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243 CH 25

243 EXAM 3

mechanics of blood flow arterial pressure is greater than venous pressure, arterial, venous and capillary pressures greater than the pressure surrounding the vessels
blood flow determined by cardiac output, pressure difference between ends of vessel, resistance overcome to move blood through vessel
laminar flow easy in one direction
cardiac output heart rate (how fast) X stroke volume (volume ejected each pump)
turbulent disrupts flow (areas prone to clots)
cause of turbulence obstruction (atherosclerosis, aneurysm, compression)
tunica adventitia outer, provides structure and support
tunica media middle, smooth muscle, constriction and dilation
tunica intima inner, smooth inner lining, prevents platelet adherence and blood clotting
arteries thick muscular wall, small middle lumen, more pressure
elastic fibers allow stretch during systole and recoil during diastole
arterioles determine systemic vascular resistance (SVR)
systemic vascular resistance body, blood flow, opposing force; afterload
increase SVR change force with vasoconstriction, harder to push against muscular layer
decrease SVR dilation, open allows blood through
veins return to right side of the heart, thin walled, distensible and collapsible, large capacity
one way valves blood towards heart
capillaries single endothelial cell basement membrane, connect arterial and venous ciruclation
intracellular junctions pores
endothelial cells continuous lining for entire vascular system, control of platelet adhesion and blood clotting
semi permeable membrane controls transfer of molecules across the vascular wall, influences blood flow and vascular resistance
endothelial cell dysfunction potentially reversible changes in endothelial function that occur in response to environmental stimuli
products causing inflammation cytokines, bacteria, viruses
hemodynamic stresses changes to blood flow, high uncontrolled BP
vascular smooth muscle cells vasoconstriction SNS regulation
vascular smooth muscle cells relaxation local regulation, nitric oxide
synthesize components of extracellular matrix essential for healing, contribute to pathologic processes
arterial disorders decreased blood flow to tissues, impaired oxygen delivery
arterial blood flow disorder manifestations paleness, fatigue, cool skin, ischemia
venous disorders interference with outflow of blood from the capillaries
venous blood flow disorder manifestations edema, tenderness, warmth
atherosclerosis and vascultis pathological changes to vessel wall
vessel obstruction thrombus, embolus, vasospasm
tumors and edema compression of blood vessels by extravascular forces
thrombosis stationary blood clot within vessel or heart chamber, increases turbulence, reduces or blocks blood flow
embolus clot traveling through bloodstream
thromboemboli thrombus was dislodged
embolus from left side of heart stroke, cerebrovascular accident
embolus from right side of heart clot in the lungs, pulmonary embolism
lipoproteins transport cholesterol and triglyceride to tissues for energy
VLDL lethal, triglyceride heavy
LDL lethal
HDL healthy, protein heavy transporters
hypercholesterolemia cholesterol levels 240 mg/dl or greater
primary hypercholesterolemia genetic, independent of other health problems
chylomicrons largest lipoprotein molecules
aneurysm dilation of blood vessel secondary to atherosclerosis, weak arterial wall
pseudo aneurysm only one wall out pouched
vasculitis inflamed artery intima layer (allergic or autoimmune)
superficial vasculitis appears red and inflamed
atherosclerotic occlusive disease interrupts arterial flow to affected tissues or organ
thromboangilitis obliterans buerger disease, inflammatory arterial disorder causes thrombus formation
intermittent claudication pain with movement, muscles need oxygen for energy
raynaud disease vasoconstriction of arteries in fingers, triggered by stress, cold
varicose veins dilated, distended veins, valvular incompetence
hypercoagubility high platelets and hematocrit
venous thromboembolism inflammation of a vein with thrombus formation - deep veins lower extremities
risk factors for VTE - virchow's triad stasis of blood, increased blood coagulability, vessel wall injury
stasis of blood bed rest, immobility, acute myocarditis, shock, venous obstruction
vessel wall injury indwelling catheters, surgery, massive trauma, infection, orthopedic surgery
dissecting aneurysm acute, life threatening, hemorrhage into the vessel wall with longitudinal tearing of vessel wall forming a blood filled channel
fusiform or saccular aneurysms thoracic and abdominal aorta, gradual enlargement of the aorta
berry aeurysm
Created by: ahommel
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