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Cardiac Conditions

SWAST EMD Training Pack Refresher Section B: Part 4

What does CAD stand for? Coronary Artery Disease
What is Coronary Artery Disease A build-up of fat deposits creating plaques, resulting in the narrowing of the coronary arteries reducing blood flow to the heart muscle.
Coronary Heart Disease increases the risks of what conditions? Angina, AMI (Acute Myocardial Infraction) or Heart Attack.
CAD CAD: Chronic, progressive narrowing of coronary artery due to fatty deposits and fat build up. Angina: Diagnosis of symptoms Heart attacks:
Angina Diagnosis of symptoms which result from narrowed coronary arteries. It is a temporary condition relieved with rest and medication.
Heart attacks Sudden & complete obstruction of the coronary artery, resulting death of part of the heart muscle.
Heart attack symptoms & severity varies depend on...? size/ area affected.
Angina Pectoris literal translation Choking of the chest
Why does angina usually occur? Result of coronary artery disease where the arteries supplying the myocardium become narrowed due to fatty deposits.
What does angina feel like? A cramp-like chest pain
What causes angina pain? brought on by increasing the work of the heart beyond the hearts ability to provide oxygen to the heart muscle.
How is angina relieved? Encourage patient to reduce anxiety and rest.
How does reducing anxiety and resting effect the heart? This decreases the workload of the heart, and therefor reducing the amount of oxygen required by the heart muscle.
Prescribed medications for angina Commonly referred to as GTN-Spray (glyceryl trinitrare).
Those diagnosed will have a predictable pattern in their condition Predictable cause (patient will be able to compare to previous experiences) Predictable pain pattern, location, intensity and duration Predictable pattern of relief Diagnosis of angina and likely to have prescribed medication
Technical term for a lack of blood in the coronary arteries/ heart muscle Ischaemia
The cramp for angina pain can be referred to feeling like a a stitch when exercising
Signs and symptoms of angina Feels, tight, dull or heavy - some people (especially women) may have sharp stabbing pain Spreads to your left arm, neck, jaw or back Is triggered by physical exertion or stress Stops within a few minutes of resting
Patients with angina may also experience: Breathlessness Feeling sick (nausea) Pain in your lower chest or belly - similar to indigestion Feeling very tired
Some people have these symptoms without Chest pain
What does an AMI stand for? Acute Myocardial Infarction (Heart Attack)
Another name for a heart attack? AMI - Acute Myocardial Infarction
When does an AMI occur When there is death or damage to an area of the heart muscle
Why does an AMI occur? Due to a blockage of the coronary artery, following prolonged ischemia.
Effects of muscle death on the heart Heart rhythm and may result in sudden death
What is 'Levine's Sign' A clenched first to the chest, is usually associated with patients having an AMI
Signs and symptoms of an AMI Persistent crushing chest pain in chest, neck, jaw, arms and back Pain not relieved by rest and medication Breathlessness and anxiety pale, sweaty and feeling sick (nausea) Can be confused with angina and indigestion
Popular Paramedic/EMT sets




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