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Canolradd 2 wds All

Dysgu Cymraeg Canolradd 1-20 all vocabulary

a bod yn onest to be honest
aber (ben.) estuary
aberoedd estuaries
absennol absent
ac yn y blaen etc.
achosi (bôn: achos-) to cause
adain (ben.) wing
adenydd wings
adeg (ben.) period of time
adegau periods of time
adnabyddus well-known
adnewyddu (bôn: adnewydd-) to renew, to refurbish
adran (ben.) department
adrannau departments
adran cleifion allanol outpatients’ department
adrodd (bôn: adrodd-) to recite, to relate
addasu (bôn: addas-) to adapt
addo (bôn: addaw-) to promise
addurn (gwr.) decoration
addurniadau decorations
addysg (ben.) education
addysg gorfforol physical education
Aelod o’r Senedd (gwr.) Member of the Senedd
Aelodau o’r Senedd Members of the Senedd
Aelod Seneddol (gwr.) Member of Parliament
Aelodau Seneddol Members of Parliament
afiach disgusting; sickly
afiechyd (gwr.) disease
afiechydon diseases
agored open
agoriad (gwr.) opening
agoriadau openings
agwedd (ben.) attitude
agweddau attitudes
ailadrodd (bôn: ailadrodd-) to repeat
ailagor (bôn: ailagor-) to reopen
ailgylchu (bôn: ailgylch-) to recycle
ail-law second-hand
alergedd (gwr.) allergy
allanfa (ben.) exit
allanfeydd exits
amaethyddiaeth (ben.) agriculture
amaethyddol agricultural
ambell a few
amgylchedd (gwr.) environment
amhosib impossible
amlwg obvious, evident
amrywiaeth (ben.) variety, variation
amrywiaethau varieties, variations
amser maith yn ôl a long time ago
amseru (bôn: amser-) to time
amynedd (gwr.) patience
anadlu (bôn: anadl-) to breathe
anaf (gwr.) injury; anafiadau – injuries
anafu (bôn: anaf-) to injure
anarferol unusual
anfantais (ben.) disadvantage
anfanteision disadvantages
anferth huge
anffodus unfortunate
angenrheidiol necessary
anhapus unhappy
anlwcus unlucky
anniben untidy (de Cymru)
annifyr nasty, unpleasant
annog (bôn: anog-) to urge, to encourage
apelio (at) (bôn: apeli-) to appeal (to)
ar ddihun awake (de Cymru)
ar frys in a hurry
ar glo locked
ar gyhuddiad o accused of
ar gyrion on the outskirts of
ar hyd along
ar hyd a lled the length and breadth (of)
ar hyn o bryd at the moment
ar lafar orally
ar osod for rent
ar ran on behalf of
ar y blaen in the lead
ar y cyfan on the whole
ar y pryd at the time
arbed (bôn: arbed-) to save
archeb (ben.) order
archebion orders
arddangos (bôn: arddangos-) to exhibit
arddangosfa (ben.) exhibition
arddangosfeydd exhibitions
arestio (bôn: aresti-) to arrest
arfer (gwr.) habit
arferion habits
arferol usual
argraffu (bôn: argraff-) to print
arlunydd (gwr.) artist
arlunwyr artists
arogl (gwr.) smell
arogleuon smells
arogli (bôn: arogl-) to smell
arolwg (gwr.) review, survey
arolygon reviews, surveys
arolygydd (gwr.) inspector
arolygwyr inspectors
artist (gwr.) artist
artistiaid artists
arwain (bôn: arwein-) to lead
arweinydd (gwr.) conductor, leader
arweinyddion conductors, leaders
arwr (gwr.) hero
arwyr heroes
arwydd (gwr.) sign
arwyddion signs
asgwrn (gwr.) bone
esgyrn bones
atgof (gwr.) memory, recollection
atgofion memories, recollections
atgoffa (bôn: atgoff-) to remind
athletau (gwr.) athletics
awdurdod (gwr.) authority
awdurdodau authorities
awgrymu (bôn: awgrym-) to suggest
awyddus keen
awyr iach (gwr.) fresh air
bad achub (gwr.) lifeboat
badau achub lifeboats
bai (gwr.) blame, fault
beiau faults
Bannau Brycheiniog the Brecon Beacons
bant away (de Cymru)
barnwr (gwr.) judge
barnwyr judges
basged (ben.) basket
basgedi baskets
bat (gwr.) bat
batiau bats
baw (gwr.) dirt
bawd (gwr.) thumb
bodiau thumbs
beiciwr (gwr.) cyclist
beicwyr cyclists
beirniad (gwr.) judge, adjudicator
beirniaid judges, adjudicators
beudy (gwr.) cowshed
beudai cowsheds
blas (gwr.) taste
blasau tastes
blasu (bôn: blas-) to taste
blinder (gwr.) tiredness
blinedig tired
blwch (gwr.) box
