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Suburani Ch 6 Quiz
Term | Definition |
a / ab (+ abl) | away from |
ad (+ acc) | to, toward |
ancilla, ancillae | enslaved woman |
ambulo, ambulare | walk |
cella, cellae | room, attic |
cum (+ abl) | with |
curro, currere | run |
de (+abl) | down from, about |
descendo, descendere | come down |
discedo, discedere | depart, leave |
duco, ducere | lead |
ego | I |
equus, equi | horse |
ex (+ abl) | out of |
forum, fori | forum, marketplace |
in (+ abl) | in, on |
in + ACC | into, onto |
īnsula, insulae | apartment building |
iuvenis, iuvenis | young man |
laboro, laborare | work |
liberī, liberorum | children |
maneo, manere | stay |
mater, matris | mother |
mercator, mercatoris | merchant |
nolo, nolle | not want, refuse |
nos | we |
pater, patris | father |
per + ACC | through, along |
popina, popinae | bar |
prope + ACC | near |
puella, puellae | girl |
servus, servi | enslaved person |
sto, stare | stand |
sub (+ abl) | under |
taurus, tauri | bull |
thermae, thermarum | baths |
trans (+ acc) | across |
tu | you (singular) |
urbs, urbis | city |
via, viae | road, street |
volo, velle | want |
vos | you (plural) |