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Psych chapter 9

Developmental psychology the study of individuals' changes to the mind, brain, and behavior across the lifespan
Post Hoc Fallacy logical error in which it is assumed that event A caused event B solely because B occurred after A
Bidirectional influences Human development is a two way street children's development influences their experiences, but the experiences also influence their development
cohort effects when history plays out in differences between the same aged participants collected at different points in time. influences groups of people based on time periods of life.
nature genetic endowments input from genotype
nurture environmental input
Involuntary/Obligatory responses collecting data from infants who can't respond verbally; habituation, heart rate, blinking, attention
Voluntary responses data collected from slightly older children given by choice; selecting toys, recalling information, etc..
psychophysiology collecting data through brain scans, skin data such as GSR
Parent-report data gathering data by asking the parents to provide information
Interview data gathering information from older children who can report their own behaviors/ thoughts
Single point design research data collected at one time
longitudinal design data collected at numerous time points; tracks a set of participants
cross-sectional design data collected at one time; sample includes groups to compare
sequential design elements of both longitudinal and cross-sectional; follows and compares
informed consent participants have the right to know what the researcher is conducting the study for
parental assent used for children who can't consent, instead the parents consent for them
attrition participant drop out
germinal stage conception to about 2 weeks
embryonic stage 2 to 8 weeks
fetal stage 9 to 40 weeks
emerging adulthood ages 18 to 29 not an adult, but not a teen; point in life where you are still figuring things out
Piaget's stage theory contains 4 stages; the "end point" is when you reach the ability to reason logically and hypothetically
sensorimotor stage age 0 to 2, development of object permanence (peekaboo)
preoperational stage age 2 to 7, begin to think symbolically (words for objects)
concrete operational stage age 7 to 11, develop ability to reason but only concretely
formal operational stage age 11 to 15, reasoning about abstract ideas
Temperament early emerging differences in reactivity and self-regulation in children
easy-going 40%
difficult/active 10%
Slow to warm 15%
attachment an emotional connection we share with those to whom we feel closest, often parents
Ainsworth's strange situation when a mother leaves her child for a short period of time, the child is sad; when the mother returns, the child is happy
secure attachment healthy relationship, sad when leaving happy when returning
insecure-avoidant non-reactive to the mother leaving or returning
Insecure anxious panic at departure mixed emotions when returning
disorganized inconsistent/confused reaction
permissive lenient, little discipline, affectionate
authoritarian very strict, punishing, little affection
authoratative supportive but set firm limits
uninvolved neglectful and ignoring
Identity sense of who we are, our goals, our priorities, biggest interests
Created by: chloemcmillin
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