blychau boxes
blwyddyn naid leap year
blynyddol annual
bom (gwr.) bomb
bomiau bombs
botwm bol (gwr.) belly button
breuddwyd (ben.) dream
breuddwydion dreams
breuddwydio (bôn: breuddwydi-) to dream
bricsen (ben.) brick
brics bricks
bro (ben.) area, region
broydd areas, regions
bron (ben.) breast, chest
bronnau breasts, chests
brwnt dirty (de Cymru)
bryd hynny at that time
bryn (gwr.) hill
bryniau hills
Bryste Bristol
budr dirty (gogledd Cymru)
busnes (gwr.) business
busnesau businesses
busneslyd meddlesome, nosy
bwffe bys a bawd finger buffet
bwlio (bôn: bwli-) to bully
bwriadu (bôn: bwriad-) to intend
bwrw (bôn: bwr-) to hit (de Cymru)
bychan small
bylb (gwr.) bulb
bylbiau bulbs
bys(gwr.) finger
bysedd fingers
bywiog lively
cadair esmwyth (ben.) easy chair
cadeiriau esmwyth easy chairs
cadair freichiau (ben.) armchair
cadeiriau breichiau armchairs
cadarnhau (bôn: cadarnha-) to confirm
cadeirio ( bôn: cadeiri-) to chair
cadeirydd (gwr.) chairperson
cadeiryddion chairpersons
cadw golwg ar (bôn: cadw-) to keep an eye on, to keep track of
cadw sŵn (bôn: cadw-) to make a noise
cael blas ar to enjoy
cael gwared ar to get rid of
cael hyd i to find, to discover
Caeredin Edinburgh
caets (ben.) cage
caetsys cages
Calan Mai May Day
calendr (gwr.) calendar
calendrau calendars
cam (gwr.) step
camau steps
camera cyflymder (gwr.) speed camera
camerâu cyflymder speed cameras
camgymeriad (gwr.) mistake
camgymeriadau mistakes
canfed hundredth
cangarŵ (gwr.) kangaroo
cangarwod kangaroos
cangen (ben.) branch
canghennau branches
canlyniad (gwr.) result
canlyniadau results
cannwyll (ben.) candle
canhwyllau candles
canolbarth (gwr.) middle part, region (mewn gwlad)
canser (gwr.) cancer
canserau cancers
canser y fron breast cancer
cap (gwr.) cap
capiau caps
carchar (gwr.) prison
carchardai prisons
carcharu (bôn: carchar-) to imprison
cariadus loving
carreg (ben.) stone
cerrig stones
carreg fedd (ben.) gravestone
cerrig beddau gravestones
casgliad (gwr.) collection
casgliadau collections
catalog (gwr.) catalogue
catalogau catalogues
cawell (ben.) cage
cewyll cages
cawr (gwr.) giant
cewri giants
caws gafr goats’ cheese
cefndir (gwr.) background
cefndiroedd backgrounds
cefnogaeth (ben.) support
cefnogwr (gwr.) supporter
cefnogwyr supporters
celwydd (gwr.) lie
celwyddau lies
cemegyn (gwr.) chemical
cemegau chemicals
cenhinen (ben.) leek
cennin leeks
cerbyd (gwr.) vehicle
cerbydau vehicles
cerdd (ben.) poem
cerddi poems
cerddorfa (ben.) orchestra
cerddorfeydd orchestras
cicio ( bôn: cici-) to kick
claf (gwr.) patient
cleifion patients
clebran to chatter
clo (gwr.) lock
cloeon locks
cloch (ben.) bell
clychau bells
clogwyn (gwr.) cliff
clogwyni cliffs
clonc (gwr.) chat (de Cymru)
cludo (bôn: clud-) to transport
clustog (ben.) cushion
clustogau cushions
clwt (gwr.) (gogledd Cymru) cloth, rag
clwtyn (de Cymru) cloth, rag
clytiau cloths, rags
clyfar clever
clymu (bôn: clym-) to tie, to knot
cneuen (ben.) nut
cnau nuts
cneuen goco (ben.) coconut
cnau coco coconuts
cochi to blush
codi llaw (ar) (bôn: cod-) to wave (to)
codi ofn (ar) (bôn: cod-) to frighten
codi pwysau weightlifting
cof (gwr.) memory
cofeb (ben.) memorial
cofebau memorials
cofnod (gwr.) note, (written) record, (minutes)
cofnodion notes, (written) records, (minutes)
colur (gwr.) make-up
colled (ben.) loss
colledion losses
colli gafael (ar) (bôn: coll-) to lose hold of
copa (gwr.) summit
copaon summits
copi (gwr.) copy
copïau copies
corff (gwr.) body
cyrff bodies
coroni (bôn: coron-) to crown
cors (ben.) bog
corsydd bogs
cosi (bôn: cos-) to itch
costus pricey
cotwm (gwr.) cotton
cownter (gwr.) counter
cownteri counters
craith (ben.) scar
creithiau scars
crand grand
creadigol creative
crefft (ben.) craft
crefftau crafts
creu (bôn: cre-) to create
cribo (bôn: crib-) to comb
