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Mod. 1 & 2

Med Term

c with line above it with
s with line above it without
p with line above it after
DX diagnosis
HX history
C Celsius
F Fahrenheit
c/o complains of/ complaints of
CC chief complaint
d/c,DC discontinue
H&P history and physical
PE physical exam
PT, pt pateint
R/O rule out
DOB date of birth
y/o years old
yr year
h. or hr. hour
min. minute
L or LT left
R or RT right
osteo bone
cardio heart
patello kneecap
veno vein
neuro nerve
esophago esophagus
hepato liver
arthro joint
pulmono lung
intra- within
sub- below
-itis inflammation
-pathy disease
-ectomy surgical removal
-megaly enlargement
ac pertaining to
al pertaining to
ar pertaining to
ary pertaining to
eal pertaining to
ic pertaining to
otic pertaining to
ous pertaining to
inflammation of the liver hepatitis
surgical removal of the esophagus esophagectomy
inflammation of bone and joint osteoarthritis
inflammation of a bone osteitis
surgical removal of the knee cap patellectomy
inflammation of the esophagus esophagitis
surgical removal of the liver hepatectomy
inflammation of a nerve neuritis
surgical removal of a joint arthrectomy
inflammation of a joint arthritis
disease of a vein venopathy
disease of a joint arthropathy
enlargement of the heart cardiomegaly
disease of bone and joint osteoarthropathy
disease of the heart cardiopathy
disease of a liver hepatopathy
enlargement of the liver hepatomegaly
disease of a nerve neuropathy
disease of a bone osteopathy
pertaining to the lung pulmonary
pertaining to the liver hepatic
pertaining to within the vein intravenous
pertaining to a nerve neural
pertaining to the esophagus esophageal
pertaining to the knee cap patellar
pertaining to a vein venous
pertaining to the heart cardiac
pertaining to under the liver subhepatic
AM morning
PM afternoon
NOC night
PRN whenever necessary
BID two times per day
QID four timers a day
TID three times a day
Bx biopsy
CA cancer
chemo chemotherapy
mets metastasis
AP anteroposterior
PA posteroanterior
RLQ right lower quad.
RUQ right upper quad.
LLQ left lower quad.
LUQ left upper quad.
cyto cell
fibro fibrous tissue
viscero internal organ
histo tissue
epithelio top layer of skin or mucous membrane
somato body
adeno gland
systemo system (group of organs)
postero back, behind
cephalo head, upward
supero above
disto away from the point of attachment to the trunk
ventro belly
latero side
caudo tail, downward
medio middle
antero front
dorso back
proximo near the point of attachment to the trunk
infero below
leio smooth
cancero cancer-adj
lipo fat
etio cause of disease
iatro medicine
sarco flesh, connective tissue
rhabdo striated, rod shaped
myo muscle
onco tumor
patho disease
carcino cancer-noun
uni- one
hypo- below normal, dificent
an- without (prior to vowels)
bi- two
dys- difficult, painful, abnormal
a- without (prior to consonants)
hyper- above normal, excessive
-logist one who studies and practices
-genesis production
-ior pertaining to
-plasm substance, growth
-logy study of
-oid resembling
-sarcoma fleshy connective tissue tumor; malignant tumor
-gen substance or agent that produces
-oma tumor
-osis abnormal condition
-genic pertaining to producing
-plasia condition of formation
-cyte cell
pertaining to cancer cancerous
pertaining to top later of skin or mucous membrane epithelial
pertaining to fibrous tissue fibrous
pertaining to the body somatic
pertaining to a body system systemic
pertaining to internal organs visceral
originating in the body somatogenic
study of cells cytology
cell substance cytoplasm
study of tissue histology
fat cell myocyte
muscle cell myocyte
the production/ formation of disease pathogenesis
substance that causes cancer carcinogen
pertaining to producing cancer carcinogenic
abnormal development dysplasia
below normal formation hypoplasia
abnormal enlargement of internal organs visceromegaly
lack of formation aplasia
the production/ formation of cancer carcinogenesis
agent that causes disease pathogen
excessive formation hyperplasia
pertaining to producing disease pathogenic
tumor of top layer of skin or mucous membrane epithelioma
connective tissue tumor of smooth muscle leiomyosarcoma
fibroous tissue tumor of a gland adenofibroma
connective tissue tumor composed of fibrous tissue fibrosarcoma
tumor of striated muscle rhabdomyosarcoma
connective tissue tumor sarcoma
tumor containing fat lipoma
