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ager, ageri, m field, territory
agricola, -ae, m farmer
amicita, amicitiae, f friendship
annus, anni, m year
aqua, -ae, f water
campus, campi, m plain, field
dea, deae, f goddess
deus, dei, m god
equus, equi, m horse
femina, -ae, f woman
filia, filiae, f daughter
filius, fili, m son
fortuna, -ae, f fortune
gladius, gladi, m sword
insula, -ae, f island
legatus, legati, m envoy, lieutenant
lingua, -ae, f tounge
littera, letterae, f letter
ludus, ludi, m school, game
memoria, -ae, f memory
natura, -ae, f nature
natua, -ae, f sailor
nuntius, nunti, m messenger, message
patria, patriae, f country, homeland
poeta, -ae, m poet
porta, -ae, f gate
provincia, -ae, f province
puella, -ae, f girl
puer, pueri, m boy
servus, servi, m servant
silva, -ae, f forest
terra, -ae, f earth, land
tuba, -ae, f trumpet
via, viae, f way, road
villa, -ae, f farmhouse
vir, viri, m man, husband
vita, -ae, f life
amo, amare, amavi, amatum to love
navigo, navigare, navigavi, navigtum to sail
porto, portare, portavi, portatum to carry
sum, esse, fui, futurus I am
do, dare, dedi, datum to give
occupo, occupare, occupavi, occupatum to seize, to capture
pugno, pugnare, pugnavi, pugnatum to fight
voco, vocare, vocarvi, vocatum to call
laudo, laudare, laudavi, laudatum to praise
paro, parare, paravi, paratum to prepare
specto, spectare, spectavi, spectatum to look at
et (conjunction) and
non (adverb) not
quid (interrogative) what
sed (conjunction) but
ubi (interrogative) when
ad towards, to
cum with
bellum, -i, n war
caelum, -i, n sky
donum, -i, n gift
frumemtum, -i, n grain
oppidum, -i, n town
periculum, -i, n danger, risk
regnum, -i, n kingdom; kingship
verbum, -i, n word
sine (prep with abl) without
tuus, tua, tuum you, your
parvus, parva, parvum small, little
multus, multa, multum much, (pl. many)
meus, mea, meum my, mine
malus, mala, malum bad
magnus, magna, magnum large great
longus, longa, longum long
latus, lata, latum wide, broad
ferus, fera, ferum wild, fierce, savage
bonus, bona, bonum good
altus, alta, altum high,deep
supero, superare I surpass, I defeat
narro, narrare I tell, I relate
vulnero, vulnerare I wound
exspecto, exspectare I await, I wait for
nuntio, nutiare I announce, I report
habito, habitare I live, I dwell
convovo, convocare I call together, I assemble, I summon
appello, appellare I call, I name
volo, volare I fly
laboro, laborare I labor, I suffer, I am hard pressed
liber, libera, liberum free
miser, misera, miserum wretched. unfortunate, poor
noster, nostra, nostrum our, ours
pulcher, pulchra, pulchrum beautiful, noble, fine
sacer, secra, secrum sacred, holy
vester, vestra, vestrum your, yours (pl)
ante (prep w/ acc) before, in front of
contra (prep w/ acc) against
inter (prep w/ acc) between, among
ob (prep w/ acc) because of, on account of
per (prep w/ acc) through
post (prep w/ acc) after, behind
propter (prep w/ acc) because of, on account of
trans (prep with acc) over, across
ubi (relative) where, when
tum then, at that time
semper always
saepe often
postea afterwards
nunc now
male badly
interim meanwhile
ibi there, in that place
iam now, already
hodie today
heri yesterday
diu for a long time, long
cur (interrogative) why?
cras tomorrow
bene well
ambulo, ambulare, ambulavi, ambulatum walk
clamo, clamare, clamavi, clamatum shout
confirmo, confirmare, confirmavi, confirmatum strengthen, encourage, declare
demonstro, demonstrare, demonstravi, demonstratum show, point out
libero, liberare, liberavi, liberatum free, set free
oppugno, appungare, oppungavi, oppungatum attack
servo, servare, servavi, servatum guard, keep, save
sto, stare, steti, statum stand
temto, temptare, temptavi, temptatum try, attempt
Africa, ae, f Africa
Asia, ae, f Asia minor
num used when expecting a no answer to a question
animus, i, m mind; spirit
arma, orum, n (pl) arms
auxilium, auxili, n help, aid
auxilia, orum, n (pl) auxiliary troops, reinforcements
captivus, i, m captive
castra, orum, n (pl) camp
consilium, consili, n plan, advice
copia, ae, f plenty, supply
copiae, arum, f (pl) forces, troops
fama, ae, f rumor, report, reputation
fuga, ae, f flight
impedimentum, i, n hindrance
impedimenta, orum, n (pl) baggage
numerus, i, m number; group
proelium, proeli, n battle
signum, i, n sign, signal; military standard
telum, i, n weapon
audacia, ae, f daring, boldness
carus, i, m wagon, cart
cura, ae, f care, anxiety
dominus, i,m lord, master
inopia, ae,f lack, want
ira, ae, f anger
liber, libri, m book
locus, i m (loca, locorum, n) place
magister, magistri, m master, teacher
poena, ae, f punishment, penalty
populus, i, m people, nation
socius, soci, m ally, comrade
Created by: cocobeam
Popular Latin sets




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