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MSA Review S-U

MSA Review Vocabulary S-U

Salinity The concentration of dissolved salts (usually sodium chloride) in a body of water.
Sand dune A mound of sand that is deposited by the wind.
Satellite An object that moves around Earth or some other object rather than falling onto it.
Scavenger An organism that feeds on dead organic matter.
Sea floor spreading Process by which new ocean floor is formed by lava erupting from a rift valley, pushing the existent floor outward from the rift.
Seasons Changes in temperature and the length of day and night over the course of a year.
Sediment Small pieces of rock, shell, and plant and animal matter that is moved and deposited by water, wind, or ice.
Sedimentary rock Rock formed from sedimentation.
Sedimentation The settling out of fragments of weathered rock or remains of living things that are carried and deposited by wind, water, or ice.
Selective breeding Selection for specific traits imposed by humans, either deliberately or otherwise, upon wild or domesticated plants and animals.
Series circuit An electric circuit in which the current passes through only one pathway.
Sexual reproduction Mode of reproduction involving two parents, usually involving meiosis, gamete formation, and fertilization.
Solar energy Energy from the Sun in the form of light and heat energy.
Solar System The Sun with the group of celestial bodies that revolve around it.
Solid The state in which a substance has a definite volume and shape and resists forces which try to change these.
Solubility Ability of a substance to dissolve in another substance.
Solution Mixture in which the molecules of one substance (solute) are dissolved in another substance (solvent).
Sound Longitudinal wave produced by the vibration of a material.
Species Organisms whose members are alike and successfully reproduce among themselves.
Speed A scalar quantity that describes the change in position in a certain period of time (how fast something is moving). (Compare with velocity.)
Spring scale Tool that is calibrated in Newton's and is used to measure the weight of an object.
Spring tide Tide that occurs during the full and new moon phases in which the water level is higher than normal.
Standard unit Inches, feet, yard, centimeters, meters, grams, ounces, pounds, Celsius degrees, Fahrenheit degrees, hours and minutes and non-standard units (i.e. paper clips).
Star A natural, luminous, celestial body.
State of matter The forms matter can take, as in liquid, solid, or gas.
Static electric charge Potential energy in the form of a stationary electric charge.
Streak The color of the powder that a mineral leaves when it is rubbed on a hard, rough surface.
Substance Matter of a particular kind, or chemical makeup.
Sun The star around which Earth and the other planets revolve that provides the main source of energy for living things on Earth.
Symbolic equation Represents the relationship between two or more physical quantities expressed as symbols which represent the quantities.
System A group of organs that work together to perform a specific job.
Temperature The measure of the average energy of motion of the particles of a substance.
Thunderstorm A storm with heavy rainfall, lightning, and thunder produced by cumulonimbus clouds formed when a cold front collides with a warm front.
Tide The alternate rising and falling of the surface of the ocean and of water bodies connected with the ocean. It occurs twice a day and is caused by the gravitational attraction of the moon and the sun occurring unequally on different parts of the Earth.
Tilt The angle between the Earth's axis and the line perpendicular to the plane of the Earth's orbit.
Tilting Rock layers that move or shift at a slanted angle.
Tissue A group of similar cells working together to perform a specific job.
Tornado A destructive, whirling, funnel-shaped cloud that has extremely low air pressure.
Toxic Harmful (adjective). (Compare with toxin - a harmful chemical produced by living things).
Trait A characteristic which is passed on to offspring through heredity.
Transverse wave A wave in which the vibration is moving in a direction perpendicular as that in which the wave is traveling.
Trend The general drift, tendency, or direction of a set of data.
Tsunami Large sea wave produced by submarine earth movement or volcanic eruption.
Unicellular Organisms composed of one cell only.
Uplift The raising of an area of land due to horizontal forces that slowly push on the area.
A natural, luminous, celestial body.
State of matter
The forms matter can take, as in liquid, solid, or gas.
Static electric charge
Potential energy in the form of a stationary electric charge.
The color of the powder that a mineral leaves when it is rubbed on a hard, rough surface.
Matter of a particular kind, or chemical makeup.
The star around which Earth and the other planets revolve that provides the main source of energy for living things on Earth.
Symbolic equation
Represents the relationship between two or more physical quantities expressed as symbols which represent the quantities.
A group of organs that work together to perform a specific job.
The measure of the average energy of motion of the particles of a substance.
A storm with heavy rainfall, lightning, and thunder produced by cumulonimbus clouds formed when a cold front collides with a warm front.
The alternate rising and falling of the surface of the ocean and of water bodies connected with the ocean. It occurs twice a day and is caused by the gravitational attraction of the moon and the sun occurring unequally on different parts of the Earth.
The angle between the Earth's axis and the line perpendicular to the plane of the Earth's orbit.
Rock layers that move or shift at a slanted angle.
A group of similar cells working together to perform a specific job.
A destructive, whirling, funnel-shaped cloud that has extremely low air pressure.
Harmful (adjective). (Compare with toxin - a harmful chemical produced by living things).
A characteristic which is passed on to offspring through heredity.
Transverse wave
A wave in which the vibration is moving in a direction perpendicular as that in which the wave is traveling.
The general drift, tendency, or direction of a set of data.
Large sea wave produced by submarine earth movement or volcanic eruption.
Organisms composed of one cell only.
The raising of an area of land due to horizontal forces that slowly push on the area.
Created by: wknopf
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