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Exam III. Nero lab m

Exam III Nero Lab manua weber questions chapter 23l

neurologic system structures ? thought, movement, balance, sensation and communication
cerebrospinal fluid cushins the central nervous system (CNS) provides nourishement 2 CNS and ? removes wastes
cerebrum / R & L hemispheres which are joined togeather by the ? corpus callosum
portion of the brain that rims the surfaces of the cerebreal hemispheres forming the cerebral cortex is the ? gray matter
diencephalon of the brain consists of the? thalamus & hypothalamus
hypothalamus regulates? sleep cycles
----------carries sensations from the throat, larynx, heart, lungs, bronchi, gastrointestional tract, and abdominal viscera X Vagas
Innervates .neck muscles that promote movement of the shoulders and head rotation XI spinal accessory
carries visual impulses from the eye to the brain II optic
Contracts eye muscles to control eye movement, constricts pupils, and elevates eyelids III oculomotor
Contains sensory fibers for taste on posterior one third of the tongue; responsible for gag reflex when stimylated IX glossopharyngeal
carries smell impulses from nasal mucous membrane to brain I olfactory
Innervates tongue muscles that promote the movement of food and talking XII Hypoglossal
carries smell impulses from nasal mucous membrane to brain I olfactory
contracts 1 eye muscle to control inferiormedial eye movement IV trochlear
carries sensory impulses of pain, touch, and temperature from the face to the brain V trigeminal
controls lateral eyemovements VI abducens
contains sensory fibers for hearing and balance VIII acoustic
contains sensory fibers for taste on anterior 2/3rds of the tongue, and stimulates secretions fron the sakivary glands and tears from the lacrimal glands VII facial
contracts 1 eye muscle to control inferiormedial eyemovement Trochlear IV
Inneravates tongue muscles that promote the movement of food & talking Hypoglossal XII
Carries smell impulses from nasal mucous membrane to brain Olfactory I
controls lateral eye movements Abducens VI
Contains sensory fibers 4 hearing & balance Acoustic VIII
contains sensory fibers 4 taste on anterior two thirds of the tongue, and stimulates secreations from salivary glands and tears from lacrimal glands Facial VII
sensations of temperature pain and crude and light touch are carried by way of the spinothalamic tract
the cranial neve that has sensory fibers for taste and fibers that result in the gag reflex is the ? glossopharyngeal IX
client has experienced transient blind spots 4 last few days nurse = why refers client to physician for possible cerebral vascular accident
cerebral vascular accident Damage to brain cells caused by lack of blood flow in the brain from emboli (clots) plaque, or hemorrhage. ie= stroke
presentation on cardiovascular accidentswhat should b tought? Smoking & high cholesterol levelsare risk factors for CVA
client immediate postorperative period after abdominal surgery during a nero check nurse asesses for ? sensation in the extermities
to percus reflexes in the arm to usse reinforcement technique nurse asks client 2 ? clench his jaw
The Glasgow coma scale measures the level of conscience in clients who r @ risk for rapid deterioration of the nervous system A score of 13 indicates ? some impairment
client speech =slow client = disheleveled appearance maintains poor eye contact client should further be assesed 4 ? depression
confused older adult client unable 2recall past events nurse suspects client may be exibating signs os ? cerebral cortex disorder
cerebral cortex disorder The extensive outer layer of gray matter of the cerebral hemispheres, largely responsible for higher brain functions, including sensation, voluntary muscle movement, thought, reasoning, and memory.
to test clients use of memory to learn new info ask the client ? can you repeat brown, chair, textbook, tomato
acessing pupils of a hospitilized adult client nurse observes that the clients pupils are dilated to 6 cm nurse suspects client is exibiting signs of oculomotor nerve paralysis
oculomotor nerve paralysis Either of the third pair of cranial nerves, which originate in the midbrain and control most of the muscles that move the eyeballs.
to test motor function of the facial nerve the nurse should ? ask client to purse the lips
client = spastic muscle tone nurse should explain to the client that spastic muscle tone is associated with impairment to the ? corticospinal tract
Romberg test on an adult male client the nurse should instruct the client to stand erect with arms at the sides and feet togeather
Romberg test A sign indicating loss of proprioceptive control in which increased unsteadiness occurs when standing with the eyes closed compared with standing with the eyes open. Also called rombergism.
test position sensations in an adult female client. To perform the procedure, nurse should ask the client to close her eyes while the nurse moves the clients toes up or down
While assessing the Achilles reflex in an 84-year old client the nurse observes that the Achilles reflex is difficult to elicit the nurse should ? document the finding in the clients record
Achilles reflex A reflex bending of the foot resulting from the contraction of lower leg muscles.
plantar reflex nurse observes a + Babinski reflex nurse suspects that the client may be exhibiting signs of drug intoxication
Babinski reflex An extension of the great toe, sometimes with fanning of the other toes, in response to stroking of the sole of the foot. It is a normal reflex in infants, but it is usually associated with a disturbance of the pyramidal tract in children and adults. Also
Created by: garrowcousino
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