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EMS Vocab

EMCC Class of 2011 Vocab

Definitive Care Best care a patient is able to recieve
Protocols SOP's, Treatment of patient
Off-line Medical Direction Medical Director giving you the right to do protocols
On-line Medical Direction Talking to the Medical Director directly by phone
Pathogen Disease-causing microorganism
Body Substince Isolation(BSI) Concept that treats all bodily fluids as potentially infectious
Synovial fluid Fluid within a joint
Universal precautions Procedures for infection control that assume vlood is potentially infectious
Virulent Strong, resistant
Blood Titre Blood test, check for antibodies
MCI (Mass Casualty Incident) 3 or more patients, outnumber rescuers
Perseverate Cannot let it go, stop it, stays on one topic
Insomnia Unable to sleep
Dependent Lividity Blood pooling due to staying in one spot for a long period of time
Rigor Motis Stiffining of the body after death
Cyanotic Turns blue from no or low oxygen
Syncopal Episode Simple faint(Put the patient Trendelenburg position)
Supine On their back
Trendelenburg position Supine, Feet elevated 12" (Shock Position)
Prone Lying face down
Lateral Lying on their side
Good Samaritan Law Acting when you did not have to then have been sued unsuccesfully **Render aid without being paid
Ethics Guidelines of right and wrong of work behavior
Expressed Consent The Patient lets you know, Verbally or nonverbally that he or she is willing to accept treatment
Consent Approval or permission
Implied Consent Recieve medical care because the patient is underage, badly injured, or unconsious
Battery Unlawful touching or hitting
Competent Able to make decisions about personal well-being
Abandonment Failure of first responder to continue emergency treatment until someone with the same or higher level of training arrives
Duty to act First responders legal responsobility to respond promptly to an emergency scene
Crepitus End of a bone, Degrating of bone end
Assualt Threat of danger
Emancipated Minors Must go to court; absolve parents, have you gone to court? If no, then you treat, if yes, show me the papers, if no papers, you treat.
DNR Do Not Resucitate(Doctors Signature and current)
Living Will No extreme measures to be kept alive
Health Care Proxy Signature for a one time hospital visit (DNR)
H-HealthI-InsuranceP-PortabilityA-AccountabilityA-Act Cannot talk about calls To anybody Unless it is in CISD(Critical Incident Stress Debrief)
Erthrocytes Red blood cells
Fissures Suture lines
Skull Protects brain
Orbita Eye socket
Zygomatics Cheek Bone
Maxilla Upper Jaw Bone
Mandible Lower Jaw bone
Clavical Collar bone
Articulate Connects to, joins with
Sternum Breast bone
Xiphoid process Arrowhead at base of sternum
12 pairs of ribs Thoracic chest cavity, ribs articulate with sternum and spine
Shoulder Girdle Two Clavicals and Two Scapulas
Humerus Upper Arm Bone
Radius Lower arm thumb side bone
Ulna Lower arm fingers side bone
Carpals Wrist bone
Phalanges Finger and Toe bones
Metacarpals Hand Bone
Foreman magnum (hole) in base of skull
Cervical Spine 7 Vertebrae (33 Spine)
Thoracic Vertebrae 12 Vertebrae, T1-T12 at nipple line
Lumbar spine 5 Vertebrae L1-L5
Sacrum 5 Vertebrae S1-S5
Coccyx 4 Vertebrea, Tailbone
Pubis Symphysis Cartilage in pelvis
Radial Pulse Most accessible
Coratid Pulse Most reliable
Femural Pulse Hardest to find
Anterior Front
Posterior Back
Midline Verticle lines seperate body into right and left halves
Medial Closer to midline
Lateral Away from midline
Proximal Closer to trunk
Distal Away from trunk
Superior Closer to head
Inferior Closer to feet
Nasopharangeal Airway Nasal airpath