cricedwr (gwr.) cricketer
cricedwyr cricketers
criw (gwr.) crew
criwiau crews
croes (ben.) cross
croesau crosses
croesawu (bôn: croesaw-) to welcome
croesffordd (ben.) crossroad
croesffyrdd crossroads
croesi (bôn: croes-) to cross
crud (gwr.) cradle, cot
crudau cradles, cots
crwn round
crwydro (bôn: crwydr-) to wander, to roam
cryfder (gwr.) strength
cryfderau strengths
cul narrow
curo (bôn: cur-) to beat
curo dwylo (bôn: cur-) to clap, to applaud
curo’r drws to knock the door
cwblhau (bôn: cwblha-) gorffen
cwlwm (gwr.) knot
clymau knots
cwr (gwr.) edge, fringe
cyrion edges, fringes
cwrtais courteous, polite
cwsg (gwr.) sleep
cwt gwair (gwr.) hay hut
cytiau gwair hay huts
cwt ieir (gwr.) hen coop
cytiau ieir hen coops
cwyn (ben.) complaint
cwynion complaints
cydio (yn) (bôn: cydi-) to hold on (to)
cyfaill (gwr.) friend
cyfeillion friends
cyfanswm (gwr.) total
cyfansymiau totals
cyfarch (bôn: cyfarch-) to greet
cyfartal equal
cyfarwyddyd (gwr.) direction, instruction
cyfarwyddiadau directions, instructions
cyfathrebu (bôn: cyfathreb-) to communicate
cyfleuster (gwr.) facility
cyfleusterau facilities
cyflog (gwr.) wage, salary
cyflogau wages, salaries
cyflogi (bôn: cyflog-) to employ
cyflwyno (bôn: cyflwyn-) to introduce, to present
cyfnewid (bôn: cyfnewidi-) to exchange
cyfnod (gwr.) period (amser)
cyfnodau periods (amser)
cyfoes contemporary
cyfoeth (gwr.) wealth
cyfraith (ben.) law
cyfreithiau laws
cyfrannu (at) (bôn: cyfrann-) to contribute (to)
cyfres (ben.) series
cyfresi series
cyfrif (gwr.) account
cyfrifon accounts
cyfrifol responsible
cyfrifydd (gwr.) accountant
cyfrifwyr accountants
cyfrinach (ben.) secret
cyfrinachau secrets
cyfwelydd (gwr.) interviewer
cyfwelwyr interviewers
cyffordd (ben.) junction
cyffyrdd junctions
cyfforddus comfortable
cyffredin common, general
cyffro excitement
cyffroi (bôn: cyffro-) to excite
cyffur (gwr.) drug
cyffuriau drugs
cynghori (bôn: cynghor-) to advise
cynghorydd (gwr.) councillor
cynghorwyr councillors
cyhoeddus public
cyhuddiad (gwr.) charge, accusation
cyhuddiadau charges, accusations
cylch (gwr.) circle
cylchoedd circles
cylch chwarae playgroup
cymar (gwr.) partner, companion
cymdeithas (ben.) society
cymdeithasau societies
cymdeithasol social, sociable
cymhleth complicated
cymorth (gwr.) help
cymorth cyntaf first aid
cymuned (ben.) community
cymunedau communities
cymwynas (ben.) favour
cymwynasau favours
cymysgu (â/efo) (bôn: cymysg-) to mix (with)
cynhesu (bôn: cynhes-) to heat up
cynllun (gwr.) plan, design
cynlluniau plans, designs
cynllunio (bôn: cynlluni-) to plan, to design
cynnal (bôn: cynhali-) to hold (event)
cynnal a chadw maintenance
cyntedd (ben.) hallway
cynteddau hallways
cynulleidfa (ben.) audience
cynulleidfaoedd audiences
cysgod (gwr.) shadow, shade
cysgodion shadows, shades
cyswllt (gwr.) contact
cywir correct
chwant bwyd food craving
chwarel (ben.) quarry
chwareli quarries
chwedl (ben.) legend
chwedlau legends
chwerthin am ben (bôn: chwerthin-/chwardd-) to laugh at
chwynnu(bôn: chwynn-) to weed
dadlau (â/efo) (bôn: dadleu-) to argue (with)
daear (ben.) earth
dal ati (bôn: dali-) to keep at it, to persevere
dan bwysau under pressure
dan ei sang full to the rafters
dant gosod (gwr.) false tooth
dannedd gosod false teeth
darlith (ben.) lecture
darlithoedd lectures
darlun (gwr.) drawing
darluniau drawings
dawn (ben.) talent
doniau talents
dealltwriaeth (ben.) understanding
deallus intelligent
defnydd (gwr.) use
defnyddiol useful
deiet (gwr.) diet
deigryn (gwr.) tear
dagrau tears
delio (â/efo) (bôn: deli-) to deal (with)
deniadol attractive
derbyn (bôn: derbyni-) to accept, to receive
desg (ben.) desk
desgiau desks
diamynedd impatient
dianc (bôn: dihang-) to escape
dieithr strange
dieuog innocent, not guilty
diflannu (bôn: diflann-) to disappear
