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1. Geography

Geography Vocabulary

Define: Archipelago A group or chain of islands clustered together in a sea or ocean.
Define: Climate Local weather conditions of an area like temperature, precipitation, humidity, sunshine, wind, and other conditions.
Define: Environment The geographic characteristics that surround and affect the way people live.
Define: Forest An area where coniferous and deciduous trees are the most dominant plant.
Define: Deciduous Trees These trees lose their leaves in the fall.
Define: Coniferous Trees Include trees that have pinecones such as fir and spruce
Define: Geography The natural environment of a place. It includes its physical features (landforms, bodies of water), weather, climate, vegetation, and animal life.
Define: Grasslands Flat or tolling areas of land covered with grasses. They are called prairies in North America and pampas in South America
Define: Gulf A large body of water that cuts deep into the land.
Define: Hemisphere Half of the globe of the earth (northern, southern, eastern, western).
Define: Isthmus A narrow strip of land connecting two larger land masses. An isthmus has water on two sides.
Define: Latitude and Longitude Imaginary lines on a map or globe that measure distance north and south of the Equator and distance east and west of the Prime Meridian.
Define: Mesoamerica Southern part of North America extending from Mexico to northwestern Columbia
Define: Mountain A landform that is very high and steep. They are usually wide at the bottom and rise to a narrow peak or ridge.
Define: North America A continent comprising of Greenland, United States, and Canada.
Define: Ocean A large body of saltwater.
Define: Physical Map A map that shows landforms.
Define: Plains Large areas of flat lands.
Define: Plateau High, flat land.
Define: Political Map A map that shows location and borders of countries and communities.
Define: Prim Meridian The line of longitude that forms the South Pole to the North Pole measured in degrees. It divides the Earth into the Eastern and Western Hemispheres.
Define: Rainforest A dense, either tropical or temperature forest, that receives lots of rain year round.
Define: Region A broad geographic area.
Define: South America The entire Western Hemisphere continent south of Mesoamerica.
Define: Tropics The area on the earth between the 23 1/2 degrees N and 23 1/2 degrees S lines of latitude, where the climate is almost always hot.
Define: Tundra A cold, dry region covered with snow for more than half the year; vast treeless plain where the subsoil is always frozen.
Define: Vegetation All the plant life found in an area.
Define: Equator An imaginary line that circles the globe at its widest point (halfway between the North and South poles), dividing Earth into two halves.
Created by: cregan05
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