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Verbs Level 2
Verbs for Beginning ESL
Term | Definition |
to admit | Admitir |
answer | Responder |
to ask | Preguntar |
to accept | Aceptar |
to begin | Comenzar |
to believe | Creer |
to belong | Pertenecer |
to break | Romper |
to bring | Traer |
to buy | Comprar |
to call | Llamar |
to be able to | Poder |
cancel | Cancelar |
to change | Cambiar |
to clean | Limpiar |
to close | Cerrar |
to complain | Quejar |
to cook | Cocinar |
to count | Contar |
to cry | Llorar |
to cut | Cortar |
to dance | Bailar |
to decide | Decidir |
to draw | Dibujar |
to drink | Beber |
to eat | Comer |
to explain | Explicar |
to fall | Crear |
to fight | Pelear |
to fill | Llenar |
to find | Encontrar |
to finish | Terminar |
to fix | Reparar |
to fly | Volar |
to follow | Seguir |
to forget | Olvidar |
to forgive | Perdonar |
to give | Dar |
to go | Ir |
to hate | Odiar |
to drive | Conducir |
to have | Tener |
to hear | Escuchar |
to hide | Esconder |
to know | Saber |
to learn | Aprender |
to leave | Dejar |
to listen | Escuchar |
to live | Vivir |
to look | Mirar |
to be | ser, estar |
to do | hacer |
to say | Decir |
to make | Hacer |
to take | Tomar |
to see | Ver |
to come | Venir |
to think | Pensar |
to want | Querar |
to work | Trabajar |
to leave | Salir |
to feel | Sentir |
to ask for | Pedir |