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Skills and Assessment

What is a principle? code or standard that helps govern conduct
What is a mentally healthy adult? a person who can cope with and adjust to the recurrent stresses of daily living in an acceptable way
In our culture when does mental illness result? when an individual's problems become so overwhelming that one is unable to carry out the ADLs or function independently and develops maladaptive behaviors
What is the "do no harm" principle care providers in every setting have the responsibility to protect clients
What is the main therapeutic tool of mental helath care providers? "self"
What is stigma? sign or mark of shame, disapproval, disgrace or being shunned or rejected
What is holistic care based upon? the concept of "whole"
Holistically health care providers realize that each person must be what? accpeted for who and what they are no more no less
What is trust? assured hope and reliance on another
Where is trust listed with regards to Erickson's theory? first core task of an infant
What does trust imply? cooperation, support and a willingness to work together
To communicate the message of trust the care giver must remember what? to do what you say you will do
What is empathy? ability to recognize and share the emotions of another person without experiencing them
What does behavior consist of? perceptions, thoughts, feelings and actions
What types of behaviors lead to maladaptive actions? distorted perception, impaired thought processes and alterations of emotional expression
What are the 4 components of behavior? perceptions, thoughts, emotions, actions
2 aspects are helpful when you want someone to share themselves what are they? 1. they have trust in you 2. you are willing to take the time to listen
What is a perception check? you questioning- Is the client sending the same message you are receiving? & Does each of you see the same message?
What does responsibility infer? that a person is able to exercise capability and accountability
What is the first step in developing self-responsibility? the care of ones self (Maslow lower-order needs)
How does one assuem self responsibility? by being accountable for one's actions
what is poor impulse control? poor control over their emotions, reacting without consideration for the consequences of their actions
List 2 ways reality therapy differs from psychoanalysis? 1. does not accept the notion of mental illness, 2. works in the present with eye on the future not the past 3. therapists personally relate to the clients 4. therapists do not look for unconscious conflicts 5. morality of behavior is emphasized
What is the nature of mental illness characterized by? actions that are not in keeping with society's definitions of appropriate behaviors
What is adaptation? sufficient improvement to carry on everyday activities replace maladaptive behaviors with more effective actions
Instructions given to the mentally ill must be___________&___________ ____________.: simple and repeated often
complete the following : when dealing with the mentally ill clients level of ability : DO NOT ______________, ___________________. Do not assume, assess. p 69
What is a coping mechanism? any thought or action aimed at reducing stress
What is a crisis? an upset in the steady state of an individual
When does a crisis occur? when an individual's usual coping mechanisms are ineffective
What are the 4 characteristics of a crisis? individual matter depending on individual's perception of threat, occurs when other mechanisms are ineffective, self limiting, affects more than 1 person
When does recovery begin when attempts to cope with the problem result in success
what are the 3 types of coping behaviors? psychomotor, cognitive (intellectual) and affective (emotional)
What happens during the disorganization phase of the crisis? person becomes preoccupied with the crisis situation
When does a pseud resolution occur? when nothing is learned from the crisis and the opportunity for growth was missed
When does a unresolved crisis occur? when maladaptive behaviors are used to hide the problem
What is the main goal of crisis intervention? to help the individuals and families manage their crisis situations by offering immediate emotional support
What are the 6 guidelines for crisis intervention? care is needed immediately, control, assessment, disposition, referral and follow up
What is self-awareness? consciousness of ones personality
What is caring? concern for the well-being of another person
What behaviors are included in caring? comforting, honesty, attentive listening, sensitivity and accepting
What is advocacy? process of providing a client with information, support and feedback neeed to make a decision
What is insight ability to clearly see and understand the nature of things
What does insight rely on? common sense, good judgment, and prudence
What is introspection? process of looking into ones own mind
What are the positive sides to failure? provides the opportunity for change, encourages creativity, stimulates learning, and sharpens ones own judgments
What is acceptance? receiving of the entire person and the world in which he or she functions
Does accepting a client include approving of their behaviors? NO
What do personal boundaries provide? order and security as they help to establish the limits of one's behaviors
What do professional boundaries define? the needs of the caregiver as different from the needs of the patient
When correcting a patient the focus should be on which of the two: person or the behavior? behavior p.74
What is a commitment? personal bond to some course of action or cause
what are the 5 tips to a positive attitude? 1. listen to your self talk, change recurrent negative things, be your own cheerleader, visualize future success, act the part
What does it mean to nurture someone? encourage their development
What purposes does the mental health treatment plan serve? planning and implementing care, monitoring, communicating and coordinating care
How many categories are there in the DSM-IV-TR to assess and classify clients? 5
What are the 5 categories in the DSM IV TR? clinical disorder, personality disorder, general medical condition, psychosocial/environmental problems and global assessment (GAF)
One who is rated a 55 on the GAF is at what level of function? moderate symptom / moderate difficulty
What is in the holistic assessment? physical, social, cultural, intellectual, emotional and spiritual areas
What is mood? individuals overall feelings : subjective factor that can only be explained by the one experiencing it
What is affect? emotional display of the mood
What is perception? ways in which he or she experiences the world
What is another term for perception?? frame of reference
What is a hallucination? perceptions that have no external stimulus
What type of hallucinations are there? audio, visual, olfactory and gustatory
What are alterations in perceptions that have a basis in reality called? illusions: external stimulus is present but percieved differently
What is the difference between thought process and content content is what an individual is thinking ; process is how a person thinks
What is sensorium? part of the consciousness that a person perceives, sorts, and combines information
How many weeks does recent memory usually go back? 2 weeks
How far back does remote memory go? as far back as place of birth, schools attended, background
What is judgment? ability to evaluate choices and make appropriate decisions
What is insight? the client's understanding of the situation
Created by: Kelly Quijano
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