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Pharm/ anesth test 2

Anesthesia, analgesic, CNS

What is Analgesia? Loss of sensibility to pain, with no loss of consciousness.
What is anesthesia? Loss of pain & loss of all other sensations as well, loss of consciousness.
Ester Procaine (Novocain), Cocaine (vasoconstrictors used to decrease bleeding)
Amides Lidocaine, Viscous lidocaine(Xylocaine): can interfere with gag/swallowing-wait 1 hr before eating or drinking with application.
List ways to administer local anesthetics? Topically (transdermally):for surface anesthesia, itching, & soreness, can be absorbed & cause system toxicity.
How are local anesthetic administered? Injection- risk for toxicity, infiltration, nerve block, (peripheral & central) IV regional, epidural, & spinal.
Explain Vasoconsctrictors: (Usually epinephrine) commonly used in conjunction with local anesthetics.
What happens when epinephrine is added to local anesthetics? It prolongs the anesthetic action, while shortening the onset of action & reducing blood to the injection site.
List & describe Epidural anesthesia: Lidocaine & bupicacaine- (Marcaine)- it blocks the nerve root conduction in the spinal cord. It can reach systemic circulation in significant amounts and may cause neonatal depression.
Which epidural anesthesia is most commonly used? Bupivacaine is the most commonly used epidural anesthesia is not used in the OB setting because of the risk of cardiac arrest.
List the rapid uptake local anesthesia medications? Topical, interpleural, intercoastal, subcutaneous, caudal, lumbar epidural, brachial plexus, spinal -subarachnoid, Topical (transdermal)
How does the absorption rate effect the uptake of the anesthesia? The faster the uptake the shorter it the drug lasts.
What are some factors when choosing anesthesia? The time to take effect and any possible adverse effects.
What is nitrous oxide? also known as laughing gas, almost all pt.'s receive it to supplement analgesic effect.
What type of gas can produce pain relief close to that of morphine? Laughing gas or nitrous oxide, when 20% is inhaled.
When is nitrous oxide commonly used? During dental procedures and for analgesia during surgery.
Name two benzodiazepines: Valium (Diazepam)& Versed (Midazolam)
Describe Valium (Diazepam)when used as IV anesthesia: unconscious in about 1 minute. Very little muscle relaxation, no anesthesia, cardio & respiratory depression usually moderate, have support available immediately.
Describe the Benzodiazepine Propofol(Diprivan): It is used as an IV Sedative-hypnotic for induction & maintenance of Anesthesia.
What are some of the adverse effects of Propofol(Diprivan)? It can cause profound respiratory Depression (including apnea & hypotension).
Who should be given Propofol (Diprivan) with caution? Elderly pt.'s, hypovolemic, and anyone with a compromised cardiac function.
What should be kept readily available when used Propofol (Diprivan) for sedation? Respiratory Support!
Why is there an increased risk for bacterial infection when using Propofol (Diprivan)? B/C propofol (Diprivan) is supplied in a mixture of soybean oil, glycerol, egg lecithin.
What is Ketamine(Ketalar)& when is it used? A sedation benzodiazepine which causes the pt. to be in a state of dissociative anesthesia.
Describe Ketamine(Ketalar): It is used a lot with children and causes a disconnect from one's environment. It also is known to cause unpleasant reactions during recovery. For ex: hallucinations, disturbing dreams, & delirium.
When is Ketamine (Ketalar) most often used and who should not have it? It is used with children having minor sx, changing burn dressings, & diagnostic procedures. Anyone with a Hx of psychiatric illness.
What are some important implications concerning Ketamine(Ketalar)? In an effort to decrease psychological reactions to the medication in recovery, the pt. should be kept in a calm, low stimulus environment until the recovery is complete.
What is the difference between Analgesics & Anesthesia? Analgesics result in a reduction to sensitivity to pain and Anesthesia causes unconsciousness & reduction to pain stimuli.
What are some important nursing interventions after surgery (anesthesia & analgesia)? Monitor for N&V, watch for risk of aspiration, bowel sounds, urinary retention, & post operative pain.
What do anesthetics do to the urinary tract function? They can decrease the urine function by reducing the renal blood flow.If the pt. does not void, follow hospital protocol(possible cath). Be sure to monitor urine output!
What should be monitored following sx in the recovery room after anesthesia? VS until there is a baseline, be alert for reductions in blood pressure, altered cardiac rhythm, shallow, slow, or noisy breathing.
What is pain tolerance? Amount of pain pone can withstand before he/she has an emotional or physical breakdown.
What was the first local anesthetic? Cocaine, founded in 1884 by Sigmund Freud and Karl Koller.
When is cocaine used and how is it administered? Topically, used fro ear, nose and throat procedures. Te anesthesia is rapid and lasts for about an hour.
How is cocaine unlike other local anesthetics? It causes intense vasoconstriction by blocking the nor epinephrine uptake at the sympathetic nerve terminals on blood vessels.
List & describe the epidural anesthesia: Lidocaine & Marcaine ( bupicacaine), it blocks the nerve root conduction in the spinal cord. Can reach systemic circulation in significant amounts.
What are some harmful effects of epidural anesthesia? May cause neonatal depression.
What are the properties of an ideal analgesic? Should be potent for maximum relief,not cause dependency, minimum side effects, not cause tolerance, act promptly, over a long period of time, with minimum sedation, pt. should remain conscious & responsive. Should be inexpensive.
How are analgesics classified? Potency, origin, & addictive properties.
List the types of analgesics(origin): Opium, semi-synthetic, coal-tar derivatives.
What are the additive properties of analgesics? Narcotic, opioid derivative, capable of causing physical dependence) & non-narcotic.
What is the pathway of pain in the CNS? From the site of injury to the brain, processing & reflexive action. Stimulation of receptors- nerve endings in skin
Created by: ndthompson
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