diflastod (gwr.) boredom
difrifol serious
difrod (gwr.) damage
difyr entertaining
diffyg (gwr.) shortcoming, lack of
diffygion shortcomings, lack of
digalon depressed, depressing
digwyddiad (gwr.) event, incident
digwyddiadau events, incidents
di-Gymraeg non-Welsh speaking
dinistrio (bôn: dinistri-) to destroy
dioddef (bôn: dioddef-) to suffer
diogel safe
diogelwch (gwr.) safety
diogi (bôn: diog-) to laze
di-ri(f) countless
distawrwydd silence
diweithdra unemployment
diwydiant (gwr.) industry
diwydiannau industries
diwylliant (gwr.) culture
diwylliannau cultures
dod o hyd i to find
dodrefnyn (gwr.) piece of furniture
dodrefn furniture
dolen (ben.) loop, link, handle
dolenni loops, links, handles
draenen ddu (ben.) blackthorn
drewi (bôn: drew-) to stink
dril (gwr.) drill
driliau drills
dringwr (gwr.) climber
dringwyr climbers
drosodd over, overleaf
druan â ti poor you (de Cymru)
druan ohonat ti poor you (gogledd Cymru)
drws ffrynt front door
drysau ffrynt front doors
drych (gwr.) mirror
drychau mirrors
dur (gwr.) steel
dŵad draw to come over
dŵad i ben to come to an end
dwbl double
dweud eich dweud to have your say (de Cymru)
deud eich deud to have your say (gogledd Cymru)
dwfn deep
dwyieithog bilingual
dwys intense, intensive
dychrynllyd frightening
Dydd Ffolant Valentine’s day
dyddiad cau closing date
dyddiol daily
dyffryn (gwr.) valley
dyffrynnoedd valleys
dyled (ben.) debt
dyledion debts
economaidd economic, economical
economi (gwr.) economy
edrych dros (bôn: edrych-) to check, to look over
efaill (gwr.) twin
efeilliaid twins
Efrog Newydd New York
efydd bronze
effeithio (ar) (bôn: effeithi-) to affect
eglur evident, clear
egluro (bôn: eglur-) to explain
eglwys gadeiriol cathedral
eglwysi cadeiriol cathedrals
egni (gwr.) energy
eirlaw (gwr.) sleet
eirlys (gwr.) snowdrop
eirlysiau snowdrops
electronig electronic
enfys (ben.) rainbow
enfysau rainbows
enwi (bôn: enw-) to name
er although
er gwaetha despite
erthygl (ben.) article
erthyglau articles
esboniad (gwr.) explanation
esboniadau explanations
esgus (gwr.) excuse
esgusodion excuses
esiampl (ben.) example
esiamplau examples
esmwyth restful, smooth
estyniad (gwr.) extension
estyniadau extensions
etholiad (gwr.) election
etholiadau elections
eto i gyd even so
euog guilty
ewyn (gwr.) foam
feirws (gwr.) virus
feirysau viruses
fesul un one by one
ficer (gwr.) vicar
ficeriaid vicars
figan (gwr.) vegan
figaniaid vegans
ffaith (ben.) fact
ffeithiau facts
ffarwelio (â/efo) (bôn: ffarweli-) to say goodbye (to)
fferyllydd (gwr.) chemist
fferyllwyr chemists
ffeuen (ben.) bean
ffa beans
ffidil (ben.) violin
ffidlau violins
ffilmio (bôn: ffilmi-) to film
ffin (ben.) border
ffiniau borders
ffitrwydd (ben.) fitness
fflam (ben.) flame
fflamau flames
ffoadur (gwr.) refugee
ffoaduriaid refugees
ffodus fortunate
ffon (ben.) stick
ffyn sticks
ffrâm (ben.) frame
fframiau frames
ffrwydro (bôn: ffrwydr-) to explode
ffurflen gais application form
ffurflenni cais application forms
ffyrnig fierce
galluog capable, brainy
gan gynnwys including
gefeillio (bôn: gefeilli-) to twin
gêm gyfartal (ben.) a draw
Gemau Olympaidd Olympic Games
genedigaeth (ben.) birth
genedigaethau births
genedigol native
glan (ben.) shore, bank
glannau shores, banks
glaw mân drizzle
gliniadur (gwr.) laptop
gliniaduron laptops
go iawn real
gofal (gwr.) care
gofalwr (gwr.) carer, caretaker
gofalwyr carers, caretakers
gofod (gwr.) space
goleudy (gwr.) lighthouse
goleudai lighthouses
golygu (bôn: golyg-) to mean, to edit
gollwng ( bôn: gollyng-) to drop
gorffwys (gwr.) rest
gorlifo (bôn: gorlif-) to overflow
gorwedd (bôn: gorwedd-) to lie down
gorwel (gwr.) horizon
gorwelion horizons
gosod (bôn: gosod-) to set, to put
gostyngiad (gwr.) reduction
gostyngiadau reductions
gradd feistr (ben.) master’s degree
