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education essay

English Irish
Chairpersons, adjudicators, lawmakers and listeners, the motion we are discussing today is, "The Education system does not properly prepare for the world" A Chathaoirligh, a mholtóirí, a lucht an fheasúra agus a lucht éisteachta, is é an rún atá á phlé againn inniu ná, “Ní thugann an córas Oideachais ullmhúchán ceart dúinn don saol mór”
My team and I are totally in favor of this resolution and I hope you will end up with our arguments at the end of the debate. Táim agus m’fhoireann go huile is go hiomlán i bhfábhar an rúin seo agus tá súil agam go dtiocfaidh sibh lenár n-argóintí ag deireadh na díospóireachta.
A couple of thoughts hit me when I saw the motion of this debate. Bhuail cúpla smaoineamh mé nuair a chonaic mé rún na díospóireachta seo.
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There are a lot of problems today associated with the education system in this country. Tá an-chuid fadhbanna sa lá atá inniu ann ag baint leis an oideachas sa tír seo.
It seems that things are getting worse. Dealraíonn sé go bhfuil cúrsaí ag dul in olcas.
We hear often on the news about some scandalous stories with regards to more cutbacks that make the problems worse. Cloisimid go minic ar an nuacht faoi scéal scannalach éigin mar gheall ar chiorrú eile a dheánann na fadhbanna níos measa
I will speak about these important problems. Labhróidh mé faoi na fadhbanna práinneacha seo.
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Probably everyone agrees on this issue, that education is a very important thing. Is dócha go bhfuil gach duine ar aon intinn faoin gceist seo, gur rud an-tábhachtach é an t-oideachas.
But not everyone agrees on how best to spend government money on it. Ach ní aontaíonn gach duine mar gheall ar chonas is fearr airgead an rialtais a chaitheamh air.
See, for example, the Leaving Cert. Féach, mar shampla ar an Ardteist.
I have done fourteen years in primary and secondary school but everything depends on how I do in this exam which I am currently taking for two weeks. Tá ceithre bliana déag déanta agam sa bhunscoil agus sa mheánscoil ach braitheann gach rud ar chonas a eireoidh liom sa scrúdú seo atá á dhéanamh agam i láthair na huaire ar feadh coicíse.
There is only pressure, pressure and more pressure on students today with the points system. Níl ach brú, brú agus níos mó brú ar dhaltaí sa lá atá inniu ann le córas na bpointí.
The points are rising year on year and all the students are deeply concerned. Tá na pointí ag ardú bliain i ndiaidh bliana agus bíonn imní an domhain ar na daltaí go léir.
They do not know whether they will succeed in gaining a place at their chosen university or college. Níl a fhios acu an eireóidh leo áit a fháil san ollscoil nó sa choláiste atá roghnaithe acu.
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Is there anything that can be done to solve the problem? An féidir aon rud a dhéanamh chun an fhadhb a réiteach?
In my opinion it is possible, without a doubt. I mo thuairim is féidir, gan amhras ar bith.
First, there should be a greater emphasis on continuous assessment. Ar an gcéad dul síos, ba chóir go mbeadh níos mó béime ar mheasúnú leanúnach.
Continuous assessment would give the student a chance to complete much of the course before the day of the examination. Thabharfadh measúnú leanúnach seans don scoláire a bheith críochnaithe le cuid mhaith den chúrsa roimh lá na scrúdaithe.
On the other hand, the new Junior Certificate requires teachers to correct their students' exams. Ar an lámh eile de, sa Teastas Sóisearach nua bíonn ar mhúinteoirí scrúduithe a ndaltaí féin a cheartú.
I would not agree with that at all. Ní aontóinn le sin in aon chor.
This is a small country, and, no doubt, teachers would be under pressure because they would know the parents of their students. Is tír beag í seo, agus, gan amhras bheadh brú ar mhúinteoirí mar bheadh aithne acu ar thuismitheoirí a ndaltaí.
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Secondly, the government has a duty to do a few more things. Sa dara háit tá dualgas ar an rialtas cúpla rud eile a dhéanamh.
For example, they could put more teachers in the schools and then the classes would be smaller. Mar shampla, d’fhéadfaidis níos mó múinteoirí a chur ins na scoileanna agus ansin bheadh na ranganna níos lú.
So teachers would have more time to give time to students with difficulties in the subject. Mar sin bheadh níos mó ama ag múinteoirí am a thabhairt do scoláirí le deachrachtaí san ábhar.
