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Life Span

Life Span Test, LPN

Erikson's Young Adulthood stage of psychosocial development (age range, developmental task, outcomes?) 20-44, intimacy vs. isolation, Young adults seek companionship and love with another person or become isolated from others
Erikson's Middle Adulthood stage of psychosocial development (age range, developmental task, outcomes?) 45-65, generativity vs. stagnation, middle-aged adults are productive, performing meaningful work/raising a family or become stagnant and inactive.
Erikson's Late Adulthood stage of psychosocial development (age range, developmental task, outcomes?) 65+, ego integrity vs. despair, older adults try to make sense out of their lives, either seeing lives as meaningful and whole or despairing at goals never reached & questions never answered.
Piaget's Stages of Cognitive Development Sensorimotor - birth to 2 years, Preoperational thought - 2 to 6 years, concrete operational thought - 7 to 11 years, formal operational thought - 12+ years.
Erikson's Adolescence stage of psychosocial development (age range, developmental task, outcomes?) 12-19, identity vs. role confusion, try to figure out who they are, establish sexual/ethnic/career identities or are confused about what future roles to play
Cephalocaudal Development from head to toe.
Chromosomes Threadlike structures in the nucleus of a cell that function in transmission of genetic information.
Conception (fertilization) Union of sperm and ovum.
Development Function or gradual process of change from simple to complex.
Presbycusis Normal loss of hearing.
Presbyopia Far-sightedness
Proximodistal Center toward the outside
Schema Innate knowledge structure that allows a child to mentally organize ways to behave in immediate environment.
Teratogen Substance/agent/process that interferes with normal prenatal development.
Zygote Developing ovum from fertilization to blastocyst
Dynamic Characterized by action/forcefulness or force of personality
Maturation Coming to full development, becoming mature.
Continuity Uninterrupted connection/union
Genes Basic unit of heredity in a living organism. Holds information to build & maintain an organism's cells and pass genetic traits to offspring.
Plateau A period with no progress
Motor development Growth of muscular development in a child.
Physical development Physical growth & development of gross and fine motor control of the body.
Emotional development Childrens' increasing awareness and control of their feelings and how they react in given situations.
Mental development Development of the ability to think and reason (cognitive)
Social development learning the skills that enable a person to interact and communicate with others in a meaningful way
Developmental task a physical or cognitive skill that a person must accomplish during a particular age period to continue development (example - walking)
Adulthood the mature stage of an organism in its life cycle, usually meaning that it is able to reproduce (fully grown)
Climacteric The period of life when fertility and sexual activity are in decline.
Geriatrics the branch of medical science that deals with diseases and health problems specific to old people
Gerontology the study of the elderly, and of the aging process itself; the branch of science that deals with the problems of aged people. Gerontology covers the social, psychological and biological aspects of aging
Senility Cognitive changes often observed in older adults, dementia
Growth Increase in size of the whole or its parts
Disengagement theory of aging There should be a withdraw or disengagement between the older individual & society, initiated by the individual or by other in society.
Activity theory of aging The older person who is more active socially is more likely to adjust well to aging.
Continuity theory of aging The critical factors in adjustment to old age are previously developed coping abilities and the ability to maintain previous roles & activities.
Safety tips for older adults Use night-lights, properly fitting clothing & shoes, use dispensing aids for medications, get up slowly from a lying position, minimize clutter and excess furniture
Autoimmunity theory of aging Theory supported by increased accumulation of lymphocytes and plasma cells found in normal, healthy older people.
Biological programming theory of aging Hereditary basis for aging, evidenced by similarities in life expectancies in a particular family.
Free radical theory of aging Highly reactive cellular components derived from unstable atoms or molecules may accelerate aging.
Sensory changes in older adults Decline in taste and smell perception, presbyopia, presbycusis
Elizabeth Kubler-Ross's 5 stages of death and dying: 1. Shock, denial 2. Anger, rage 3. Bargaining 4. Depression 5. Acceptance
5 developmental tasks of the young adult Choosing/establishing careers, fulfilling sexual needs, establishing a home/family, expanding social circles, developing maturity
Developmental tasks of the middle adult Adjusting to new family roles, securing economic stability for the present and future, maintaining positive self-image, evaluating/redesigning career options
5 physical/personal problems that may be confronted in the middle adult years: Empty-nest syndrome, grandparenting or new parenting, parenting the parent, skin becomes wrinkled, thinning and graying of hair occurs
Created by: 1469838250
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