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SO Med Terms

electrolytes compounds whose ions will conduct electricity in solution
electron subatomic particle with a negative charge that orbits the proton and neutron
enzyme protein that catalyzes a biochemical reaction (less energy, less time)
ion atom or molecule with a + or - charge
isotopes atoms of an element whose nuclei contain a different number of neutrons
lipid organic compound that contains carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen, but relatively less oxygen than carbohydrates. (Fats)
metabolism all of the chemical reactions in the body. catabolism anabolism
protein chains of small organic molecules called amino acids
active transport ATP dependent absorption or excretion of solutes across a cell membrane
cytoplasm cell contents between the cell membrane and the nucleus membrane
cytosol the fluid portion of the cytoplasm
diffusion passive molecular movement down a concentration gradient
endocytosis a method of ingestion of a foreign substance by a cell. The cell membrane invaginates to form a space and then closes to trap material inside the cell.
endoplasmic reticulum a network of membranous channels in the cytoplasm of a cell that function in intracellular transport, synthesis, storage, packaging, and secretion
exocytosis the ejection of cytoplasmic materials by fusion of a membranous vesicle with the cell membrane
gene a portion of a DNA strand that functions as a hereditary unit and is found at a particular location on a particular chromosome
Golgi apparatus cellular organelle consisting of a series of membranous plates that give rise to lysosomes and secretory vesicles
mitochondria an intracellular organelle responsible for generating most (95%) of the ATP required for the cell
mitosis the division of a single cell into two identical daughter cells
nucleus organelle that contains DNA, RNA, and proteins. Control center of cell
organelles an intracellular structure that performs a specific function or group of functions
osmosis the movement of water across a semi-permeable membrane toward a solution containing a relatively high solute concentration
phagocytosis the engulfing of extracellular materials or pathogens; movement of extracellular materials into the cytoplasm by enclosing in a membranous vesicle
protein synthesis the assembling of protein by transcription and translation
ribosome an organelle containing ribosomal RNA and protein that is essential to mRNA translation and protein synthesis
transcription the encoding of genetic instructions on a strand of mRNA
translation the process of peptide formation using the instructions carried by mRNA
tumor a tissue mass formed by the abnormal growth and replication of cells
cutaneous membrane the epidermis and papillary layer of the dermis
dermis the connective tissue layer beneath the epidermis of the skin
epidermis the epithelium covering the surface of the skin
hair a keratinous strand produced by epithelial cells of the hair follicle
hair follicle an accessory structure of the integument; a tube, lined by a stratified squamous epithelium, that begins at the surface of the skin and ends at the hair papilla
integument the skin; the integumentary system
keratin tough, fibrous protein component of nails, hair, calluses, and the general integumentary diseases
melanin yellow-brown pigment produced by the melanocytes of the skin
nail keratinous structure produced by the epithelial cells of the nail root
sebaceous glands glands that secrete sebum, usually associated with hair follicles
stratum germinativum base layer of epidermis which houses stem cells, receptors, and attaches
subcutaneous layer the layer of loose connective tissue below the dermis; also called hypodermis
Created by: casphian
Popular Paramedic/EMT sets




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