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Bocchino Grammar
Mrs. Bocchino's Grammar Test Dec. 3, 2021
Term | Definition |
Adjectives | describes a noun |
proper adjective | capitalized description of noun |
noun | names, people, place, thing, idea |
concrete nouns | nouns you can see/touch |
abstract nouns | nouns you cannot see/touch |
proper nouns | names specific people, places, things or ideas and are capitalized |
common noun | non-specific people, places, things, or ideas (not capitalized) |
demonstrative adjective | come before the noun they describe (ex.: this, that, these, those, ) |
pronouns | words that are used in place of nouns (ex: I, you, we, they) |
antecedent | the word or words the pronoun replaces (ex: John enjoys dances(antecedent) and goes to them (pronoun) often. |
personal pronous | Always agrees with an antecedent in number (he/she, her/them) |
indefinite pronouns | refer to non-specific persons or things (ex.: anyone/neither, anybody/no one) |
possessive pronouns | shows ownership and possession (ex.: her/hers, our/ours, their/theirs) |
Pronouns "I" and "Me" | when speaking about yourself, put yourself last |
True or False: Use "I" in the subject of the sentence | TRUE- I am coming, dear! |
True or False: Use "me" in the predicate of the sentence | TRUE--She is coming to me, dear! |
What does "who's" mean? | WHO'S is a CONTRACTION : who has |
What does "whose" mean? | WHOSE shows possession: "Whose book is this?" |
What does "their" mean? | THEIR shows possession. (ex.: That is THEIR book) |
What does "there" mean? | THERE is a place/an existence of something (ex.: Weber is over THERE, across the street) |
What does "they're mean? | THEY'RE is a contraction meaning "they are" |
What does "then" mean? | THEN = TIME (ex.: I went to the store, THEN I went home) |
What does "than" mean? | THAN = COMPARISON (ex.: I like chocolate more THAN vanilla) |
How many types of sentences are there? | There are four types of sentences |
What does "subject" mean? | SUBJECT is who/what the sentence is about (noun/pronoun) |
What does "predicate" mean? | PREDICATE is the action/what the subject is doing (verb) |
What is a "complete subject?" | Simple subject is all of the words that tell whom or what a sentence discusses |
What is a "complete predicate?" | Complete predicate is the verb plus any other words that tell more about it. It can be one word or more than one word |
What is a DECLARATIVE sentence? | A declarative sentence makes a statement: Clifford is a red dog. |
What is an INTERROGATIVE sentence? | An interrogative sentence asks a question: Is Clifford a red dog? |
What is an EXLAMATORY sentence? | An exclamatory sentence expresses emotion: I already told you that Clifford is a red dog! |
What is an IMPERATIVE sentence? | An imperative sentence gives a command: Stop asking me about Clifford. |