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Adult 2 Cardiac Drug

Cardiac Glycosides (Digoxin) Action: Increases heart contractions (inotropic) and has the ability to slow heart rate (chronotropic)
Cardiac Glycosides (Digoxin) Uses: HF, A-Fib, A-Flutter, SVA
Cardiac Glycosides (Digoxin) Adverse Effects: Toxicity - fuzzy, yellow/green haze, insomnia, depression
Cardiac Glycosides (Digoxin) Nursing Care: check pulse for 1 min, report if less than 60, therapeutic level is 0.5-2, antidote is Digibind
Phosphodiasterase (Inamirone, milrinone, viagra) Action: stregthen heart's contractions, decreases preload and afterload
Phosphodiasterase (Inamirone, milrinone, viagra) Uses: HF refractory to Dig, vasodilators and diuretics (need a new heart)
Phosphodiasterase (Inamirone, milrinone, viagra) Adverse Effects: arrhythmias, N/V, HA, fever, chest pain, decreased K levels, thrombocytopenia, mild increase in HR
Phosphodiasterase (Inamirone, milrinone, viagra) Nursing Care: don't use if pt had an acute MI, monitor K levels
Vasodilators (apresoline, nitropress, nipride, catapress) Action: blood vessels dilate, BP decreases
Vasodilators (apresoline, nitropress, nipride, catapress) Uses: w/other drugs for mod to severe HTN
Vasodilators (apresoline, nitropress, nipride, catapress) Adverse Effects: increased HR, palpitaions, angina, edema, breast tenderness, fatigue, rash, HA
Vasodilators (apresoline, nitropress, nipride, catapress) Nursing Care: VS, antidote for Nipride is Sodium Nitrate & Sodium Thiosulfate, toxic after 48 hrs - causes hallucinations
Nitrates (imdur, isordil, NTG) Action: vasodilation of veins/arteries, decreases preload and afterload, decrease o2 consumption
Nitrates (imdur, isordil, NTG) Uses: relief/prevention of angina
Nitrates (imdur, isordil, NTG) Adverse Effects: HA< hypotension, dizziness, increased HR
Nitrates (imdur, isordil, NTG) Nursing Care: sublingual only, monitor BP and hold if below 90, can take q5minx3
Beta Blockers (metaprolol, acebutolol, atenolol, nadolol, labetolol, propranolol) Action: decreases strength of heart's contractions, decreases o2 requirements, BLOCK EXCESS SYMPATHETIC STIMULATION
Beta Blockers (metaprolol, acebutolol, atenolol, nadolol, labetolol, propranolol) Uses: A-fib/flutter, paroxysmal Atrial Tach
Beta Blockers (metaprolol, acebutolol, atenolol, nadolol, labetolol, propranolol) Adverse Effects: arrhythmias, bradycardia, HF, hypotension, N/V diarrhea, bronchoconstriction
Beta Blockers (metaprolol, acebutolol, atenolol, nadolol, labetolol, propranolol) Nursing Care: apical rate and pulse, don't abrutly stop, momitor for hypoglyceima, don't use if EF is less than 60%, Glucagon is antidote
Ace Inhibitors (capoten, vasotec, accupril, prinivil, monopril, altace) ARBS (cozaar, diovan, avapro) Action: (ACEI) - decrease BP, stops conversion of angiotensin I to angiotensin II. (ARBS) which is an angiotensin II receptor blocker, blocks action of angiotensin II
Ace Inhibitors (capoten, vasotec, accupril, prinivil, monopril, altace) ARBS (cozaar, diovan, avapro) Uses: HTN, HF
Ace Inhibitors (capoten, vasotec, accupril, prinivil, monopril, altace) ARBS (cozaar, diovan, avapro) Adverse Effects: fatigue, increased K levels, renal insufficiency, ANGIEDEMA, PERSISTENT COUGH
Ace Inhibitors (capoten, vasotec, accupril, prinivil, monopril, altace) ARBS (cozaar, diovan, avapro) Nursing Care: VS, angiedema is life-threatening, cough can take a while to develop (ARBS are given instead if this happens)
Calcium Channel Blockers (cardizem, verapmil, norvasc) Action: vasodilation, decrease HR and SV
Calcium Channel Blockers (cardizem, verapmil, norvasc) Uses: angina, HTN, arrhythmias, migraines, PVD, esophageal spasms
Calcium Channel Blockers (cardizem, verapmil, norvasc) Adverse Effects: DECREASED K LEVELS, hypotension, bradycardia, dizziness, flushing, persistent peripheral edema
Calcium Channel Blockers (cardizem, verapmil, norvasc) Nursing care: VS, heart rythym, Ca supplements decrease effectiveness
Diuretics (Thiazide, Loop, K sparing) Action: (Thiazide) Na reabsorption in kidney, (Loop) Increase secretion of Na, Cl, water, (K sparing) increase secretion of Na, Cl, water, Ca, sparing K
Diuretics (Thiazide, Loop, K sparing) Uses: HTN, edema, nephrotic syndrome, cirrhosis, diuretic induced hypokalemia
Diuretics (Thiazide, Loop, K sparing) Adverse effects: hypokalenia, hyperkalemia, hypernatremia, dehydrationm orthostatic hypotension
Diuretics (Thiazide, Loop, K sparing) Nursing care: Asses electrolytes, VS, I & O, blood sugar, dehydration, sulfa allergies
