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Patho Exam 1

The eight cellular functions/ Cellular Injury

1. Movement not every cell (some rbcs and muscle, mass, monocytes
2. conductivity- heart, nerve
3. metabolic absorption - all cells
4. secretion- - mucous cells, endocrine, waste-carbon dioxide
5. excretion- (blank)
6. respiration -taking oxygen in to change glucose to ATP
7. reproduction- skin, mucous, GI tract, cancer cells (nerve and heart cells do not reproduce)
8. communication- essential to cell function
fracture a bone an be completely or incompletly fractured
closed fracture leaves the skin intact
open fracture has skin overlying the bone
incomplete fracture that occur in children greenstick, torus and bowing
subluxation partial loss of contact between two bonenes. This is only partial oss
dislocation complete loss of contact between the surfaces of two bones
Tendon Tears strains
ligament tears sprains
avulusion complete seperation of a tendon or liogament from its attachment
osteomyelitis boneinfection caused by bacteria
symptoms of osteomylitis vague fever, malaise, anorexia, pain
Osteoporosis usually starts with osteopenia, the density or bone mass is reduced because bone remodeling cycle is disrupted
what kind of disorder is osteoporosis metabolic
Pagets Disease execessive bone break down, abnormal bone remnodeling occurs
Osteomalacia inadequate bone mineralization
What type of disorder is osteomalecia metabolic
Osteoarthritis noninflammatory joint disease, degeneration and loss of articulular cartilage, sclerosis of underlying bone and formation of bone spurs (osteophytes)
Rheumatoid Arthritis inflammatory joint disease charactorized by inflammatory distruction of synovial membrane, articular cartilage, joint capsul, and surrounding ligaments and tendons
What is the cause of osteoartritis it is idiopathic
Signs of Rhematoid Arthritis fever, weakness, anorexia, wieght loss and generalized aching and stiffing
What is the most common type of MS Duchenne muscular dystrophy
Muscular Dystrophy group of genetically transmitted diseases charactorized by progressive atrophy of skeletal muscles
why is endogenous osteomylitis so hard to cure 1. Bones contain multiple microscopic fractures 2. Circulation of bone is highly vulnerable to damage and dystruction by bacteria 3. Bone cells have a limited capacity to replace bones destryed by infection
What is the usual cause of Ostoemylitis Staphylococcus aureus
which cells cannot reproduce nerve and heart cells
Created by: ngemini0681
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