connective tissue tumor of glandular tissue adenosarcoma
tumor of a muscle myoma
pertaining to causing tumors oncogenic
tumor of gland adenoma
tumor composed of fibrous tissue fibroma
connective tissue tumor of striated muscle rhabdomyosarcoma
cancerous tumor carcinoma
tumor of smooth leiomyoma
connective tissue tumor composed of fat liposarcoma
tumor made up of nerve tissue neuroma
resembling a nerve neuroid
resembling fat lipoid
resembling a muscle myoid
disease of muscle myopathy
study of tumors oncology
one who studies disease pathologist
study of medicine iatrology
study of causes of disease etiology
specialist who studies and treats tumors oncologist
pertaining to the middle and to the side mediolateral
pertaining to the front and to the back anteroposterior
pertaining to the tail caudal
pertaining to away from the point of attachment on the trunk distal
pertaining to the belly ventral
pertaining to below inferior
pertaining to the front anterior
pertaining to a side lateral
pertaining to the head cephalic
pertaining to the middle medial
pertaining to both sides bilatteral
pertaining to the back of the body dorsal/ posterior
pertaining to the back and to the front posteroanterior
pertaining to one side unilateral
pertaining to near the point of attachment on the trunk proximal
pertaining to above superior
general lack of energy lethargy
what is experienced by the patient symptom
general feeling of discomfort malaise
describing a persistent or longer-term disease chronic
enclosed in capsule as with benign tumors encapsulated
increase in the severity of a disease or its symptoms exacerbation
having a fever febrile
describing a disease of sudden onset acute
improvement or absense of signs of disease remission
without fever afebrile
a symptom that can be detected by others sign
tending to become progressively, worse, to death, as in cancer malignant
rate of death in a population mortality
naming or identifying a disease diagnosis
within a glass in vitro
plural of metastasis metastases
predicting of probable outcome of disease prognosis
cancer in the early stage before invading surrounding tissue carcinoma in situ
within the living body in vivo
response to injury or destruction of tissue inflammation
pertaining to the spread of disease to distant site metastatic
rate of illness in a population; condition of being diseased morbidity
new growth of abnormal tissue or tumor neoplasm
spread of disease to distant site metastasis
pertaining to disease of unknown origin idiopathic
treatment of cancer using radioactive substance radiation therapy
treatment of cancer by using drugs chemotherapy
providing relief but not cure palliative
removal of living tissue from body-viewed under microscope biopsy
providing palliative or supportive care for terminally ill patients and their familes hospice
situated near the surface superficial
vertical division into anterior and posterior frontal plane
divides the body into equal right and left halves midsagittal plane
vertical field running through body from front to back, dividing the body into R and L sagittal plane
imaginary line down the center of the body midline
horizontal field dividing the body into upper and lower portions transverse plane
situated far below the surface deep
right and left of umbilical region lumbar region
abdominal region lateral to epigastic region hypochondriac region
abdominal region around the navel umbilical region
abdominal region inferior to umbilical region hypogastric region
abdominal region later to hypogastric region iliac region
abdominal region superior to umbilical region epigastric region
lying on back with body tilted so that the head is lower than the feet trendelenburg position
lying on side; right and left precede the term to indicate the patient's side lateral recumbent position
lying on back, facing upward supine
lying on abdomen, facing downward prone
semi-sitting position with slight elevation of the knees fowler position
lying down in any position recumbent position
lying on left side with right knee drawn up and with left arm drawn behind, parallel to the back sims position
lying on back with legs raised and feet in stirrups, hips and knees flexed, thighs abducted and externally rotated lithotomy position
sitting upright propped up with pillows to ease breathing orthopnea position
not cancerous benign
Created by: trujava
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