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243 CH 26

243 EXAM 3

systolic pressure highest pressure, contraction
diastolic pressure low pressure, relax and fill
mean arterial pressure average pressure in arterial system during contraction and relaxation
physical factors influencing blood pressure blood volume, elastic properties of blood vessels
physiologic influences of blood pressure cardiac output, systemic vascular resistance
systemic vascular resistance influenced by ability of blood vessels to constrict and dilate
determinants of CO heart rate, contractility, preload and afterload
afterload ejection of blood from ventricle
increased afterload decrease stroke volume
short term BP regulation neural mechanisms (SNS), humoral (hormone) mechanisms
long term BP regulation renal mechanisms
paracrine mediators nitric oxide helps vessels relax and dilate
baroreceptors sense volume and pressure, signal SNS
primary hypertension increased SNS activity, increased sodium, excess alcohol
heredity hypertension - primary genetic factors, environmental, demographic
water and sodium retention high sodium intake activates pressor mechanisms and causes water retention
altered renin aldosterone mechanism contribute to maintenance and development of hypertension
stress and increased SNS activity increases vasoconstriction, increased HR, increased renin release
secondary hypertension elevation due to another disorder, ie kidney disease
contributing factors to hypertension coarctation of aorta, renal disease, endocrine and neurological disorder, hyperthyroidism, polycythemia, sleep apnea, Cushing syndrome
pheochromocytoma tumor on adrenal gland
malignant hypertension accelerated form of hypertension, rupture/ stroke complications
hypertension clinical manifestations asymptomatic until severe and target organ disease occurs, palpitations, angina, dizziness, fatigue, dyspnea, headache
hypertension heart damage left ventricular hypertrophy
hypertension brain damage dementia and cognitive impairment
hypertension peripheral vascular atherosclerosis, pressure pushes on vessels, inner endothelial is damaged; buildup of plaque, vessels can not constrict/ dilate
hypertension kidney damage nephrosclerosis
hypertensive heart disease coronary artery disease, left ventricular hypertrophy, heart failure
blood pressure readings highest early in morning, lowest at night
hypertension older adults lowest rates of BP control, over age of 65
hypertension minorities non hispanic black significantly high
socioeconomic factors contributing to hypertension substandard insurance, poor access to healthcare
pregnancy induced hypertension toxemia of pregnancy, preeclampsia - young age, first pregnancy, multiple fetuses, diabetic
manifestations of pregnancy hypertension proteinuria, edema, sudden weight gain, vision change, nausea
eclampsia seizure
HELLP syndrome risk for hemolysis, elevated liver enzymes, DIC
hypertension in children kidney abnormalities, coarctation of aorta, pheochromocytoma and adrenal cortical disorders
infants and hypertension umbilical catheterization and renal artery obstruction caused by thrombosis
orthostatic hypotension decrease in blood pressure when standing
causes of orthostatic hypotension decrease in venous return to the heart due to lower extremity pooling, response to decreased CO
condition that decreases vascular volume dehydration
conditions that impair muscle pump function bed rest, spinal injury
conditions that interfere with cardiovascular reflexes medications, ANS disorders, baroreflex function
hypovolemia excessive use of diuretics, diaphoresis, loss of GI fluid through vomitting and diarrhea
hypovolemia manifestations dizziness, visual changes, head and neck discomfort, poor concentration, tremor, presyncope and syncope
syncope fainting, loss of consciousness
Created by: ahommel
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