Vasoconstrictors (dobutamine, dopamine, epinephrine, norepinephrine, ephedrine, phenylephrine) Action: increases HR, dilation of bronchi, increases o2 consumption
Vasoconstrictors (dobutamine, dopamine, epinephrine, norepinephrine, ephedrine, phenylephrine) Uses: hyptension, shock, renal perfusion, bronchospasms, allergic reactions
Vasoconstrictors (dobutamine, dopamine, epinephrine, norepinephrine, ephedrine, phenylephrine) Adverse Effects: HA, palpations, tingling sensations in extremeties, bronchospasm, HTN crisis, AV blocks, restlessness, anxiety, stroke, gangrene of extremeties
Vasoconstrictors (dobutamine, dopamine, epinephrine, norepinephrine, ephedrine, phenylephrine) Nursing care: Assess VS, heart rythym, IV, correct hypovolemia, don't mix with other drugs, stop if extravasions occur and give regintine
Antiarrythmics (lidocaine, quindine, proconamide, beta blockers, amiodarone, calcium channel blcokers, adenosine) Action: Tx of arrhythmias
Antiarrythmics (lidocaine, quindine, proconamide, beta blockers, amiodarone, calcium channel blcokers, adenosine) Uses: V-tach, A-fib/flutter, PAT, Atrial Tach
Antiarrythmics (lidocaine, quindine, proconamide, beta blockers, amiodarone, calcium channel blcokers, adenosine) Adverse Effects: flushing, peripheral edema, SOB, hypotension, bradycardia, N/V, diarrhea, bitter taste, drowsiness, new arrythmias, high risk for Dig toxicity (amiodarone)
Antiarrythmics (lidocaine, quindine, proconamide, beta blockers, amiodarone, calcium channel blcokers, adenosine) Nursing care: Assess VS, heart rythym, use cautiously with asthma pt, must wean off these drugs
Sodium Channel Blockers (lidocaine, proconamide, quinidine, propranolol, norpace, rythmol, tambocar) Action: depress ectopic areas in atria & ventricles, decrease rate of depolarization
Sodium Channel Blockers (lidocaine, proconamide, quinidine, propranolol, norpace, rythmol, tambocar) Uses: V-tach, A-fib/flutter, SVT, PSVT
Sodium Channel Blockers (lidocaine, proconamide, quinidine, propranolol, norpace, rythmol, tambocar) Adverse Effects: diarrhea, abd cramps, N/V, anorexia, bitter taste, drowsiness, hypotension, new arrythmias, poss bronchospasms
Sodium Channel Blockers (lidocaine, proconamide, quinidine, propranolol, norpace, rythmol, tambocar) Nursing Care: check pulse and hold if extreme, use pump for IV, use cautiously in pt with ashtma, monitor strips and electrolytes
Anticoagulants (Heparin, fragmin, lovenox, coumadin, plavix, ticlid, ASA, persantine) Action: decreases ability of blood to clot
Anticoagulants (Heparin, fragmin, lovenox, coumadin, plavix, ticlid, ASA, persantine) Uses: DVT, PE, hemodialysis, post-op clot formation, strokes, valvular disorders, invasive implanted devices
Anticoagulants (Heparin, fragmin, lovenox, coumadin, plavix, ticlid, ASA, persantine) Adverse effects: bleeding, insomnia, HA, dizziness, confusion, edema, rash, joint pain constipation, GI distress
Anticoagulants (Heparin, fragmin, lovenox, coumadin, plavix, ticlid, ASA, persantine) Nursing care: monitor clotting factors, No ASA or NSAIDS, educate on food/drug interactions, monitor for bleeding
Thrombolytics (activase, Tpa, streptokinase) Action: "clot busters", dissolve preexisting clot, thrombus
Thrombolytics (activase, Tpa, streptokinase) Uses: acute MI, acute ischemic stroke, PE, vascular access cath occlusion, arterial thrombus
Thrombolytics (activase, Tpa, streptokinase) Adverse effects: bleeding, allergic reaction
Thrombolytics (activase, Tpa, streptokinase) Nursing care: monitor clotting indicators and hematocrit, 4 IV lines, no automated cuffs or tournoquets, monitor for bleeding
Dopamine dosing (Low) Range: 1-2
Dopamine dosing (Low) Uses: after fluid correction of volume status
Dopamine dosing (Low) Action: increases BP, CO, dilates renal and messentric arteries
Dopamine dosing (Low) Receptor: Dopamine
Dopamine dosing (Mod) Range: 2-10
Dopamine dosing (Mod) Uses: hypotension, decreased contractility
Dopamine dosing (Mod) Action: increases BP and inotrophy
Dopamine dosing (Mod) Receptor: Beta
Dopamine dosing (High) Range: >10
Dopamine dosing (High) Uses: severe hypotension
Dopamine dosing (High) Action: constricts blood vessels, increases inotrophy and chrontrophy and increases BP
Dopamine dosing (High) Receptors: Alpha
Digoxin Antidote Digibind
Nipride Antidote Sodium nitrate & Sodium thiosulfate
Beta blockers Antidote Glucagon
What med do you give for extravasions that occur from vasoconstrictors? Regintine
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