Oropharangeal Airway Mouth to throat airway
Pharynx Throat
Bifurcates Splits off into a "Y"
Hypoxic Low O2
Vena Cava Biggest vein in body
Larynx Voice Box
Trachea Windpipe
Bronchi Branches in the lungs
Aveoli Tiny air sacs
Blood Flow of heart Vena Cava (Ascending and Decending)
Veins Unoxygenated blood (blue) (low pressure) (blood oozes out)
Artery Oxygenated blood (red) (high pressure) (spurting out)
Tricuspid Valve One way valve in heart (trapped door)
Pulmonary Vein Carries oxygenated blood (From lungs, into left ventricle)
Pulmonary Artery Carries deoxygenated blood (into lungs, alveoli) (O2 and CO2 Transfer)
Aortic Arch Artery to the body
Mitral Valve Left valve
Skeletal Muscles Provide movement, support
Smooth Muscles Carry out automatic functions
Cardiac Muscle Only in heart
Automaticity Property of heart muscle
Perfusion O2 to all cells
Jaundice Liver Failure
Heat Stroke Hot dry skin
Heat exhaustion Moist, clamy, warm
Ashen Color of death
Hemorrage Uncontrolled Bleeding
Systolic Top number of BP Scan
AMS Altered Mental Status
OPQRSTI Onset, Provoking, Quality, Radiation, Severity, Time, Intervention
Impending Doom "I just dont feel right"
Anascoria Unequal pupils
Syncope Simple faint
SOB Shortness of Breath
n/v Nausea or Vomiting
DiaphoresisDiaphoretic Sweating perfusely
MI Myocradial Infraction
AAA Abdominal Aortic Anurism
Tachycardia Rapid Pulse
Edema Swelling
Pitting Edema Fluid slowly goes back around swelling
Altered Mental Status Sudden or Gradual decrease in 02
CVA Cerebral Vascular Accident
Grand mal Seizure Generalized Seizure
Petite mal Seizure Small Seizure, Staring absent into space
Hysterical Seizure Fake Grand mal Seizure
Itis Imflammation or infection
Ulcers Infflammed tissue or organ, a hole
Ingestion By the mouth
Inhalation By the nose
Absorption Through the skin or tissue
Injection Entered into the blood stream
Perfusion Circulation of blood through organ
Hypoperfusion Inadequate circulation of blood through organ
Open wound Injury where skin is interrupted or broken, exposing the tissue
Abrasion Smooth
Laceration Jagged
Incision Clean and Smooth
Avulsion Flap (Fingers and Toes)
Punctures Enterance and Exit
Amputation Severed, Off (Hands, Legs, Feet, Arm)
GSW Gun Shot Wound
Evisceration Bowels are exposed
Dressing Covers wound, should be sterile
Bandage Holds the dressing in place, Not sterile
Ovaries Produce eggs
Uterus Holds fertilized egg for development
Fallopian tubes COnnects ovaries and uterus
Birth canal(vagina) External opening
Ectopic Pregnancy Eggs fertilizes in tubes
Fetus Developing baby
Umbilical cord Delivers nutrition and removes waste products from infant
Placenta Draws nutrients from the uterus which are then transported t hrough the umbilical cord
Epidermis Outer-most layer of skin
Dermis Second layer of skin (Nerves and capillaries)
Subcutanious Fatty layer (Glands and oil)
Rule of Nine Method of determining burns on body
Palmar Method use the patients hand to measure burns
Copius Lots and lots and lots
PSDE Painfull, Swollen, Deformety, Extremety
PORT Position, Oxygen, Rebreather, Temperature
Ecchymosis Black and blue, color of contusion
Meningies Layer that surrounds the brain
Duramater Covering layer of brain(outer)
Achracnoid Layer outer of the duramater
Piamater Covering layer of brain(inner)
Rye Syndrome Caving in of chest for air
Stridor Noisy upper airway obstruction "seal bark" "croup"
Hypovolemic Low Volume
Febrile Seizures High fever, may have no fever history
Poor skin turgor Tenting, sign of dehydration (pinch and pull upper palm)
Created by: Gfrancesco366
Popular Paramedic/EMT sets




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