graddio (bôn: graddi-) to graduate
gramadeg (gwr.) grammar
grawnwinen (ben.) grape
grawnwin grapes
grefi (gwr.) gravy
gwadu (bôn: gwad-) to deny
gwahaniaeth (gwr.) difference
gwahaniaethau differences
gwall (gwr.) error
gwallau errors
gwasanaethu (bôn: gwasanaeth-) to serve
gwasg (ben.) printing press
gweisg printing presses
gwasgu (bôn: gwasg-) to squeeze, to squash
gwastad flat
gwastraff (gwr.) waste
gwastraffu (bôn: gwastraff-) to waste
gwau (bôn: gwe-) to knit (de Cymru)
gwefus (ben.) lip
gwefusau lips
gweini (bôn: gwein-) to serve
gweithgar hardworking
gweithgaredd (gwr.) activity
gweithgareddau activities
gweithle (gwr.) workplace
gweithleoedd workplaces
gwell hwyr na hwyrach better late than never
gwên (ben.) smile
gwenau smiles
gwerin folk
gwerthfawr valuable
gwestai (gwr.) guest
gwesteion guests
gweu (bôn: gweu-) to knit (gogledd Cymru)
gwibdaith (ben.) trip, excursion
gwibdeithiau trips, excursions
gwlân (gwr.) wool
gwleidyddiaeth (ben.) politics
gwlychu (bôn: gwlych-) to get wet
gwm (gwr.) gum
gwm cnoi chewing gum
gwneud cawl o to make a mess of (de Cymru)
gwneud llanast o to make a mess of (gogledd Cymru)
gwneud y tro to make do, to answer the purpose
gwrach (ben.) witch
gwrachod witches
gwraidd (gwr.) root
gwreiddiau roots
gwrandäwr (gwr.) listener
gwrandawyr listeners
gwthio (bôn: gwth-) to push
Gwyddel (gwr.) Irish man
Gwyddelod Irish people
Gwyddeles (ben.) Irish woman
gwylan (ben.) seagull
gwylanod seagulls
gwyllt wild
gyda llaw by the way
gyda’r hwyr in the night
gymnasteg (ben.) gymnastics
hael generous
hallt salty
hamddenol leisurely
hanesydd (gwr.) historian
haneswyr historians
hanesyddol historical
hapusrwydd (gwr.) happiness
hawlio to claim
heblaw am apart from
hel atgofion to reminisce
hen dad-cu (gwr.) great-grandfather
hen daid (gwr.) great-grandfather
hen fam-gu (ben.) great-grandmother
hen nain (ben.) great-grandmother
henaint (gwr.) old age
heneiddio (bôn: heneiddi-) to age
henoed elderly people
heulwen (ben.) sunshine
hirgrwn oval
hoffus likeable
holiadur (gwr.) questionnaire
holiaduron questionnaires
hollbwysig all-important
hwyliog full of fun
hwylus convenient
hyd yn hyn up until now
hyder (gwr.) confidence
hynny that
i fod i supposed to
i’r dim exactly
iachus healthy (bwyd)
iard (ben.) yard
iardiau yards
iechyd a diogelwch health and safety
Iesu Jesus
ieuenctid (gwr.) youth
injan dân (ben.) fire engine
injans tân fire engines
isod beneath, below
jyngl (gwr.) jungle
jyngls jungles
lansio (bôn: lansi-) to launch
lapio (bôn: lapi-) to wrap
lawr grisiau downstairs (gogledd Cymru)
lawr llawr downstairs (de Cymru)
lefel (ben.) level
lefelau levels
lolipop (gwr.) lollypop
lolipops lollypops
lôn feicio (ben.) bike lane
lonydd beicio bike lanes
lwcus lucky
lladd (bôn: lladd-) to kill
lladrad (gwr.) burglary
lladradau burglaries
llafar oral
llanast (gwr.) mess (gogledd Cymru)
llanc (gwr.) lad, youth
llanciau lads, youth
llanw a thrai tides; ebb and flow
llawdriniaeth (ben.) operation
llawdriniaethau operations
llawr gwaelod (gwr.) ground floor
lle tân fireplace
llefydd tân fireplaces
lledr (gwr.) leather
lledu (bôn: lled-) to spread, to widen
llefarydd (gwr.) spokesperson
llefarwyr spokespeople
lleidr (gwr.) thief
lladron thieves
lleihau (bôn: lleiha-) to reduce
llenyddiaeth (ben.) literature
lleoliad (gwr.) location
lleoliadau locations
llethr (gwr.) slope
llethrau slopes
llety (gwr.) accommodation
llewygu (bôn: llewyg-) to faint
llif (gwr.) flood
llifogydd floods
llifo (bôn: llif-) to flow
llithrig slippery
llithro (bôn: llithr-) to slip
lloches (ben.) shelter
llochesau shelters
llond bol bellyful (fed up) (gogledd Cymru)
llond bola bellyful (fed up) (de Cymru)
lluosog (gwr.) plural
lluosogion plurals
llwch (gwr.) dust
llwy garu (ben.) lovespoon
llwyau caru lovespoons
llwyaid (ben.) spoonful
