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gladiator terms

latin 8

flavian amphitheater colosseum, built by many emperors
colosseum arena for "the games"
travertine white stone which made the colloseum
harena, harenae f. sand
podium terrace on top of arena wall
cavea three tiers of seats
gladius term for gladiators, named after a roman sword
ludus gladiator school
"damnatio ad bestias" "condemnation to the beasts"
lanista gladiator trainer
sicca curved blade thracian holds
editor person issuing the games
ludi games
sacramentum gladiatorium solemn oath of gladiators
munera gift of combat at a gladiator funeral
samnite heavily armed with swords, shield and helmet w/ visor
murmillion heavily armed; wears a helmet crowned with a fish
thracian holds a curved dagger with small, bronze shield
secutor "pursuer" : fights retarius w/sword
retiarius "net fighter" fights with a net and trident
bestiarius beast trainer/fighter
venator beast hunter/animal hunter
equites gladiators fighting from horseback
"morituri te salutant "they, about to die, greet you" common saying of gladiators
Created by: hellohihi
Popular Latin sets




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