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Geography - Tectonic Hazards

What is a natural hazard? a natural event that threatens people, or has the potential to cause damage, destruction & death
What are 'tectonic hazards' caused by? the movement of tectonic plates
What are 'weather hazards' caused by? conditions in the atmosphere
What is a 'hazard risk'? the chance that a natural hazard may take place and cause damage to society
What is the 'nature of the hazard'? how large it is & how wide an area is affected
What is 'vulnerability'? how many people are in the area & how close do they live to the hazard
What is 'capacity to cope'? are buildings well protected, can people evacuate, is the country rich enough to recover quickly
What is 'Plate tectonics theory'? The crust is broken up into large slabs called tectonic plates which float on the Earth's mantle and are moved by 'convection currents'
What is the 'continental crust'? sections of crust which are thick (30-50km) but light and old. Cannot be destroyed
What is the 'oceanic crust'? sections of crust which are thinner (5-10km) but dense and younger
What is 'slab pull'? The process of older, denser sections of crust subducting (sinking) into the mantle and pulling sections of new, light crust with it
What is 'ridge push'? lava erupts to create crust as plates move apart. As it cools, it pushes down the slop of the ridge, pushing the plates even further apart
What happens at a 'destructive' plate margin? 2 plates move together. Can cause earthquakes & volcanoes
Where are 'destructive' plate margins? Nazca & South American plates
What happens at a 'constructive' plate margin? 2 plates move away from each other. Can cause volcanoes & very small earthquakes
Where are 'constructive' plate margins? North American & Eurasian plates
What happens at a 'conservative' plate margin? 2 plates slide past each other. Can cause earthquakes
Where are 'conservative' plate margins? Pacific & North American plates
What is an 'earthquake'? a sudden or violent movement within the Earth’s crust followed by a series of shocks.
What are 'seismic waves'? the vibrations of the crust’s movement during an earthquake
What is the 'focus'? the point in the earth’s crust where seismic waves begin
What is the 'epicentre'? the point on the surface of the earth’s crust directly above the focus
Created by: samfitter
Popular Geography sets




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