llwyeidiau spoonfuls
llwyddiannus successful
llwyddiant (gwr.) success
llwyddiannau successes
llwyddo (i) (bôn: llwydd-) to succeed (in)
llwyfan (gwr.) stage
llwyfannau stages
llwyth (gwr.) load
llwythi loads
llydan wide
llyfr gosod (gwr.) set book
llyfrau gosod set books
llym severe
llyn (gwr.) lake
llynnoedd lakes
llyncu (bôn: llync-) to swallow
llys (gwr.) court
llysoedd courts
llywodraeth (ben.) government
llywodraethau governments
machlud (gwr.) sunset
maer (gwr.) mayor
meiri mayors
man (gwr.) place
mannau places
mân siarad chit-chat
mantais (ben.) advantage
manteision advantages
manwl detailed
manylion personol personal details
marc (gwr.) mark
marciau marks
marchnata (gwr.) marketing
marcio (bôn: marci-) to mark
marwolaeth (ben.) death
marwolaethau deaths
medal (ben.) medal
medalau medals
meddal soft
meddyginiaeth (ben.) medication
meddyginiaethau medications
mellten (ben.) lightning
mellt flashes of lightening
menter (ben.) venture, initiative
mentrau ventures, initiatives
mentro (bôn: mentr-) to venture, to dare
mentrus adventurous
mesur (bôn: mesur-) to measure
metel (gwr.) metal
metelau metals
mewn gwirionedd in truth
modern modern
moethus luxurious
mordaith (ben.) cruise
mordeithiau cruises
morwyn (ben.) maid
morwynion maids
mudiad (gwr.) movement, organisation
mudiadau movements, organisations
murlun (gwr.) mural
murluniau murals
mwd (gwr.) mud
mwdlyd muddy
mwg (gwr.) smoke
mwynhad (gwr.) enjoyment
mynnu (bôn: mynn-) to insist
mynwent (ben.) graveyard, cemetery
mynwentydd graveyards, cemeteries
nant (ben.) stream, creek
nentydd streams, creeks
nefoedd (ben.) heaven
neidio (bôn: neidi-) to jump
nerfus nervous
nerth (gwr.) strength
newid mân small change
newydd sbon brand new
nifer (ben.) number, quantity
niferoedd numbers, quantities
nodyn (gwr.) note
nodiadau notes
nyth (ben.) nest
nythod nests
o amgylch around
o bell from afar
o ddifri seriously
o ddrwg i waeth from bad to worse
o dro i dro from time to time
o fewn within
o flaen in front of
o hyn ymlaen from now on
o leia(f) at least
o’r enw named, called
obsesiwn (gwr.) obsession
obsesiynau obsessions
ocsiwn (ben.) auction
ocsiynau auctions
od odd
oddi ar from (on), off, down from
oddi cartre(f) away from home
oedi (bôn: oed-) to pause, to delay
oedran (gwr.) age
oedrannau ages
oerfel (gwr.) cold (tywydd)
oesoedd canol middle ages
ofni (bôn: ofn-) to fear
ofnus fearful, frightened
oherwydd because
oni bai am if it weren’t for
oriau mân small hours
oriel (ben.) gallery
orielau galleries
osgoi (bôn: osgo-, osgoi-) to avoid
paith (gwr.) prairie
peithiau prairies
palmant (gwr.) pavement
palmentydd pavements
para (bôn: par-) to last
parc gwledig (gwr.) country park
parciau gwledig country parks
parch (gwr.) respect
parhau (bôn: parha-) to continue
partner (gwr.) partner
partneriaid partners
patrwm (gwr.) pattern
patrymau patterns
pecyn (gwr.) package
pecynnau packages
peldroediwr footballer
peldroedwyr footballers
pellter (gwr.) distance
pellteroedd distances
pen draw far end, long run
pencampwriaeth (ben.) championship
pencampwriaethau championships
pendant definite
penderfyniad (gwr.) decision
penderfyniadau decisions
pennawd (gwr.) headline
penawdau headlines
penodi (bôn: penod-) to appoint
perchennog (gwr.) owner
perchnogion owners
personoliaeth (ben.) personality
personoliaethau personalities
perswadio (bôn: perswadi-) to persuade
perygl (gwr.) danger
peryglon dangers
petryal rectangular
pibell (ben.) pipe
pibelli pipes
pigiad (gwr.) injection
pigiadau injections
plaid (ben.) political party
pleidiau political parties
plannu (bôn: plann-) to plant
plentyndod (gwr.) childhood
pleser (gwr.) pleasure
pleserau pleasures
pleserus enjoyable
plygu (bôn: plyg-) to fold, to bend
pob dim everything
poblogaidd popular
polisi (gwr.) policy
polisïau policies
