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What is weather the condition of Earth's atmosphere at a certain time and place
what is temperature a measure of the average kinetic energy particles
what is thermal energy total kinetic energy of particles
what is thermal expansion the increase in volume that results from an increase in temperature
what is heat energy that is transferred between objects that are at different temperatures
what is wind the movement of air caused by differences in air pressure
what is the Coriolis effect the apparent curving of the path of a moving object from an otherwise straight path due to the Earth's rotation
what is jetstream narrow belts of high-speed winds that blow from west to east between 7 km and 16 km above Earth's surface
what is local wind the movement of air over short distances
what is sea breeze a cool breeze coming off an ocean or lake during the day
what is land breeze air that flows from land to water during night
what is a mountain breeze uneven heating results in an area of lower pressure near the mountain tops
what is Valley Breeze pressure differences cause says Valley breezes
what are trade winds the rotation of Earth cause Trade Winds to curve West they relied on by Sailors to guide them
what are westerlies the rotation of Earth causes West relies to curve East and carry moist air over us producing rain and snow
what are polar easterlies cold sinking air moving from the poles toward 60 degrees north 60 degrees south they also carry cold Arctic air and produce so
what are doldrums when Trade Winds of both hemispheres and meet in a calm around the equator
what are horse latitudes at about 30 degrees latitude in both hemispheres are stops moving and sinks
what is evaporation when liquid changes into water vapor
what is condensation the change of state from a gas to a liquid
what is precipitation any form of water that falls to Earth from clouds
what is transpiration Stomato are tiny holes that are found in some plant surfaces this release of water vapor into the air by plants is called transpiration
what is runoff all of the water on land flows downhill because of gravity streams rivers and the water that flows over the land are types of runoff
what is humidity the amount of water vapor in the air
what is relative humidity the amount of water vapor in the air compared to the amount of water vapor needed to reach saturation
what is dew point the temperature at which more condensation that evaporation occurs
Created by: 340476
Popular Science sets




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