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Term | Definition |
adherent | follower or supporter |
antithesis | direct opposite |
besmirch | to sully or tarnish |
culminate | to reach a climax |
curtail | to decrease or cut |
fervid | intensely enthusiastic |
gregarious | sociable |
homogeneous | uniform; unvaried |
imbibe | to drink or consume |
ingratiate | to win over by flattery |
jaunty | happy; perky |
obsolescence | condition of no longer being useful |
paragon | perfect example of a quality |
quandary | state of perplexity or uncertainty |
reticent | reserved; introverted |
scurrilous | scandalous; offensive |
stentorian | loud and powerful |
stymie | to prevent the progress of |
tremulous | shaking or quivering; nervous |
vexatious | causing annoyance or frustration |
begrudge | to envy or resent |
brevity | concise words |
cognizant | aware |
destitution | extreme poverty |
hapless | unfortunate; unlucky |
implicit | suggested implied |
irascible | irritable; easily angered |
juxtapose | compare side-by-side |
myriad | a countless number |
paramount | chief in importance; supreme |
perspicacious | perceptive; astute |
quip | a witty remake; to make a witty remark |
subservient | submissive |
timorous | apprehensive; fearful |
unsavory | distasteful |
vehemently | passionately; intensely |
vestige | a trace, remnant, or fragment |
vicissitudes | unwelcome change in circumstances; downturn |
wrest | to forcibly pull something form a person's grasp |
contingent | occurring only under certain circumstances |
abrasive | showing little concern for others' feelings; harsh |
ascribe | attribute something to (a cause) |
auspicious | favorable; promising encouraging |
complicit | involved with others in an illegal activity or wrongdoing |
detrimental | tending to cause harm |
derisive | expressing contempt or ridicule; mocking; jeering; scoffing |
divisive | tending to cause disagreement or hostility between people |
embellish | to make something more attractive by adding decorative details; to enhance |
incorrigible | not able to be corrected, improved, or reformed |
interpose | to place between one thing and another; to intervene |
modus operandi | method of operation; someone's habits of working or usual way of doing something |
ostensible | stated or appearing to be true, but not necessarily so |
pejorative | expressing contempt or disapproval; disparaging; derogatory |
quintessential | representing the most perfect or typical example of a quality or class; prototypical; archetypal; classic |
segue | to transition; a transition |
solace | comfort or consolation in a time or distress or sadness |
transpire | to occur, happen, or take place |
trite | overused and lacking originality or freshness; cliche |
umbrage | offensive or annoyance |
vested | authorized, secured, approved, justifiable |