pori (bôn: por-) to graze, to browse
poster (gwr.) poster
posteri posters
prancio (bôn: pranci-) to prance, to gambol
preifat private
presgripsiwn (gwr.) prescriptIon
presgripsiynau prescriptions
pridd (gwr.) earth, soil
Prif Weinidog Prime Minister
priffordd (ben.) main road
priffyrdd main roads
prin rare, scarce
proffesiwn (gwr.) profession
proffesiynau professions
proffesiynol professional
profiadol experienced
project (gwr.) project
projectau projects
proses (ben.) process
prosesau processes
protestio (bôn: protesti-) to protest
protestiwr (gwr.) protester
protestwyr protesters
Prydeinig British
Prydeiniwr (gwr.) a man from Britain
Prydeinwyr British people
Prydeinwraig (ben.) a woman from Britain
prydferthwch (gwr.) beauty
prydlon punctual, prompt
pur pure
pŵer (gwr.) power
pwerau powers
pwnc (gwr.) subject
pynciau subjects
pwrpas (gwr.) purpose
pwrpasau purposes
pwyllgor (gwr.) committee
pwyllgorau committees
pwyntiau bwled bullet points
pwyntio (bôn: pwynti-) to point
pwysleisio to emphasise
pwyso (bôn: pwys-) to press, to weigh
raced (ben.) racket
racedi rackets
rafftio (bôn: raffti-) to raft
rasio (bôn: rasi-) to race
recordio (bôn: recordi-) to record
regata (ben.) regata
regatas regattas
roced (ben.) rocket
rocedi rockets
rhaff (gwr.) rope
rhaffau ropes
rhagor more
rhagorol excellent
rhamantus romantic
rhaw (ben.) spade
rhawiau spades
rhedwr (gwr.) runner
rhedwyr runners
rhentu (bôn: rhent-) to rent
rheol (ben.) rule
rheolau rules
rhes (ben.) row
rhesi rows
rhewllyd icy
rhiant maeth foster parent
rhieni maeth foster parents
rhifo (bôn: rhif-) to count, to calculate
rhoi’r gorau i to give up
rhos (gwr.) heath, moor
rhosydd heaths, moors
rhostio (bôn: rhost-) to roast
Rhufeiniaid (gwr.) (the) Romans
rhuthro (bôn: rhuthr-) to rush
rhwyd (ben.) net
rhwydi nets
rhwystr (gwr.) obstacle
rhwystrau obstacles
rhwystro (bôn: rhwystr-) to prevent
rhybudd (gwr.) warning
rhybuddion warnings
rhybuddio (bôn: rhybudd-) to warn
rhyddhau (bôn: rhyddha-) to free
rhyfel (gwr.) war
rhyfeloedd wars
rhyw (gwr.) sex
rhywiau sexes
rhywbeth o’i le something wrong
saethu (bôn: saeth-) to shoot
safbwynt (gwr.) stance, viewpoint
safbwyntiau stances, viewpoints
safle (gwr.) site, position
safleoedd sites, positions
safon (ben.) standard
safonau standards
saws (gwr.) sauce
sawsiau sauces
sbeis (gwr.) spice
sbeisys spices
sbio (bôn: sbi-) to look (gogledd Cymru)
sbort a sbri fun and games
sefydliad (gwr.) institution, establishment, institute
sefydliadau institution(s), establishment(s), institute(s)
sefydlog stable, fixed, unchanging
sefydlu (bôn: sefydl-) to establish
sefyllfa (ben.) situation
sefyllfaoedd situations
seiclwr (gwr.) cyclist
seiclwyr cyclists
sengl single
serch (gwr.) romantic love
serth steep
sgerbwd (gwr.) skeleton
sgerbydau skeletons
sgwâr (gwr.) square
sgwariau squares
sgwâr (ans.) square
siâp (gwr.) shape
siapiau shapes
siaradus talkative
siawns (ben.) chance
siawnsiau chances
sibrwd (bôn: sibryd-) to whisper
sidan (gwr.) silk
siglo (bôn: sigl-) to rock, to shake
sioc (ben.) shock
siociau shocks
siop trin gwallt hairdressers’ shop
siswrn (gwr.) scissors
sisyrnau scissors
sleifio (bôn: sleifi-) to slink, to sneak, to sidle
smotiog spotty
snorclo (bôn: snorcl-) to snorkel
soffa (ben.) sofa
soffas sofas
sownd stuck
staffio (bôn: staffi-) to staff
steil (gwr.) style
stordy (gwr.) storehouse
stordai storehouses
storio (bôn: stori-) to store
streic (ben.) strike
streiciau strikes
streiciwr (gwr.) striker (gwaith)
streicwyr strikers
streipïog striped
stwffin (ben.) stuffing
sur sour
swnio (bôn: swni-) to sound
swyddogol official
swynol charming
sychder (gwr.) drought, dryness
sychedig thirsty
sydyn sudden
syllu (bôn: syll-) to stare
syllu’n syn to gaze in amazement
sylw (gwr.) attention, remark
sylwadau remarks
