucin/o
The combining form that means sleep/stupor is narc/o
The combining form that means besieged by thoughts is obsess/o
The combining form that means irrational fear is phob/o
The combining form that means fire is pyr/o
The combining form that means split is schiz/o
A suffix that means medical treatment is -iatry
A suffix that means seizure is -lepsy
A suffix that means condition to bear is -phoria
Created by: textuarydwarf
Popular Irish sets




Use these flashcards to help memorize information. Look at the large card and try to recall what is on the other side. Then click the card to flip it. If you knew the answer, click the green Know box. Otherwise, click the red Don't know box.

When you've placed seven or more cards in the Don't know box, click "retry" to try those cards again.

If you've accidentally put the card in the wrong box, just click on the card to take it out of the box.

You can also use your keyboard to move the cards as follows:

If you are logged in to your account, this website will remember which cards you know and don't know so that they are in the same box the next time you log in.

When you need a break, try one of the other activities listed below the flashcards like Matching, Snowman, or Hungry Bug. Although it may feel like you're playing a game, your brain is still making more connections with the information to help you out.

To see how well you know the information, try the Quiz or Test activity.

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