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Health Chapter 5

may the force be with you

Pathogens (aka germs) (126) Microorganisms that cause disease
Bacteria (126) One-celled tiny organisms that come in many shapes like rodlike (bacillus), round (coccus), and spiral (spirochete)
Viruses (127) Responsible for more infections than any other pathogen; smaller in size; attack individual cells.
Fungi (127) Organisms that usually cause diseases of the skin such as ringworm and athlete's foot.
Tiny Animals (relative to pathogens) (128) One-celled organisms called the amoeba can penetrate the human body and cause problems in the lining of the membranes of the intestines. (some are known as parasites)
Incubation period (129) The period of time from which a person becomes infected with a microorganism to the time they actually have symptoms allowing them to recognize the disease.
Acute Disease (130) Those that develop suddenly with symptoms that are often severe
Chronic Disease (130) Develop gradually and may persist for years.
Allergen (131-132) Is a substance to which your body is particularly sensitive
Immune System (132) The body's natural resistance (defense against invasion)
Antibodies (133) proteins that destroy pathogens, like viruses and bacteria, but don't attack your body's healthy cells.
Lymphocytes (aka white blood cells) (133) travel through the lymphatic system fighting off germs
Lymphatic system (or network) (133) includes vessels and circulate a special body fluid called lymph
B-Cells (133) lymphocytes that make antibodies to attack germ cells; warriors for the body
T-Cells (134) produced to specifically fight a disease; remember the disease for if it ever invades again
Spleen (134) An organ that works closely with the lymphatic system that manufactures and stores white blood cells
Vaccine (1340 a mixture of weakened or killed germ cells
STD (142) Diseases that pass from one person to another through sexual contact.
What are the four components of the infectious disease process? (128) The pathogen, the source/host of the pathogen (where it lives), the spread of the pathogen (coughing/sneezing), the new host.
What are the five steps listed in the text to fight the common cold? Eat well, get plenty of sleep, exercise regularly, keep the stress in your life in balance, avoid smoking.
How do most pathogens enter the body? What are the initial defenses? How can you minimize pathogen invasions? (131) Your skin is your first defense. Pathogens mostly enter the body through the few openings in the body, like the mouth, nose, or eyes, the tissues are protected by a soft skin-like layer called the mucous membrane.
What does spiritual defenses for our health mean and why is it important? (135) The battle here on earth is also a spiritual battle...It is important to use your spiritual defenses to battle diseases, you are not called to be the healer of those who are sick, but God does call you to pray.
Created by: KonosCrashCourse
Popular Science sets




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