sylweddoli (bôn: sylweddol-) to realise
symbol (gwr.) symbol
symbolau symbols
synnu (bôn: synn-) to surprise, to be surprised
synnwyr cyffredin common sense
syrcas (ben.) circus
syrcasau circuses
syrthio (bôn: syrthi-) to fall (gogledd Cymru)
system (ben.) system
systemau systems
tafodiaith (ben.) dialect
tafodieithoedd dialects
tagfa (ben.) traffic jam
tagfeydd traffic jams
tagu (bôn: tag-) to splutter, to choke
tâl (gwr.) payment
taliadau payments
talaith (ben.) state
taleithiau states
talcen (ben.) forehead
talcenni foreheads
taleb (ben.) voucher
talebau vouchers
talentog talented
tâp (gwr.) tape
tapiau tapes
taran (ben.) thunder
taranau thunder
targed (gwr.) target
targedau targets
tarten (ben.) tart
tartenni tarts
tasg (ben.) task
tasgau tasks
tawelu (bôn: tawel-) to become quiet, to calm down
teg fair
teimlad (gwr.) feeling
teimladau feelings
teip (gwr.) type
teipiau types
telynor (gwr.) male harpist
telynorion harpists
telynores (ben.) female harpist
telynoresau female harpists
tennyn (gwr.) lead
testun (gwr.) subject, text
testunau subjects, texts
tir (gwr.) land, ground
tiroedd lands, grounds
to (gwr.) roof
toeon roofs
toddi (bôn: todd-) to melt
top (gwr.) top
topiau tops
torf (ben.) crowd
torfeydd crowds!
toriad (gwr.) cut
toriadau cuts
tortsh (gwr.) torch
tortsys torches
trac (gwr.) track
traciau tracks
traddodiad (gwr.) tradition
traddodiadau traditions
traethawd (gwr.) essay
traethodau essays
trafnidiaeth (ben.) transport
traws gwlad cross country
trefn (ben.) order
trefniad (gwr.) arrangement
trefniadau arrangements
trin (bôn: trini-) to treat
triniaeth (ben.) treatment
triniaethau treatments
tristwch (gwr.) sadness
troellog twisty, windy
trwchus thick
trwm ei glyw/chlyw hard of hearing
trwydded (ben.) licence
trwyddedau licences
trysor (gwr.) treasure
trysorau treasures
Tsieina (ben.) China
twlc (gwr.) sty
tylciau sties
twrist (gwr.) tourist
twristiaid tourists
twristaidd tourist (ans.)
twymo (bôn: twym-) to heat (up)
tŷ pâr/semi (gwr.) semi-detached house
tai pâr/semi (gwr.) semi-detached houses
tylwythen deg (ben.) fairy
tylwyth teg fairies
tymheredd (ben.) temperature
tyn(n) tight
tyrfa (ben.) crowd
torfeydd crowds
tyst (gwr.) witness
tystion witnesses
tywyllu (bôn: tywyll-) to grow dark
undeb (gwr.) union
undebau unions
undydd one-day
unigolyn (gwr.) individual
unigolion individuals
uno (bôn: un-) to unite
uwchben above
ward (ben.) ward
wardiau wards
wedi blino’n lân exhausted
wrth fy modd in my element
wythnosol weekly
y cant per cent
y pen per head
y rhain these
y rhan fwya(f) the majority
y Wladfa the colony (fel arfer – Patagonia)
ymateb (gwr.) response
ymatebion responses
ymchwil (gwr.) research
ymddangos (bôn: ymddangos-) to appear
ymddeoliad (gwr.) retirement
ymddeoliadau retirements
ymddiried (yn) (bôn: ymddiried-) to trust (in)
ymddiswyddo (bôn: ymddiswydd-) to resign
ymdrech (ben.) effort
ymdrechion efforts
ymestyn (bôn: ymestynn-) to stretch
ymgeisio (am) (bôn: ymgeisi-) to apply (for)
ymhen within (amser)
ymhlith amongst
ymladd (bôn: ymladd-) to fight
ymlaen llaw beforehand
ymuno (â/efo) (bôn: ymun-) to join
yn bennaf mainly
yn enwedig especially
yn erbyn against
yn fuan soon
yn fyw ac yn iach alive and kicking
yn hollol completely, exactly
yn ogystal â as well as, in addition to
yn ôl pob sôn apparently
yn syth bin immediately
ynni (gwr.) energy
Yr Ariannin (ben.) Argentina
Yr Unol Daleithiau (ben.) the United States
ysbryd (gwr.) ghost, spirit
ysbrydion ghosts, spirits
ysgol (ben.) ladder
ysgolion ladders (de Cymru)
ystol (ben.) ladder
ystolion ladders (gogledd Cymru)
ysgrifen (ben.) handwriting
ysgrifennydd (gwr.) secretary
ysgrifenyddion secretaries
ysgwyd (bôn: ysgwyd-) to shake
Created by: TonyPlackett
Popular Welsh sets




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