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Evolution & Natural Selection

What is the HMS Beagle? The ship Darwin sailed on when observing and collecting animals, plants, rocks, and fossils.
What are the three important observations that Darwin made on the Galapagos Island? biodiversity - diversity of living things fossils - remains of ancient organisms characteristics of organisms of the Galapagos Islands
The beaks of finches helped them to eat bugs or seeds. What is this an example of? Adaptation
What is the term for the gradual change in a species over time? evolution
What is the term for a well-tested concept that explains a wide range of observations? scientific theory
What is the process of selecting organisms with specific, desired traits to serve as the parents for the next generation? selective breeding
Identify the process by which individuals that are better adapted to their environment are more likely to survive and reproduce. natural selection
What is the term when there are any difference between individuals of the same species? variation
What do you call the struggle among animals for food, space, other vital requirements? competition
What is the adaptation when there is a change in color or shape to blend with the environment? Also known as: crypsis or cryptic coloration - camouflage
What are color patterns or markings that break up the shape of the animal making it difficult to see? disruptive coloration
What is the term to identify one species mimics or looks very similar to another? mimicry
What type of adaptation is when an animal uses bright warning colors that broadcast harmful qualities? warning coloration
Darwin was a _______________________________ Naturalist
Darwin's observations led him to develop the _____________ Theory of Evolution by Natural Selection
What do adaptations help organisms do? -cope with the climate -obtain food or water -find mates -help with reproduction -escape predators -disperse seeds
Heavy fur, thick fat layer, hollow bones, evergreen leaf shape are examples of which adaptation? coping with the climate
Spiders building webs, giraffe's long necks, sticky/upside down frog tongue, plant roots, large leaves, heron's long legs are examples of which adaptation? Obtain food and water
Coloration of feathers, bright colors of plants, smells used to attract deer, sounds used to attract mates are examples of which adaptation? finding a mate / reproduction
Rabbits' muscular legs for running, quills of a porcupine, rosebush thorns, skunk odor glands, bad taste of butterflies are examples of which adaptation? escaping predators
Burs with hooks to help transport seeds, maple wings on seeds, seeds encased with fruit are examples of which adaptation? Seed dispersal
Created by: mkTEACH
Popular Science sets



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