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Muscular System

Medical Terminology - Chapter 4

my/o, myos/o muscles
fasci/o fascia
ten/o, tend/o, tendin/o tendons
Types of muscle tissue skeletal, smooth and cardiac
tendon attaches muscle to bone
fascia sheet of connective tissue that covers, supports and separates muscle
abduction movement away from the midline
adduction movement toward the midline
flexion decreases an angle as in bending a joint
extension straightening - increases an angle as in straightening a joint
elevation raises a body part
depression lowers a body part
supination turns the palms up0ward
pronation turns the pam downward
fasciitis inflammation of the fascia
tenalgia pain in a tendon
tendinitis inflammation of the tendon
muscle atrophy weakness and wasting away of muscle tissue
myalgia muscle tenderness or pain
myolysis degeneration of muscle tissue
myositis inflammation of a muscle (usually skeletal muscles)
polymyositis inflammation of many muscles - usually chronic condition
myomalacia abnormal softening of muscle tissue
myorrhexis rupture of a muscle
myosclerosis abnormal hardening of muscle tissue
atonic lack of normal musle tone
dystonic abnormal muscle tone
hypertonia excessive tone of muscles
hypotonia diminished tone of the muscles
ataxia without movement - inability to move
dystaxia difficulty controlling voluntary movement
tax coordination
bradykinesia slow movement
dyskinesia impartment of volumary movement (tick or spasm)
hyperkinesia increase in motor function (ie: hyperactive)
hypokinesia decreased motor function or activity
myasthenia muscle weakness
myoparesis weakness or slight paralysis of muscle
hemiparesis slight paralysis of one side of the body
paralysis loss of sensation and voluntary muscle movement
paraplegia paralysis of both legs and lower parts of the body
quadriplegia paralysis of all 4 extremities
hemiplegia total paralysis of one side of the body
cardioplegia paralysis of the heart muscles
tenectomy surgical removal of a lesion from a tendon
tenodesis suture the end of a tendon to bone
tenolysis free a tendon from adhesion
tenonectomy surgical removal of a tendon
tenoplasty surgical repair of a tendon
myectomy surgical removal of a portion of a muscle
myoplasty surgical repair of a muscle
myorrhaphy suture a muscle wound
kinesi movement
tax coordination
ton muscle tone
Automaticity is the property of what types of muscle smooth and cardiac
Define automaticity the ability of muscle to contract without involvement of nerve supply
Contractility is the property of what type of muscle Skeletal
Define excitability ability of skeletal muscles to respond to impulse (contracting)
This is the sheath that surrounds muscles fibers Perimysium
Created by: hicksp
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