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They can support schools that offer extra-curricular activities, such as sports games, school trips or trips to the theater. Is féidir leo tacaíocht a thabhairt do na scoileanna a chuireann gníomhaíochtaí seachcurraclam ar fáil,cosúil le cluichí spóirt, turais scoile nó turais chuig an amharclann .
Will it ever happen? An dtarlóidh sé choíche?
The weather is a good storyteller. Is maith an scéalaí an aimsir.
The last budget hit schools hard and it is scandalous in my opinion. Bhuail an buiséad deireanach scoileanna go crua agus is scannalach an rud é i mo thuairim.
Students do not have a strong voice and money should not be taken from the education system when the country is experiencing economic problems. Níl guth láidir ag daltaí agus ní cheart airgead a thógaint as an gcóras oideachais nuair atá fadhbanna eacnamaíochta ag an tír.
How does this still happen in the third millennium? Conas go bhfuil sé seo fós ag tarlú sa tríú mílaois?
As I said before, it is a matter of concern. Mar a dúirt mé cheanna, is ábhar imní é.
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Time and time again we hear stories about the health of the country's young people. Arís is arís eile cloisimid scéalta faoi shláinte daoine óga na tíre.
We hear that they are drinking and taking drugs. Cloisimid go bhfuil siad ag ól agus ag tógáil drugaí.
This may be related to the terrible pressure they are under at school. B’fhéidir go bhfuil nasc idir é seo agus an brú uafásach a chuirtear orthu ar scoil.
Look around you. Féach timpeall ort.
According to experts, thirty percent of the country's children are overweight for their age and height. Dar le saineolaithe tá tríocha faoin gcéad de pháístí na tíre ró-ramhar dá n-aois agus dá n-airde.
In many schools there is no physical education on the timetable as there are no Leaving Certificate points. In a lán scoileanna níl aon choirpoideachas ar an amchlár mar níl aon phointí ardteistiméireachta ag baint leis.
Full broad education? Oideachas leathan iomlán?
Don't make fun of me. Ná bí ag magadh fúm.
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Students can now gain an additional twenty-five points in higher level Maths. Anois, is féidir le daltaí cúig pointe is fiche breise a fháil sa Mhata san ard-leibhéal.
So many more students choose the advanced level in maths. Mar sin roghnaíonn i bhfad níos mó daltaí an ard-leibhéal sa mhata.
It is believed that more students will go on to science and technology in the future. Creidtear go rachaidh níos mó daltaí i dtreo na heolaíochta agus i dtreo na teicneolaíochta as seo amach.
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There are important subjects that are not taught in schools at all. Tá abhair thábhachtacha ann nach múintear sna scoileanna in aon chor
Take philosophy for example, or psychology. Tóg fealsúnacht mar shampla , nó síceolaíocht.
What about parenting? Cad faoi tuismitheoireacht?
The most important skill for any adult. An scil is tábhachtaí d’aon duine fásta .
Many schools do not include art or music in the curriculum. In a lán scoileanna níl ealaín nó ceol ar an gcurraclam.
There are big problems in society when there are big problems in the education system. Bíonn fadhbanna móra sa sochaí nuair a bhíonn fadhbanna móra sa chóras oideachais.
it is a vicious cycle. Is fáinne fí é i ndáiríre
praise the youth and they will prosper “Mol an óige agus tiocfaidh sí”
But I do not think that we are doing that in this country today. Ach ní cheapaim go bhfuil sé sin á dhéanamh againn sa tír seo sa lá atá inniu ann.
I have to admit that a lot of people don't care about the education system. Caithfidh mé a admháil gur cuma le han-chuid daoine faoin gcóras oideachais
Most people go about their business and do not bother with things that are outside of their own cramped lives. Téann tromlach na ndaoine ar aghaidh lena ngnó féin agus ní bhacann siad le cúrsaí atá lasmuigh dá saol cúng féin.
"The castles are built one after the other," says the proverb. “I ndiaidh a chéile a thógar na caisleán “, a deir an tseanfhocal .
From the individual on the street to the Prime Ministers of the world, it is clear that everyone has a duty to promote a broad and full education. Ón duine aonair ar an sráid go dtí Príomhairí an domhain, is léir go bhfuil dualgas ar gach duine oideachas leathan iomlán a chur chun cinn.
Time will tell. Más maith is mithid.
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Thank you so much for listening to me tonight. Go raibh míle maith agaibh as ucht éisteach liom anocht.
Created by: Pizzabagles
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